To Churches Reconstruction, Revival & Development ( CRRD ) Trust
To Bring Glory To God
Of India, An Interdenominational & Global Ministry
Executive Director & Founder
CRRD_brochure_Dr_Vuchula_Satyanandam (1)
CRRD’ s Vision is to expand all over the world through mutual help and co-operation of the friends and prayer partners. CRRD also has a vison to provide free medical services through it’s health clinics and training. CRRD is also seeking professional involvement with agricultural and medical services that will provide help to poor and needy in nations.
CRRD’s goal is to also REVIVE the members of the churches and to go into the un-reached areas of nations with the Gospel of Christ Yeshua to spread the Kingdom of God among His People and others to bring Glory to God
“….Let us rise up and build.” Neh. 2:18.
1. Prayer: – Collecting the details of the churches and their condition in order to pray earnestly about the churches problems and needs, raising prayer partners to organize prayer cells to support the churches with prayer to pull down the strong holds of satanic forces.
2. Reconstruction: – Creating awareness among churches to reform their spiritual aspects organizational structures and to help them rebuild or improve the conditions of their church buildings or properties.
3. Witness: – Helping the churches to be a powerful witness in the world by carrying His cross, bearing shame and suffering for the Gospel, and to help them reflect the light of Christ’s character, His compassion and holiness.
4. Revival: – To bring spiritual awakening to the churches so that they review their regular programs and to give new life to the activities that are ceasing, by prayer and evangelical activities.
5. Missions: – Creating missionary zeal among churches by giving them an exposure to understand the people and places and to help them to involve in reaching un-reached people by prayer, finance and personnel.
6. Development: – Improving the spiritual, social and financial standards in the families of the churches through community developmental activities with mutual help and cooperation.
7. Training: – Training the church members, youth and children through Camps, Retreats, Seminars, Conferences, Mass conventions or campaigns, indoor and public meetings and by running training institutes and colleges etc. to build up their faith in Christ Jesus on Biblical foundation to be faithful to God and to His word for the future leadership in the churches and community.
Please Pray and Participate in Reviving the Churches Spiritual & Physical Conditions.
Yours in His Service,
Dr.V.Satyanandam, G2 Sandoz House, D.No.67-11-18; Sriram Towers,
Darsipeta, Patamata, Vijayawada, 520010, A.P. India. Mobile: 91-9490455519. Land line: +91-866-2483541. crrd.ind
CRRD is located in Krishna Andhra Pradesh, India
Contact Information Includes
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