Saturday, February 08, 2025

Helping People The Lord’s Way, An Educational Series, # 5



Hello and Welcome again to another Spiritual Educational Class of the Spiritual Series of Helping People The Lord’s Way, # 5.
Learn more of Pastor Deborah’s story of leaving the world of Helping People the Way of Mental Health Counseling and learning through years and years of Education to Help People the Lord’s Way.
References Mentioned
1. Florida State Victims Advocate Training
2. GAL, Guardian Ad Litem Children’s Advocate Training
3. Court Order Parenting Classes
4. Brownsville Assembly of God Revival 1995 – 2000
5. DSM – Diagnostic Statistical Manuel
6. The American Mental Health Counselors Association
7. State of Florida Mental Health Counselors Association
8. American Counselors Association
9. The National Board of Clinical Mental Health Counselor’s Association
10. The Prayer Team of The Brownsville Revival
11. The Deliverance Team of The Brownsville Revival
Stories Told
1. The Cleansing Stream of Deliverance
2. She’s Mine, Andrea’s Story of Freedom through Healing Carrie
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Also all videos are placed on Agape Love, Love Is Here’s web site at in a section.

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