Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Jermaine J. Williams, Substance Abuse Survivor & Mental Health Advocate

Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Ministry Is Honored To

Mr. Jermaine J. Williams

A Substance Abuse Survivor and Mental Health Advocate

In a society full of tragedy, fear and ruthlessness, now more than ever the world needs a SHINNING LIGHT, a SHIMMER OF HOPE to ENCOURAGE, UPLIFT and EMPOWER.


Jermaine J. Williams Is A


A Recording Artist 




Published Author




Public Speaker




Radio Host Program Assistant Director

Jermaine J. Williams


Hear From Jermain From His Own Words Of His Life and How He HAD TO CHANGE

Taken From His Book

” How The Mighty Have Fallen” was a phrase I once heard but never quite understood, until that very moment….  as I sat solemnly beside my brother’s hospital bed,

I looked around at the tubes going in and out of his body and at the machines that were keeping him alive.  I wondered how we’d gotten to this point.  How at one moment we were experiencing our greates high and no facing what was undoubtly our lowest, low.  I fought to control the millions of emotions running through my mind and to be the strong older brother – but it was pointless.  All I could hear were the stern words of my father, reminding me that I was my BROTHER’S KEEPER.  I realised I had FAILED him.  I always knew my brother’s lifeless hand, I realized I had FAILED him.

I always knew MY BROTHER was special.  Everything be attempted he excelled in.  He was wittier, more outgoing and by far, stronger and more athletic than I had been. Yet we embraced our positions and always had a mutual love and admiration for one another.  He was a modern day superman.

Now laying motionless, the doctors advised us they had done all they could do.  My brother, the invincible one, would be removed from life support.

Raised MUSLIM all my life, I had come to know CHRIST  as my Savior after we moved from SYRIA to America.  I couldn’t help but secretly wonder if this was some new covert test; or worse, Allah showing his disapproval of me.  Maybe this was his punishment, for turning my back on the RELIGION, I’d known for so long.

Kicked out of my house in high school, estranged from my parents and now responsible for a family of my own, I wondered just how much more trying life could be.

But I made a VOW!  To Serve The Lord, following whatever PATH he would lead me down and to trust that He would never put more on me, than I could bare.  I had no idea then, that was only the beginning.  Sometimes situations only get better, after they’ve been at their absolute worst.

I would have to learn this lesson the hard way.  Hmph.  Surely, it couldn’t get any worse than watching my brother be removed from life support or could it?

The Christian in me can’t say what I want to, but what I will say is:  

Things were about to get REAL!  This was only the beginning of the battle with 




Watch the Video of Jermaine’s Story


Jermaine Life Took A Wonderful Turn and He Began Rapping For Jesus 



Jermaine Became A Free Man Who Took The Stage and Would Rap About His New Life and It’s King, Jesus


Freedom Had Come

To A Heart and Spirit That Had Seen It’s Days In Darkness of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues

Now Jermaine Would Become An Advocate For Mental Health Issues

Jermaine’s Voice and Talents Would Now Be Used For His Savior and His Love Of His Heart

Jermaine Now Had A Found His Purpose, To Tell Others The Good News Of His Life That Was Turned Around and Now Was a Shinning Light of Agape Love, Joy and Hope For Others


Freedom Had Come For Jermaine and A Heart Was Set Free and Became Thankful 


Once Again, Agape Love, Love Is Here Is Honored and Pleased To Welcome 

Jermaine J. Williams

As A Resource, Partner and Allie of

The Voice of Freedom, Agape Love, Joy, Hope and Life

To all the World of Humanity.

Jermaine Is Also on Youtube





Jermaine can be found on Facebook at



Jermaine can also be found on LinkedIn at



Jermaine can also be found at His Web site at



Jermaine’s can be reached at his email at

[email protected]\\

Once Again, Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Ministry Is Honored and Pleased To

Jermaine J. Williams

As A Global Voice, A Resource and Partner of Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Ministry

of Shinning Out Agape Love, Hope and Life

to all humanity who live in the Kingdom of Darkness of Ignorance to The Source of Agape Love, Hope and Healing – A Loving Heavenly Father Who Has Loved Them For Ever and Has The Power To Heal The Brokenness of Their Lives and To Restore Them Into Their True Purposes Of Bringing The Good News Of A New Life To All.












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