Hello, This Is Pastor Deborah and Welcome To The Section of Resources For Spiritual Growth/Discipleship
Agape Love, Love Is Here is Pleased To Provide These Free Resources That are Provided To Anyone In Any Nation Freely.
Agape Love, Love Is Here Believes In Education, Learning, Spiritual Discipleship, and Spiritual Growth and Is Pleased to Provide The Following Resources.
Spiritual Growth is Vital and Dependent on one’s spiritual heart desiring to learn and receive new, yet ancient spiritual concepts and knowledge. The Soul of every one needs to be re-newed in new, yet old ancient spiritual concepts that will bring the Soul and it’s Hidden Man’s Heart/Mind to be re-shaped, re-conformed, re-newed into ancient knowledge and truths and then to begin to replace old concepts of the world of the Flesh and The Carnal Nature of The Lust of The Eyes, The Flesh and The Pride of Life.
Spiritual Resources are Vital and Just One Component of One’s Spiritual Growth.
Agape Love, Love Is Here has made sure that the Resources are Free and Available To Anyone, Anywhere on the Internet.
Agape Love, Love Is Honored to Provide The Variety of Resources For One’s Spiritual Growth/Discipleship.
Enjoy the Resources and Help Your Spirit and Soul Grow in Ancient Knowledge and Become A New Heart and Mind which was always the ORIGINAL Heart/Mind of the FIRST Human Long Ago in The Garden of Eden.
Be Open to Renewing Your Spirit and Soul Back to It’s Original, Ancient Knowledge of The Realm of The Forever Person, The Realm of The Spirit, The Realm of Eternity.
Pastor Deborah