Friday, February 21, 2025

Courses Offered





Hello, This Is Pastor Deborah, The Shepherd and Teacher of 

The King’s International Spiritual Care University’s



This Section of The University is to provide more about the Goals and Purposes of The King’s International Spiritual Care University

Once Again,

The King’s International Spiritual Care University Has Been Developed To

1  To Provide Basic Spiritual Care Classes and Their Importance for The Forever Person

2.  To Provide Intermediate Spiritual Care Classes That Takes A Closer Look Into the Realm of The Forever Person

3.  To Provide Advanced Spiritual Care Classes That Looks At the Issues of The Forever Person and The Ways to Help It

4.  To Provide Leadership Training That Enables the Student to be able to Speak and Give Credible Voice to Spiritual Care in the many areas of Social Media, Public Speaking, Writing Blogs, Doing Interviews, Podcasting, and Professional Membership on Community Coalitions and within all levels of governments and nations.

5.  To Provide Leadership Training that Enables The student to Speak and Act Professionally out in the world and be seen as a vital and equal partner in helping humanity in many areas of life.

6.  To Provide Leadership Training In how to Provide Words of Encouragement and Support in person, through emails, in group discussions, in newsletters, in web cams, on Podcasts, on Posts on social media.

7.  To Provide Leadership to help the students to become Spiritual Care Voices out in the world on 

Radio Shows


YouTube Videos and Audio


Blog Posting and Becoming A Guest Blogger

Writing Articles for Publication

Creating Teaching Videos To be Shared 


Joining Networks and Groups

So continue on to the Pages of The Three Levels of Spiritual Care Courses 

Love Pastor Deborah, Shepherd and Teacher

The King’s International Spiritual Care University









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