Saturday, July 27, 2024
Words Of Encouragement

Find A Place Where There Is No Trouble.



May 2019


Find A Place Where There Is No Trouble

Is There Any Such Place?

How Would I Get To It, Where Ever It Is?

Do I Have To Have Any Money To Get There?

Is It Very Far Away?

What Will I Find When I Get There?

The Questions A Heart Always Asks Itself When It Is Seeking Love and Healing.

A Place Where There Is No Trouble!

A Heart Will Ask, Where Is It?

How Do I Get There?

Will l I Find What I Want and Need?

Who Can Show Me The Way?

Will Others Also Be There?

This Is What A Broken and Wounded Heart Sounds Like To Itself.

Can Anyone Else Hear These Silent Cries and Questions Of A Heart Seeking Healing?

Can Anyone Else See the Tears Of Silence From a Heart Trapped In Darkness of Sickness and Disease

Is There Anyone That Can See The Tears Of Loneliness And Fear?

What Medicine is There for a Broken and Wounded Heart Trapped By Sickness and Disease?

Yes, There is hope and medicine for your brokenness of heart and it’s feelings of loneliness!

An ancient and long forgotten medicine for a broken, wounded and trapped heart.

Agape Love, An Love Of The Ages From The Ancient One Of Time Itself,

The Source Of Unconditional love and healing

for the broken in heart and the wounded one hiding in darkness of fear because of illness and sickness that are the enemies of the Fruit of Agape Love of Love, Joy and Peace.

A place that only a broken heart can travel to and discover, a place of life and hope, a place of healing

for the spiritual heart, a place where there is no trouble

The Presence of Agape Love Itself.

Come and Experience The Presence of Agape Love as It brings It’s Healing and It’s Fruits to your heart. Follow the Rays of Hope and your heart will find the entrance to Agape Love Itself.

Love Always And Forever

Pastor Deborah




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