Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Peace & Co-Operative Society of Nepal & My Body Is My Body ( Child Abuse Prevention )




A Partner Of Agape Love, Love Is Here, Helping People Around The World

Peace & Co -Operative Society of Nepal



Country in South Asia

Nepal, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked country in South Asia. It is located mainly in the Himalayas, but also includes parts of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. With an estimated population of 26.4 million, it is 48th largest country by population and 93rd largest country by area. It borders China in the north and India in the south, east, and west while Bangladesh is located within only 27 km of its southeastern tip and Bhutan is separated from it by the Indian state of Sikkim. Nepal has a diverse geography, including fertile plains, subalpine forested hills, and eight of the world’s ten tallest mountains, including Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth. Kathmandu is the nation’s capital and largest city. Nepal is a multiethnic nation with Nepali as the official language.  See more at Wikipedia  at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nepal


Ambassador, Mrs. Kula Devi Dhungana




email:  [email protected]

LinkedIn Connection at


Serving The Women, Youth and Children of Nepal

Working With Adolescents, Sexual Reproductive Health Education, HIV/AIDS Prevention In Women ‘s Health

Peace & Co-operative Society Nepal 
 We Believe Peace is Possible


A-1. Project Title:

Raising economic standard of women through imparting vocational skills.

A-2. Geographic area of project:

Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Sindhupalchowk, Dhading, Nuwakot, Kavrepalanchowk, Rasuwa, Gorkha

A-3. Project holder:

Peace & Co-operative Society Nepal (Mrs. Kuladevi Dhungana).

A-4. Implementing organization:

Peace & Co-operative Society Nepal ( PECS-Nepal)

A-5. Amount request:

NPR: 1,639,200.00/- $ Usd : 14253.90/-

A-6. Project duration:

12 months

A-7. Contact person for question:

Mr. Baburam Dhungana (General Secretary)

A-8. PECS-Nepal History:

Peace & Co-operative Society Nepal (PECS-Nepal) is a Community Based Organization inaugurated in 2017. It is a volunteer, non-profit making and non –governmental organization. It aims to assist the child, youth and women through education, development and empowerment.

PECS-Nepal is committed to uplift the oppressed and disadvantage persons through imparting skills and
education. PECS-Nepal is striving for community who are deprived from their fundamental rights as well as
suffering from illiteracy, lack of skills, and lack of job opportunities and living in poverty.

This year we plan to launch a project that will focus on imparting vocational skills of beautician, dress making and cooking. This will benefit up to 150 women and girls with the age group of 19 to 40.


B-1. Problems of women & girls to be addressed in the project:

Women and girls of the above mentioned areas have a deep understanding of their role in their families yet
they suffer from insecurity and lack of purpose. They are blessed with capacities to play a positive role in their
families but unfortunately their desires do not cross the boundary wall of their homes which serve as their
comfort zones.

In the past years many women have been able to come out these comfort zones. They have started going out
in search of jobs and they are doing good in the field of education but there is still much more that they are
capable of.

After analyzing this situation in the society, PECS-Nepal has realized that there is a large numbers of women
who are waiting to be told how much they could contribute to the betterment of the society and their
families. They lack motivation to come forward and take the lead.

One way of improving their situation is if they know a skill which would earn them handsome amount of
money they would feel important and appreciated. The cost of living the life is increasing tremendously in
Nepal. It is becoming very difficult to make ends meet for a person who is either illiterate or less educated.

The government provides most of the benefits to those who have government jobs. Many educated people
are either jobless or have a job which doesn’t cover their expenditures. In such a pathetic economic downfall
what good can be expected from women and girls who are afraid to take a step forward and cease the
opportunities lying at the door step?

There was a time when women were not allowed to go out for work now the mentality has improved and men
have realized that women also will have to contribute to meet the survival needs but they are left with a
question; what would they do earn a living? There are many women who go to work in factories or as house
maids. They have hard time to earn a living and many do not want to carry on these jobs for various reasons.
Therefore they need to have vocational skills to earn a respectable living.

B2. Changes at the end of project duration in the life of the beneficiaries & their communities (outcomes):

In our experience we have discovered that working and earning women have a better chance of having a say
in the family matters. One of the outcomes of this project would be that women and girls will be more
respected, it is not that those women who do not work or earn are treated as if they have nothing to
contribute to the betterment of the family. It is that women who go out bring with them their experience of
world beyond their four walls.

