Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dear Lovely Universe, Kaelin Vu, Blogger, Podcaster, Body Care Products




Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Ministry 

of Helping People

Is Pleased and Honored To Welcome 

Kaelin Vu

And Her Ministry of Helping People Through Blogging, Podcasting, Body Care, Web Caming, And as A Teacher Through Her Website, Her Podcasts, Her Instagrams, Her Youtube Channel, Her Facebook Page and Her Linkedin Connections.

Kaelin believes in helping  people to transform themselves into the best version of themselves


Hear Kaelin in her own words

I feel very strongly that I have an enormous purpose here to help raise the collective consciousness of Planet Earth. Let’s put it this way – I have been through a hell of a lot of challenges thus far on my time here. I’m taking my experiences and knowledge to share with others so that they can not make the same decisions as I had, learn from those who might have gone through something they hadn’t, or just inspire others to live again.


There are so many friends, brothers, and sisters around us who are suffering. That is why I do what I do. Let’s collectively bring an end to it! Life is beautiful and a gift and it would be only wise to see it as such.

Thank you for your support.




Hello, And It Is So Nice To Me You




Dear Lovely Universe and Kaelin

Can Be Found on The Following Social Media Sites

The Web Site at


On Twitter at


On YouTube at


None of the videos are the intellectual property of Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Ministry, but are streamed from Youtube


Substance Abuse: My Story And Advice That May Change Your Life


Learn How To Make Your Life Meaningful Through Personal Mental And Physical Development


How To Rise Above Any Situation


How To Keep Going Even When You Don’t Feel Like It


How The Worst Moments Of Our Lives Shape Us Into Who We Are




On Linked In at



On Instagram at


On Pinerest at



Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Ministry Welcomes Kaelin


Kaelin Vu email is 

[email protected]

She lives in Southern California, United States of America



For All You Do To Help People To Love Themselves and To Love Others.

Love Pastor Deborah







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