Friday, July 26, 2024

Mental Health And The Forever Person’s Partners, A Place of Global Voices Of Agape Love





Hello and Welcome, This Is Pastor Deborah and this is

The Mental Health & The Forever Person’s Partner’s Page,

A Global Page That Gives Voice To Partners who Love Humanity and Are Seeking To Help

The 3 part system to be healed, and restored and find hope and life again of their

The Physical Body, The Soul and The Forever Person

Who Are Suffering From Mental Health Diseases, Illnesses, and Have Been Effected By The Trauma of Life and it’s attacks against the 3 part System called a Human.

Loving Voices From A Variety of Mental Health Professions That Seek To Bring Light into the Darkness of Hearts and Minds of A Mental Illness, Disease and Reach Into the Cells of Prisons That Seem to Hold The Precious Minds and Hearts in Captivity to Unseen Enemies.


This Section will Have Audios That Have Been Included on the Mental Health and The Forever Person’s Podcast Show, and Videos and Articles. Education Through The many Partners of Agape Love, Love Is Here.

 Please Allow Light to come in and shine it’s rays into your mind and to begin to bring healing and restoration. When Light/Knowledge comes, Darkness/Ignorance is pushed back and the grip it has had on the mind and heart of a human begins to lessen and healing can come in and bring Hope and Encouragement.

Each section will be by The Partner of Agape Love, Love Is Here.

Listen, Watch and Read.

Allow Light to Come In and Push Back The Darkness and Allow Healing and Hope To Arise.



Pastor Deborah



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