Monday, October 21, 2024

Mental Health Partners and Allies of Agape Love






Hello and Welcome, This Is Pastor Deborah and This Is The Introduction To The Mental Health and The Forever Person’s Partnership and Allie Page of Agape Love, Love Is Here.

Agape Love, Love Is Here is a Global Teaching Ministry That Brings Light, Hope and Healing to those who have been SUFFERING with a Mental Health Illness, Disorder, Trauma, Post Trauma Effects of Abuse, and Chronic Mental Health Sickness that has deeply embedded Itself into the physical body, the soul and The Forever Person and will not give up it’s captivity and slavery of the 3 part system of it’s victim.


Becoming a Partner and Allie of Agape Love, Love Is Here, Pastor Deborah is always Honored to Join Hearts and Voices of Others from the Mental Health Community around the world.  Agape Love, Love Is Here Is always reaching out into the vastness of the sea of humanity to those who desire to Join with the Voice of Agape Love and Bring It’s Message of Healing and Hope to the 3 – part system of 

The Physical Body

The Soul with It’s Two Levels of Consciousness

The Forever Person, The Hidden One of The Realm of The Spirit



Each Partner, Allie has looked over the Web Site of Agape Love, Love Is Here, The Youtube Channel – The Hidden Kingdoms, Looked at Pastor Deborah’s Bio and Credentials and are aware that Pastor Deborah is A Voice of Healing For The Entire 3 Part System of a Human, including the Hidden One, The Forever Person of The Spirit.

They Have Looked Into the Treasure Chest of Ancient Words of Spiritual Revelation and Seen the Glory That Is Available to all from out of the Realm of Healing, Light, Hope, Love and Freedom.

All Partners become aware of Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global and International Teaching and Personal Ministry that It can provide.  Agape Love and Pastor Deborah are not limited by any Border or Boundaries to Provide Words of Healing, Education and Freedom.



Agape Love, Love Is Here and It’s Partners and Allies Will Travel as One Voice and One Spirit of Agape Love into the Darkness of Mental Health and It’s Prisons of Fear, Loneliness, Hiding, Torment and even into the Dreams of The Dark Visions of The Night of Torment and Attacks.


Agape Love and It’s Partners Will Travel Deep Into The Darkness and Reach the Hearts and Minds of Precious Ones, Locked Behind Closed Doors Hiding in Deep Places of their Hearts


Agape Love and It’s Partners will Reach Out Into the Realm of The Forever Person and Wrap It’s Loving and Gentle Arms of Comfort, Love and Help to the Fearful and Wounded Hearts of Humanity



Agape Love, Love Is Here will Travel on The Wings of Hope and Love To reach deep into the Hearts and Minds of The Hidden Person of The soul and bring Peace and Silence to the War within and to push back the unseen attackers of humanity


The Eyes of Agape Love Will Find All That Are Hiding To Be Safe, Lost in The Cold Darkness of The Emptiness of Their Heart of The Forever Person and sit down with them and comfort them, Protect them as they recover and are healed from great fear and abuse and all the creatures and storms of that realm.


Agape Love Will Travel to The Darkest Prisons of The Mind of The Soul and The Realm of The Forever Person and open the Prison Doors and Help them out to Breathe the Free Air of Agape Love and Freedom.  Then Agape Love and It’s Partners will walk with them for all of time, always being there for them as Shepherds and Parents, Loving and Protecting, Encouraging and Guiding, Teaching and Loving Unconditionally.



Agape Love, Love Is Here and It’s Partners and Allies Bring A Voice of Love and Hope, of Healing and Restoration to the Broken and Wounded Heart of the Soul and The Forever Person. Agape Love Is able to Shine It’s Rays of Love and Healing into the Darkest Places.


Agape Love, Love Is Here and It’s Partners Are Beacons and Hands of Agape Love Shinning It’s Eternal Rays of Healing and Love to All.


The following Video is one Pastor Deborah wrote and created as a Featured Article for The National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse and gives an historical overview of Mental Health and Humanity and The Role of The Realm of The Spirit in the Lives of humanity.




The next video is the Introduction To The Mental Health and The Forever Person’s Teaching that will be on Podcast Platforms and on Agape Love, Love Is Here’s YouTube Channel, The Hidden Kingdoms – under the Playlist of Mental Health and The Forever Person




Each Partner and Allie of Agape Love, Love Is Here and Pasor Deborah has watched the Videos of Agape Love and Pastor and Have Found a Connection With the Message and Voice of Agape Love and It’s Role with Mental Health and Healing


The Following Web Cam Teaching that all potential Partners and Allies are encouraged to watch and listen to It’s Message and Pastor Deborah as She Teaching on 

Mental Health And The Forever Person,

The Hidden One and Healing

Part 1, Episode 1


Mental Health and The Forever Person will have many other web cam Videos that will be turned into Podcasts and Broadcast out through the Mental Health Radio Network as It’s Own Podcast show of Teaching.

Also, Many other Videos on the YouTube Channel are there dealing with many different topics of Mental Health, Spiritual Care, Healing, Children, Human And Sexual Trafficking, Many Stories on The Web Site deal with the life of very severe satanic ritual abuse victims and how Agape Love healed and mended their broken hearts of The Forever Person

If you the reader are a Mental Health Professional and Desire to Partner and become an allay with Pastor Deborah and Agape Love, Love Is Here, you are welcome. The Voice of Agape Love and It’s Voice of Healing Needs all to be speaking it out into the Darkness of Humanity.


Love Pastor Deborah

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