Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Slavery Has No Color and Has Always Been In Humanity Since It’s Begnings



Episode  The White Slave Trade of Africa


In this episode we look at the white slave trade in Africa, where Barbary Pirates kidnapped Europeans and sold them into slavery, attacking shipping as well as infiltrating coastal villages and islands. The episode looks at the extent this problem had on Europe and America between the 16th-19th Century.




Was the transatlantic slave trade more extensive than any other? References Number of slaves in Roman Empire. D’Arms, John H. & Kopf, E. Christian, Editors (1980) Seaborne Commerce of Ancient Rome: Studies in Archaeology and History). Rome: American Academy in Rome Ethnic origin of slaves in Rome. Prowse Tracy L., Henry P. Schwarcz, Peter Garnsey, Martin Knyf, Roberto Macchiarelli, Luca Bondioli (2007) Isotopic evidence for age‐related immigration to imperial Rome. Washington: American Journal of Physical Anthropology Extent of slavery in 19th century Africa. Coupland, Reginald (1938) East Africa and Its Invaders from the Earliest Times to the Death of Seyyid Said in 1856. Oxford: The Clarendon Press First recorded reference to slaves. Cotterell, Arthur, Editor (1980) The Encyclopaedia of Ancient Civilisations. New York: Mayflower Books


Economic History: The Viking Slave Trade

Pillage and plundering have long been associated with the Vikings, however, the Vikings were also skilled slave traders. Watch this short documentary on the Viking Slave trade. The Vikings would enslave the local population of settlements they raided and demanded slave tributes from Finnish and Slavic communities. These slaves would than be sold to the southern Islamic world via the Russian water ways. The Viking slaves would also be purchased by intermediaries, such as the Volga Bulgars and the Khazars at vibrant markets alongside the Volga river.


These Videos Are Not The Intellectual Property of Agape Love, Love Is Here, But Are Streamed From Youtube

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