Hello and Welcome again to another Part of The Kingdom of Darkness, Spiritual Babylon.
This is Part # 13, The Presence of The Lord.
Pastor Deborah goes into more of her journey and the foundational steps of her becoming one that could help people the Lord’s Way and not the way of the world of Mental Health Counseling.
Learn more about the importance of The Presence of The Lord and more about it’s importance to all life forms/creatures.
All Scriptures mentioned are from The Authorized King James Version of The Holy Bible
1.Deuteronomy 4 : 5 – 8
2. Hebrews 4 : 12
Movies Mentioned
1. Star Trek Person’s mentioned
2. Elon Musk and his Star Link Satellites
Other Playlists mentioned
1. Mental Health & The Forever Person
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Keep watch and learning and spiritually growing.
Next Lesson will be Lesson/Part # 14 – The Presence of The Lord continued. Love Always and Forever Pastor Deborah