Thursday, March 13, 2025

Master Class Initiative of Nigeria # 3, Digging Through Ancient Books, Leadership Development, June 8, 2020




Join with others from around the world and from many nations. Join in a more indepth teaching on Leadership Development and yourself and about nations. Hear Pastor Deborah as she teaches on going digging through ancient books to learn about humanity’s ancient beginnings of Kingdoms and their leaders, The King and Queens of the days long ago. Learn about how a leader was chosen, developed, and how one developed with the help of gods from out of the unseen realm of the spirit. Learn if you have the courage and discipline to become a leader who is a King of oneself, a shepherd of others and of one’s nations resources and it’s animals. Learn about being tested and tempted to see if you can be bought and will you sell yourself out for riches and gold. Watch, take lots of notes and learn and grow. Love Pastor Deborah Please visit Agape Love, Love Is Here’s web site at #masterclassinitiative


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