Monday, February 10, 2025

Ashley Easter – Speaker/TV Director/Abuse Victim Advocate




Speaker, TV Director/Abuse Victim Advocate



As A Wonderful Resource for Survivors of Abuse

Ashley Easter is a Writer, Speaker, Abuse – Victim Advocate, and Christian Feminist who Educates the Church and Secular communities on Abuse.  Ashely founded

The Courage Conference

 a judgment –  free place for survivors of abuse and for those who love them, and to  gather and hear inspiring stories from other survivors and advocates about moving forward in boldness and healing.



Ashley believes whether one is walking in freedom or are seeking it, Ashley is glad that you will visit her web site at


Ashley is also on Facebook at

and on Twitter at

and on Linked In at


and on The International Radio Show of 

The National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse


As A Guest Radio Host/Speaker on Abuse with Rachel Grant

(SCAN) – 2310

Special guests Rachel Grant & Ashley Easter

8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight’s special guest is Rachel Grant from San Francisco, California, a child abuse survivor and returning NAASCA family member. Rachel is a counselor and Sexual Abuse and Trauma Recovery Coach at Rachel Grant Coaching. Abused as a child by her grandfather, Rachel provides a compassionate and challenging approach for her clients, using coaching to help survivors of childhood sexual abuse let go of the pain of abuse and finally feel normal. As Rachel says, “What you think, you create!” She brings a passionate belief that her clients do not have to remain trapped or confronted daily by the thoughts or behaviors that result from abuse. Her program, Beyond Surviving, has been designed to change the way we think about and heal from abuse. Rachel writes, “The Beyond Surviving program is based on what I have learned through my own journey of recovery from sexual abuse, my study of neuroscience, and my training in counseling psychology. We use my guidebook, Beyond Surviving: The Final Stage in Recovery from Sexual Abuse as the roadmap for our work.” Rachel is joined tonight by Ashley Easter. The two are co-creating a women’s retreat called Emerge, which will be happening in February. They explain, “The retreat is open to all women and is focused on unleashing your empowered self, whether or not you’ve experienced abuse. It’s a great opportunity to receive empowering coaching from experienced coaches, practical tools they can take home with them to better their lives, and much-needed self-care and sisterhood time.”



Ashley’s philosophy is 

Let’s learn how to live in Love and Liberation, Together


Is A Blogger


Journey with me as I discuss equality, healing from abuse and navigating an evolving faith perspective.


Is a Coach

Group Empowerment Coaching for Survivors and Advocates


Is a Teacher

Enroll in Classes For Free

Dissolving Toxic Mindsets

5 Lies Abusers Tell and the Healing Truth That Can Set You Free

There’s nothing more painful than knowing you were born for more but feeling so overwhelmed by the impact of abuse that you aren’t sure if you can even get out of bed.

I have tried therapy, life-coaching, medications, and more.

All of these tools are valuable and I learned a lot (and, I recommend them!) but all of them pointed me to this one thing:

When we identify and dissolve the lies abusers tell us, they start to lose their control over us. Replacing the lies with truth opens the door for healing!


Is a Speaker and Published Author



Ashley Easter has been featured in The Washington Post, Marie Claire Magazine, The Star Telegram, The Huffington Post, CBN News, The New York Times, Slate, Fox News Online, The New Yorker, and several other media outlets.

Videos & Podcasts

Online & Print Articles











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Ashley Easter and Family

Agape Love, Love Is Here Global Ministry

Is Honored To Have Ashley Easter and Her Wonderful Ministry as A Voice of Hope and Agape Love To So Many who Need a Voice and A Hand Of Hope. Welcome to The Global Ministry of Agape Love as a Resource To Help People With Love and Hope.

Continue to Speak and Let The Shinning Lights of Agape Love and Hope to Shine Out of You and Your Ministry and Into the World of Spiritual Hearts and Souls of Humanity.



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