Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Hope’s House Kenya, with Pastor Peter Kuyuni and Elizabeth Paige of Kitale, Kenya


To The Newest Partner and Allie of Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Ministry

 of Bringing Love and Hope Around the world to others


Hope’s House Kenya




Phone:     +254726131747      E-mail: [email protected]

Pastor Peter Kuyuni

Bringing hope through the Love of God to the orphans and oppressed in Kitale, Kenya, Africa

Pastor Peter’s Linked In Profile



God called me out of sins while 17 years old. This was 1995 after my primary school level. Actually, I was brought up by a single parent, mother. We had nothing to survive upon to our living, except making alcohol. This was the environment which I was used to. Though my mother double dealt for both religion ( Catholic) and alcohol making, there was no change in our living. I developed bad behaviors, smoking bang, drinking alcohol, fighting, and stealing. It was when my colleagues had been caught and sentenced in prison, I only told God, “If God you will turn around my case, and deliver me out of this chains, then I will not backslide, I will serve for ever.” I was the one remaining thief to face the jail. But God heard my prayer, He changed every situation and my name was not mentioned among the thieves. I decided to fulfill as my vow had been with God. I joined Glory church in our village, which was the only Pentecostal church in our village. This was the turning point to my salvation.
Contact: [email protected]



Ministries Include


1.  Salvation to Nations Gospel



           2.  Hope House Foundation, Kenya

Through the help of Sister Elizabeth Paige, I registered a non- profit organization through Kenyan government, its name is, HOPE HOUSE FOUNDATION KENYA, this deals with general humanitarian aid.
1) To care orphans and street children.
2) To care widows and elderly
3) To eradicate poverty in the society
4) To campaign peace and reconciliation
5) To be sensitive to the plight of less fortunate people, etc for more information visit our site:

3.  Hope House Kenya Children’s Home

This is the organization used to support old orphans, for more information visit the website below
Glory to God!!
Our dear Christian family, neighbor and friend to Sister Elizabeth Paige, DOUGLAS AND DEANNA ZOOK accepted to buy land and build the children’s home that care’s orphans aged below ten years; for more information visit the site at:



4.  Hope & Light Academy


We have seen God doing great things. With the help of Sister Elizabeth Paige, her family, Connie, Becky,Dan, Rosemary, Dianna, Marcy, Nina, Pagano, Latoya, Jeannette, Marcy, Carolyn, and many others, we managed to buy a land and build a school called Hope and light academy.
1) To generate income we have pupils who pay school fees.
2) Help orphans to get basic need, Education.
3) Act as a center to preach the Gospel of Jesus.



Elizabeth Paige,  A Hand of Hope and Love To Others



Hope’s House was started when Pastor Kuyuni, a pastor of three congregations in Kenya, and his lovely wife, Cppline, who was an orphan herself, had the heart to take in 24 orphans, because the need in their area is so great, and there was no one else to show them the tangible love of Christ.

Christian author, Elizabeth Paige, in the United States, was impressed by the Holy Spirit to “DO SOMETHING!” So, together, she and her husband, with In His Hands International Ministries, and Pastor Kuyuni and his wife, with Salvation to Nations Ministries, formed Hope House Foundation Kenya, a certified NGO, registered in Nairobi, Kenya to care for the orphans and oppressed in this region.

Today, people from around the globe are hearing the message of these precious children, orphaned by HIV/AIDS, poverty, prostitution, neglect, abuse, and political violence; and the pastor who lives on less than a dollar a day, who was willing to take them in and give them hope; and responding to God’s call to care for the orphans in their distress.

Only by the power of the love of God has this been possible. Now, Hope’s House Kenya is caring for 28 orphans, has built a school, an orphanage, has clean water and sanitation and loving staff to care for and teach the children–all through the power of LOVE.

It started with one person seeing a need and doing something about it–even though they didn’t know how it would work–and letting God do the rest.

In Luke 10:37, Jesus told a parable of how easy it is to turn a blind eye to someone in need, but how blessed the person truly is who shows another the love of God, simply by helping a fellow person in need.

Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

Just like the priest and the Levite, we are busy and have many other concerns in life, and the poverty and plight of these children is not our fault, but to know their need and neglect it is not very loving either. They are our neighbors. They are God’s children. They are our brothers and sisters.

In another parable, in Matthew 25:40, Jesus said, “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.'” It certainly is more blessed to give than receive.

Unfortunately, there will always be a need for our ministry. There will always be more children that need to be loved and set free from a hopeless life on the streets or in prostitution. There will always be hungry bellies to fill, tender minds that need wisdom, and broken hearts that need healing.

Just because we can’t do everything doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do anything.

Together, we can change lives for eternity, as well as future generations, and bring hope to the hopeless in a tangible way–one child at a time. One can put a thousand to flight and two, ten thousand…Will you join us?


Pastor Peter

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Agape Love, Love Is Here is Very Honored to Have Pastor Peter and Elizabeth and Hope House as Partners of Helping Others With Love and Hope.


Love Pastor Deborah

Agape Love, Love Is Here

A Global Teaching and Personal Ministry




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