Sunday, March 30, 2025

CHIEF IMAM, Jesus visited me in my mosque on RAMADAN DAY Muhammadu J A bello & Nasir Siddiki



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January 2020

Christianity The Holy Book, Bible How Jesus Visited me

Muslim Man Sees Jesus When Nearly Dead

Nasir Siddiki

August 2014

This Video Is Not The Intellectual Property of Agape Love, Love Is Here, But Is Streamed From Youtube
Muslim near death experience sees Jesus and becomes a Christian. A Muslim man living in Toronto Canada has a near death experience and sees Jesus or Isa. As a physician, I know patients who had similar encounters with Jesus Christ. Many claim that numerous paths lead to GOD. I also agree with this assumption. However, when someone truly seeks GOD, they will find GOD, which I know is Christ Jesus for He claimed to be GOD, was crucified for it, and then rose from the dead to establish His claim. People ask, why GOD would save a few, yet allow millions to die? GOD’s plan is for our salvation and eternal life for those having faith in Christ Jesus. GOD uses stories and encounters with people to help bring people to Him. Also, remember that there is evil in the World and Satan and the Demons are allowed to walk the Earth, for now, and cause human suffering, pain, and death. The Real Battle is not for a comfortable life on Earth and secular trinkets. The Real Battle is for our souls and eternal fate as GOD and Satan are drawing in people for their Kingdoms. Whether you believe in GOD or not, if you’re not seeking GOD’s Heart, then you follow Satan. This is not my opinion, but that of Jesus Christ (John 8:44). The good news is that salvation is available to all! John 3:16-18

Update from Wisdom Ministries

Of  Dr. Nasir Sidiki, A Former Muslim

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Dr. Nasir Siddiki

March 26, 2020

This Video Is Not The Intellectual Property of Agape Love, Love Is Here, But Is Streamed From Youtube


February 2017

The Video Is Not The Intellectual Property of Agape Love, Love Is Here, But Is Streamed From Youtube

Dr. Nasir Siddiki, The Kingdom Keys Part 2

February 2017

The Video Is Not The Intellectual Property of Agape Love, Love Is Here, But Is Streamed From Youtube

Dr. Nasir Siddiki , The Kingdom Keys Part 3

February 2017


This Video Is Not The Intellectual Property of Agape Love, Love Is Here, But Is Streamed From Youtube

Dr. Nasir Siddiki, The Kingdom of  Keys, Part 4

February 2017

This Video Is Not The Intellectual Property of Agape Love, Love Is Here, But Is Streamed From Youtube

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