Welcome Little Ones To Agape Love, Love Is Here
Agape Love At Work In Sierra Leone Through
Ibrahim Bangura, County Director, Sierra Care Foundation
Partners For Orphans of Ebola
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone (/siˌɛrə liˈoʊn(i)/ , also UK:, US:), officially the Republic of Sierra Leone, informally Salone, is a country on the southwest coast of West Africa. It is bordered by Liberia to the southeast and Guinea to the northeast. Sierra Leone has a trop…
- Founded: Apr 27, 1961
- Population: 7.56 million (2017)
- GDP: $3.82 billion USD (2018)
- Area: 27,699 sq miles
- Calling code: 232
- Capital: Freetown
Listen to national anthem
Email Contact: [email protected]
Facebook at : https://www.facebook.com/pg/Sierra-Care-Foundation-1767604860204893/videos/?ref=page_internal
LinkedIn Profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/ibrahim-bangura-090603177/
Serving The Orphans of Ebola
If you feel led to contact Ibrahim Bangura, He would love for you to, Visit Their Facebook Page and see their Pictures, Meet Ibrahim and the orphan’s.
Address: 23 John Tucker Street Makeni
Contacts: +23280785549
Official Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Ibrahim Bangura
Contact person Email: [email protected]
SCF work to enhance the promotion of rights and welfare needs of Orphans and other vulnerable children are met in our operational areas.
SCF as a humanitarian organization which strongly works towards the facilitation and promotion of orphans and vulnerable children’s welfare needs and rights through accessible quality education, healthcare services, good and protected shelter, education, healthcare services, good and protected shelter, accessible balanced and nutritional food, security and care.
1. To identify orphan and vulnerable children
2. To secure funds to facilitate the welfare needs of orphan and vulnerable children
3. To empower and build the capacity of orphans and vulnerable from grass root level
4. To provide them with welfare and social protection
1. SCF works to sustain the life of every child through basic needs provision such as (food, clothe and shelter)
2. SCF works to see that individuals, private and public institutions, protect every child.
3. SCF works as a key pioneer to advocate for children rights to all social, economic and political security
4. SCF works cordially in partnership with government and others
5. SCF works cordially in partnership with government and other Non-governmental organizations to solve the problems affecting orphans and vulnerable children.
The organization is operating on strong and efficient financial policies. These as a result help the opening of a bank account where all cash of the organization are deposited. The organization accountants /financial secretary carry out monetary transactions. All cheques and other monetary documents are sign by SCF director or managers and approved by the board.
2. The management of SCF have been able to raise funds on their own to take care of a number of children without any external support.
3. SCF has been able to upkeep volunteers that work for vulnerable children for the sake of humanitarian purpose
4. The management of SCF have been able to create sustainable fund raising activities to meet and to the sponsorship of the orphans and vulnerable.
5. Educated and well competent volunteers on humanitarian work in the organization.
3. Lack of financial support to sustain volunteers
2. The education system in public schools in our country.
3. Most of the orphan children have been receiving partial help from other organizations
4. Some orphan and vulnerable children are also been taking care of by relatives of their dead parents
2. Inadequate logistics to operate in official standards to meet the needs and demands of orphans and vulnerable children and volunteers.
Pray for them that all their medical needs, physical needs, spiritual needs, emotional needs, nutritional needs are met and their educational needs meet and that all the financial assistance that is need comes forth out of the storehouse of hearts of Agape Love.
Click to get to The Wonderful Video on Facebook and The Interview.
Posted by Sierra Care Foundation on Friday, June 2, 2017