Friday, July 26, 2024

Royal Partners of Agape Love, Love Is Here Ministry



Royal Partners

Agape Love, Love Is Here Is Honored To Partner and Be An Allie With The ROYAL Ones Who Have Been Placed In Leadership and Shepherding of Their Nations and People.


Stepping Into The Battles Of The Heart of Humanity and Bringing With Them Their Love Of Others and The Nations.


Allies in A War against powerful unseen enemies that need for all to become Partners and Allies Together To Set Captives Free of Ancient and Hidden Enemies of Freedom and Agape Love and The Peace It Provides both within the Hidden Heart and between Neighbors.


Precious Ones who are required to GIVE MUCH for their Purposes of Rulership, Leadership, Dominion which Demands from even the Ancient of Days of these ROYALS To Go Into Battle And To Bring Their Nations Wealth and Treasures Into The Fight For Freedom and Agape Love.













Leaders Of Nations, Shepherds of Resources, Protectors of People, Teachers of The Young, Father’s To The Fatherless, Protectors of Widows, Rulers of Righteous Justice and Law, Warriors willing to Give Their Lives For Others, Lovers of Mercy and Compassion, and Living To Serve All Their Lives For The Good Of Others and The Nation


Precious Ones That Must Give Their Hearts To Serve Nations and To Solve the Problems of Humanity

Precious Ones Who The World Requires Them To Be Great And Mighty Ones Who Rule and Reign From a Heart Of Agape Love and Righteousness, Truth and Justice, Mercy And Compassion and Will Be Held To The Highest Standards of Agape Love.



Welcome As Honored Partners and Allies in the Greatest Epic Battle of The Ages, The Battle For Freedom From Darkness and It’s Captivity and Slavery of Human Hearts. This Battle Has Been going on since the Days of The Long Forgotten Legends, From the Times of Myths, and The Times of Ancient Days of The Days of The Mighty Ones of Long Ago. A Battle with an Unseen Enemy who desires to COVER ALL THE EARTH AGAIN in It’s Darkness and Cruelty.

So, Come Along and Join In The Battle For Humanity’s Freedom From Darkness and Into the Light of Freedom and It’s Fullness of Agape Love, Joy and Peace Both Inside of It’s Heart and with it’s Neighbors as One Human Family.

Love Always And Forever

Pastor Deborah






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