They would develop a sense of being needed and worthy. They will evolve a feeling of being noticed.
Sometimes male members of the family take the female members for granted. They are mostly ignored for
many things for which they should actually be credit. When they will contribute to the economy of the
household they will be discerned. They will come to understand how much important they are for the families
and they are not just there to up bring kids and do only wifely duties. They shall have a sense of purpose in life
through which they would be able to contribute to the fulfillment of the survival needs of their families.

B3. Changes in gender relations in a long-term perspective:

Our society is becoming tolerant slowly and there has been a positive advancement in the attitude toward
women. They are allowed to go out for work and education and they are doing really nice we would like to
take this attitude to one step further. Skilled women will have a better chance to contribute to family

B4. Project approach and strategy:

We are planning to conduct 3 vocational courses namely beautician, dress making and cooking. There will be regular classes from Monday to Friday, 15 hours per course in every week.

We shall give them a session during each course on how they could start their own business and how they could be successful on their job places.

We are planning to contact some local banks and financial institutions who would provide them with small amounts as loan to start their own beauty parlor or dress making business.


C1. Location of the project

Kathmandu,Lalitpur,Bhaktapur,Sindhupalchowk,Dhading,Nuwakot,Kavrepalanchowk,Rasuwa,Gorkha.  These areas are attached to one another. PECS-Nepal is situated in Lalitpur and therefore women and girls
will find it easy enough to reach for the trainings.

These areas are sub-urban and are influenced by the life style of the city Kathmandu. Women and girls want to
learn and work like the big city females. Many have the permission and other need motivation to come out
from the houses and learn the skills which could change their lives.

PECS-Nepal has been active in these areas for many months now and we know the needs of the community.
Women and girls from these areas will make a positive change in the lives of their families if they contribute to
raise the economic standard of their families through their skills.

C2. Approximate numbers & main Characteristics:

There will be 30 students in beautician course, 30 students in dress making course and 15 in cooking course
for 6 months course (4 months classes and 2 months internship). There will be another 6 months course (4
months course and 2 months internship) for the same number of students in the same trades. There will be 2
courses in 12 months and there will 150 beneficiaries in total. At the end of the internship they will hopefully
be on job. The age group of women and girls directly benefitting from the project activities will range from 19
to 40.

Most of these women and girls have small education background which means that they have middle to
metric grade education but there are few who do not know how to read or write. We have experienced that
they have capacity and will to do something with their lives and they want to make an impact on their family
situations. They wish to contribute to raise the economic standard of their families and they want to share the
burden of the male earning members of their families.

C3. Image of a “real women”:

We have been working in these areas for many months now and the image of women has been changing from
various angles in different phases. There was a time when women were oppressed and considered a lesser
creation compared to men.

Now times have changed and with the times the image of woman has also developed. There is an air of
understanding between men and women. Men trust the female members of their families in a positive
manner. They allow women to come forward and help them in many ways possible.

There some times happen cases where women are not treated well or become victims of violence but overall
there has been a lot of work taking place regarding women rights and gender equality. The women and girls of
these areas will benefit a lot from this project and men will support them.

Women wish to help the male members of their families; they are enthusiastic to learn the trades. When they
stay at home and do not actively participate in raising the economic standard they feel depressed and less
valued. When they will be given a chance to avail this opportunity they will benefit from it immensely.


D1. Need Assessment:

PECS-Nepal has been working in these areas for many months now, we have a visiting team active in
these areas they collect information from these areas, in this way we come to know how we could
work for community building. We have approached by women and girls who are interested to learn
some kind of trade. PECS-Nepal has been arranging various activities and people know that we can
arrange some activities which would help them advance in their lives.

D2. Important Change Agents:

The important change agents are the following:

o Convincing some male members to allow their women and girls to join the courses
o Providing the beneficiaries with talented staff to carry on the courses

o Providing the beneficiaries with opportunities to start their own business

o Making sure that they would use their skills to attain the required goals

D3. Achievements for women/girls:

We have planned to send the girls for 2 months of internship during which they will learn how to work in the
field. In our experience and with our references most of these beneficiaries will be hired for jobs right after
they finish their internship.

We shall keep the rest in constant touch with PECS-Nepal for job placement. Some of these will be given basic tools and machinery to start their work at home.


