Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Wounded Healer, Eunice Nuna, Global Goodwill Ambassador of Nairobi, Kenya




Agape Love, Love Is Here

Is Pleased to Welcome as a Partner and Allie of The Voice of Agape Love And It’s Power To Heal Wounded Hearts




Wounded Healers

is a ministry of Eunice Nuna, A Global Goodwill Ambassador For GGA in Nairobi Kenya, Africa.







Eunice Nuna
Eunice is an intuitive Psychosocial Counselor and empathetic story teller, mentor and life coach. Eunice went through sexual violence at her young age. This experience began the journey of addressing sexual violence by becoming a wounded healer, a person who creates awareness, advocates for prevention and provides holistic care for survivors of sexual violence and children born out of rape. Eunice graduated with a degree in counseling Psychology from Africa Nazarene University and is currently pursuing Masters in peace and Development.
Eunice is the founder and Executive Director of Wounded Healer, a foundation based in Nairobi Kenya; she shares her stories of woman survivors of sexual violence, who are thriving, liberated and passionate to end the cycle of sexual violence, she equips survivors to grow in self-dependency, leadership and healing through her gift of counseling. Eunice is dedicated to giving all children and Women the ability to protect themselves against all types of violence including gender based and sexual violence.

Founder Story

Any man that tries to rob me of my dignity will loose.

As a child I suffered the impact of leaving in extreme poverty, worsened by my parents arguments which would escalate to violence. Through my teens and my early twenties as a result of trauma, my mental health and well being was left in near darkness and this would greatly influence my view of the world.

I left high school with strong grades, but sadly they were overshadowed by my own growing struggles of shame and guilty. At 18 years, I dreamt of going to college, but the society in which I lived in had another expectations. It expected me to do menial jobs to earn a living. Hence, I came to the city of lights- Nairobi in search of a better life and ended up drugged and raped on my first night by someone I trusted.

Believing that there was no hope the future, I was forced to look deep within myself and this is when my life begun to change. I started to accept that I needed help in sharing my trauma and becoming a loving mother to my son. I began dreaming of supporting survivors of sexual violence and helping them see the beauty in their brokenness.

I now dream of a better future for survivors of sexual violence, I founded Wounded Healer Foundation to give the wounded like me hope for a better future. Today I share my life with girls and women who are hurting like I did. I welcome them in my world and assure them even though they face challenges they are not alone and they can be victorious again. My goal is to walk with wounded people, caring for their hearts and equipping them with tools to find God’s purpose for their pain.


Project Coordinator


Josphine is passionate about building platforms for survivors and advocates to be leaders in their communities. As a Wounded Healers Foundation project manager, she implements programs that symbolize best practices on ending sexual violence. Josphine is passionate about mentoring young women who are affected by poverty, helping marginalized and underserved communities empower themselves by providing opportunities for self-expression. Her passion is to continue raising awareness on issues of gender based violence and sexual abuse, as well as continue to support survivors and allies through teaching, listening, social activism, writing, and the arts to help end violence against women. She equips survivors to unlock their potential into their calling.

Josphine is currently pursuing her degree in community development and social workers at Mount Kenya University and she is also a certified HIV testing and counseling service provider by National STIs Control Program (NASCOP). Outside of work, she loves reading a good book and taking nature drives.

What we do

Holistic Support

Holistic support is a free, confidential, voluntary support service for young women aged 14-25, who are, or are at, risk of, being sexually exploited. We provide immediate one-to-one support to survivors. Whether they have made themselves known to us, or have been referred to us by someone else. Once contact is made and a positive relationship formed, we work with each girl to access practical resources relevant to their individual situation. These resources may include health services, counseling, school and work programs.

Leadership Program

Our aim is to educate youth about sexual exploitation and how to stay safe, while assisting them to leave their exploitative situation.
Our leadership programs are designed to empower and equip survivors with leadership skills, and provide them with the platform to lead in creating awareness on sexual violence and to advocate for themselves and for the other victims.
The Program is also involved in outreach work, providing education and awareness-raising on gender-based violence to schools and civil society in general. The team consists of survivors of sexual violence, social workers, children counselors, legal advisor and psychologist/social work interns.

Background picture of one workshop

Mentorship Program

Wounded Healer

Mentorship program is a dynamic network of young people through which we are creating links within generations of youth. The mentors are committed young people who while they come from diverse backgrounds, carefully screened and selected ,they have one thing in common, their readiness to give back to society; mentorship connects these young people with school students from different schools to mentor and nurture.

Our mentors are volunteers and survivors who have gone through leadership and life skills training and are well equipped to mentor youth in schools with an aim of creating awareness on sexual violence prevention.

Support Group

This outlet provides a space for female survivors of sexual violence to come together and find support and encouragement among people who have had similar experiences. Each session we do a mixture of things; activities, light discussion or have speakers in to share information on relevant topics. We will have a private facility for those who might find it difficult to come otherwise and of course refreshments.

If you are interested in coming to this group or have questions, email me at [email protected]  and I will put your name on a list to be contacted.

Why Get Involved

Sexual abuse is much more common than is generally known because it is still such a sensitive subject that many people are uncomfortable admitting it has happened to them. By the time survivors are ready to ask for help, sometimes years later, the abuse may have had a devastating impact on many aspects of their life. Learn how you can help


 Empowerment workshop

Wounded Healers runs a series of different workshops which can be tailored to different audiences. For information on workshops or any other services, please email [email protected]

· Supporting abuse survivors talk workshop
· Sexual abuse awareness talk
· What is sexual abuse? -raising awareness
· Expressive workshop
· Journey to healing -survivors workshop.
The aims of the workshops are to raise awareness and educate on a variety of topics such as;

· Healing from emotional and sexual abuse,
· Developing positive relationships,
· How sexual abuse effects the individual,
· Spiritual awareness, building good self-esteem.

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