Sunday, March 30, 2025

China and Christianity, Part 1 – 3 , The History of China and Christianity


Part 1, Documentary

History of China

Christianity, the largest religion of the western world, and China, the oldest nation of the East. Christianity in China is a fascinating subject, and I hope you will enjoy this docuentary of Christian China.

PART 2 :… HISTORY OF JUDAISM IN CHINA :… = tags = christianity in china timeline christianity in china history christianity in china documentary christianity in china growing chinese christians chinese christianity



Part 2, Documentary

January 2019



11K subscribers
Christianity, the largest religion of the western world, and China, the oldest nation of the East. Christianity in China is a fascinating subject, and I hope you will enjoy the second part of my documentary of Christian China. PART 3 :… PART 1 :… HISTORY OF JUDAISM IN CHINA :… = tags = christianity in china timeline christianity in china history christianity in china documentary christianity in china growing chinese christians chinese christianity

Part 3, Documentary 

May 2019



Christianity, the largest religion of the western world, and China, the oldest nation of the East. Christianity in China is a fascinating subject, and I hope you will enjoy this third part of my documentary of Christian China. PART 4 : Coming soon 🙂 PART 1 :… PART 2 :… TAIPING REBELLION :… = tags = christianity in china timeline christianity in china history christianity in china documentary christianity in china growing chinese christians chinese christianity


All Videos Are Not The Intellectual Property of Agape Love, Love Is Here, But Streamed From Youtube

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