S. No Outcomes/Indications for success    Activities           1- Beneficiaries will come to know their true  Beautician Course            Training for 4 months         capacity to make a positive change in their             Internship for 2 months        lives.              Outcome 1:        Imparting basic knowledge about the trade      2- They will gain confidence to work in field.               Imparting advanced knowledge about the trade       3- They will develop a sense of purpose in            Teaching to make use of the trade professionally       life that benefits them economically.            Teaching to make the skill a profession                     1- Beneficiaries will learn how important a   Dress Making Course         skillful person is in the society.    Training for 4 months        Outcome

l grow in confidence to work in Preparation for job interview  the field. Sharing on how to start one’s own business  4. They will come to know how to run a Discussion on how to adjust on a work place  business. Analysis on how to make one’s profession main     priority in life  1- Beneficiaries will develop a sense of Career Development Session 2
Activity for analyzing job opportunities  certainty in life through their jobs.  2. They will be able to plan their life in a  Talk on career development

Outcome 5:
direction. Preparation for job interview 3. They will learn the joy of being a Sharing on how to start one’s own business   professional Discussion on how to adjust on a work place  4- They will learn the ups and downs on a Analysis on how to make one’s profession main    work place. priority in life


E1. Monitoring Actives:

PECS-Nepal has been taking the monitoring of its projects with utmost seriousness therefore we organize
monthly evaluation meetings with the persons involved in the project activities under the supervision of the
director and the project coordinator. These meetings will be on record and the secretary will take notes on
the discussions.

E2. Evaluation of the Project.

In order to evaluate the project we would arrange monthly meetings with the beneficiaries and the people
who would be involved directly in carrying out the project. There will be house visits to the beneficiaries and
at their work places in order to get the clear sight of their progress. There will be sessions held where
beneficiaries will have freedom to share their views on the progress of the project.

E3. Intended Outcomes:

There will be monthly meetings and visits to the work places of the beneficiaries to measure the expected
outcomes. There will be gatherings held for the beneficiaries from time to time to come if they have any
problems or challenges. They observation team will see that the trainings are carried out well and in order.
There will be record keeping to put every observation in record.

E4. Intended long-term impact:

PECS-Nepal will be welcoming for all those women and girls who would take part in the project at all times.
We have a team visiting these areas on regular basis and we shall come to know about the latest status of the
beneficiaries constantly. We arrange get together for women and girls who have been a part of PECS-Nepal
ventures and these beneficiaries will also be called to these meetings in future that is also where we would
come to know about their conditions.

The knowledge gained from all the monitoring and evaluations will be very precious. It will be made certain
that beneficiaries will not lose contact will PECS-Nepal. We shall study their progress keenly both during the
training and on the field.

We shall guide them accordingly, each individual will be important to us because this will enhance our
experience will be beneficiaries. In our monthly meetings and even after the project will be ended we shall
evaluate how we approached this project and notify how we dealt with the situations and look for room for
any further improvements.


Facebook at www.facebook.com/pecsnepal


My Body Is My Body Program

Mrs. Kula Devi Dhungana, Ambassador at My Body Is My Body Program, Nepal, An International  Child Abuse Prevention Program 




My Body Is My Body Logo- no Background.p






The “My Body Is My BodyProgram was born out of the “Kimberley Project”– here is the story of how it all started.

On June 8th 1986 in a section of London, England, the life of Kimberley Carlisle aged 4 ended. She weighed 24 pounds, her body was crushed in many places, there were cigarette burns on her back and a boot heel imprinted on her skull. Her stepfather was charged with the crime and sentenced to 18 years in prison.

At the time Chrissy Sykes who was a popular South African Country Singer was on a stop over in London on her way to the United States of America, where she had been invited to Nashville by the legendary Producer Pete Drake. She kept reading the stories about Kimberley in the newspapers and having a little girl who was also 4 at the time this story touched her heart and made a lasting impression. Chrissy wrote the song “Kimberley” on the flight over to the USA.

In early 1989, whilst  in Texas Chrissy was at a dinner party where knowing she was a singer the hostess asked Chrissy to sing a song. She sat down at the piano and for the first time played the song “Kimberley” for the guests. Unaware that one of the guests at the dinner was the President of the Texas Child Welfare Board who loved the song, Chrissy was asked if it could be used as a method of raising funds and awareness for Child Abuse in Texas.

Chrissy consented and later that year during Child Abuse Prevention Month the  Texas Child Welfare Board sold 14,000 records and tapes of the song and raised $70,000.


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