Thursday, February 13, 2025

A Voice Of Hope, A Keynote Speech









Hello there,

I am Pastor Deborah, Senior Pastor of Agape Love, Love Is Here

and I am honored to be The Keynote Speaker to you today to help you hear a Voice Of Hope that all humanity needs to hear from you.

A Voice Of Hope and Agape Love

In the Great Darkness of Life, you have come to this wonderful Summit to hear and learn some ancient and powerful concepts, ideas, skills and tools in helping people, maybe even yourself.


A Voice of Hope and Agape Love

What is it?

What part of us, a human being needs to hear these Words, This Voice of Hope and Agape Love.

Where does a human heart go to find these Words,

This Voice of Hope and Agape Love?



A Voice of Hope and Agape Love

Are they just words?

Is there some kind of power for healing in them?

Why Is A Voice of Hope and Agape Love Needed?

Is Hope and Agape Love Just A Voice, or Are They Something More?



Is defined by The Webster’s Dictionary as

1.To want or wish for something with a feeling of confident expectation to hope against hope to continue hoping for something even when it appears never to happen, hopeful



Is defined by The Webster’s Dictionary as

1.A feeling of self-assurance



Is Defined by The Webster’s Dictionary as

1.An emotion thought the 5 senses



Is Defined by The Webster’s Dictionary as

1.Something that is expected and looked forward to



Is Defined by The Webster’s Dictionary as

1.Look forward to, anticipate something as probable or certain



Is Defined by The Webster’s Dictionary as

1.A state/feeling/assurance of something that is expected/looked forward to,  anticipation



Is Defined by The Webster’s Dictionary as

1.A Verb – A Desire or longing for something, to command or request – desire



Is Defined by The Webster’s Dictionary as

1.A Verb –  Wish for or a desire, to need , to lack, to fail to possess a required amount


So, as a Helper of humanity, one who seeks to bring healing and wellness to another, are you 

A Voice of Hope and Agape Love ?


A Voice of Hopelessness and Not Able to Provide Agape Love ?


What words do you speak, send, manifest, demonstrate, non-verbally speak to those who seek you out as a professional and as one who is able to help them with great diseases, illnesses, sicknesses, chronic pains, traumas?

Hope or Hopelessness?

Life or Death?

Healing or Just Managed ?

Agape Love or Coldness, and Distance?

Are You a Blessing Or A Cursing To Broken and Wounded Hearts?


I am here to speak to you to take a look at yourself and your Words and determine if you 

Are A Voice of Hope and Agape Love or Not?


Please take a look at yourself and listen to your Own Words and see if you are a 

Voice of Hope and Agape Love or Not?




Please take a deep look at your profession, your education and your helping and see what Voice It is speaking to those who seek 

Healing, Hope, Wellness, Wholeness, Peace, And Joy

What would those who seek you out say about you, your profession, your words?

A Voice of Hope and Agape Love Or Not?

Healing and Wellness or Not?

Recovery and Restoration or Not?

What Do Your Words Say to Those Who Need Help

There Is No Cure, Just Biological, Just Genes

No One Is To Blame 

Just Take Your Medication

You Have a Brain Disease and There Is No Cure

No Team, No Fighting Spirit as With Cancer Patients

No, Just Live Alone in your Brain Disease and Take Your Medication

Go To Hospital If It Gets To Bad

Don’t Call Me After Work, Call 911 or Go To The Hospital

Make An Appointment and I will see you then


Do You Give Hugs?  Tell Them They Are Loved and Valued?

Do You Provide A Future of Hope and Agape Love?

Are You an Advocate for Hope and Agape Love or Hopelessness and No Healing and Wellness?


I am here speaking to you as a Keynote speaker to let you know that

Hope And Agape Love

has provided your patients and clients with

The Hope and Agape Love and It’s Healing and Wellness

by speaking to their hearts in their dreams and through others who do speak Words

Of Hope and Agape Love

to help themselves by support groups all around the world, on social media, in local communities, through faith based Professionals and services, through books and even movies of testimonies of

Hope and Agape Love

These precious people have decided to find

Hope and Agape Love

without you for you offer

No Words of Hope, Agape Love, Encouragement, Restoration, Healing and Wellness!

So, I hope you take a very close look at yourself, and learn from this summit about yourself and how to 

Be A Voice of Hope and Agape Love.

Thank you for your time and attention to these words of 

Hope and Agape Love, Healing, Restoration and Wellness,

Even For Yourself.

Enjoy The Summit and Learn.  Be Well and Go In Peace.




















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