Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Light & Love Broadcast Show, Live With Pastor Deborah






Hello and Welcome To The Light and Love Broadcast Show, Live With Pastor Deborah




Please Join With Pastor Deborah, Live Through Restream On The 1st Friday & 3nd Friday of Each Month beginning at 10 a.m Central Standard Time in America for a New Live Broadcast Show of Light & Love.  The Live Stream Video Is at the end of the Information about it’s Broadcast Times and Topics.  Scroll down to watch Pastor Deborah Teach Live to you and you may Chat Live to her during the Broadcast Show.  



The 1st Friday of each month will be a Live Broadcast Show on Light and It’s Many Meanings and How Light Is So Important to us as a 3 Part Being of Spirit, Soul & Physical Body





Then on the 3nd Friday of each month, beginning at 10 am Central Standard Time, The Live Broadcast Show on Love and It’s Many Meanings and How Love is Vital to all of Humanity at all levels of our being of Spirit, Soul and Physical Body will be streamed live here on the web site just below.







The Board of Directors and Pastor Deborah wish to say Thank you for watching The Light & Love Broadcast Show, Live with Pastor Deborah here on the web site.

Please come again, and Watch, Chat Live with Pastor Deborah and Learn more about Light & Love.

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