Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Spiritual Strongmen of Death and Divination of The Kingdom of Darkness





The Spiritual Strongmen of Death

 One who Has The Power of Death Over All Life in the Spiritual Realm and In the Natural World

Death Is The Separation From Life and The Life of The Source of all that is Living in Truth and Light

These Strongmen were given Their Power and Authority by the King of Life Itself


and they were permitted by Law and Justice to come into the realm of the spirit and then into the world on the earth through

a Heart of A Pride of A High Cherubim that Lifted Itself

( Named Lucifer, Light Bearer – Who became in nature, Satan – The Adversary of God, The Creator of Life Itself )

Up In Great Pride by Looking At the Glory He was Radiating and Shinning out of himself as his own Power, Glory, Light, Sounds, Beauty and The Voice of Agape Love and Glory.

Death was always in the Realm of Eternity, it was an absence of Light of Life, The Voice of Agape Love, The Heart of Peace, The Righteousness Law of Justice and the delightful relationship with the Creator and a loss of one’s eternal position in the Kingdom of Light and Life, The Kingdom of Heaven. It Was The Righteous Justice For Rebellion To The Law of The King, of The Kingdom of Heaven

These Strongmen of Death Have Been Given Legal Right to Take Life From Anything

The Door Was Opened To Them Through Rebellion and Death Was Allowed In

By The Legal Right of The Power of Rebellion, For Death Is It’s Sting and Punishment

From Another Spirit of Any Sphere

From Any Life in The Natural Realm

And Will Is Used To Bring About A Legal Punishment against Those with Life in It.

The Spiritual Strongmen Death

Are Powerful and Given Legal Spiritual Life By Their Own Creator,

The Creator of All Law, of all Punishment, Of all Justice for Rebellion/Sin

The Creator of Life and Death Itself,

God, The Most High, The Great I Am

The One Of All Life and Death

Prepared for the day that rebellion would occur in his courts of Angels and Their Cherubim, Lucifer



This All Knowing God,

Knew and Fore saw Lucifer becoming Prideful and Lifted Up In his heart because of the great glory and beauty of the Light of Life of his Creator shinning through him and out to the realm of his sphere of authority and desiring to Take His Place in the Kingdom of Heaven and Become The Ruler of Eternity.


Death was Created by the Heart of Life and yet was dead and without power until the ORDERS OF THE KING were given

to come to life and perform it’s eternal duties against all that rebels against the 

King and The Kingdom of Heaven

Against The Laws of Life 

Against The Heart of The Creator Himself


These Strongmen of Death

Rule and Reign Through The Power of Rebellion and The Lust of The Flesh, The Lust of The Eyes and The Pride of Life.

  Then from this Throne, This High Tower in The Heart and Mind of a Human,

Death came into the Natural Realm of Life on the Earth and Death become present and  alive.

The Spiritual Strongmen of Death

Powerful Creatures To Fulfill The Words of A King


But Death was not only in the physical realm on the earth, but apart of the realm of the spirit!

Death was separation from Life and All That Life Has, Provides, Is and Produces.

Death separated a heart and mind from 

The Light of Life

The Light of Agape Love and all of it’s Blessings

The Light of Joy and Peace


The Light of Wisdom of Spirit and Life

The Light and Life of Understanding

The Light and Life of Delight and Presence of The King and The Kingdom of Heaven

The Light and Life of Mercy, Forgiveness, Compassion, Healing, Deliverance, Freedom

The Light and Life of Beauty and Glory, Of Purpose and Dignity

The Light of The Truth and It’s Water’s of Life 



The Strongmen of Death Serve The King of The Kingdom of Heaven

By The Right of Law and Justice For Rebellion/Sin To The King and Kingdom of Heaven

Death Is Alive Now, The Strongmen, The Enforcers Are Here

And Yet There Is Hope

That Life Can Still Swallow It Up By Agape Love and Forgiveness




The Strongmen of Death, Are Near Unto All

Death will come to all by many different forms.

Death will come to the Flesh from the natural world that is given permission to attack and devour the flesh of





Flesh will bring death to Flesh

The Very Heart and Mind of a Human that is Just Carnal and Flesh, Will Bring Death to itself and to others as the Law for Death was Given


These Strongmen of Death



Are Here and Doing Their Work Against The Enemies of

The Kingdom of Heaven/The Kingdom of Life and Agape Love.




Strongmen of Divination


From The Times of The Ancient Ones, The Fallen Ones From An Eternal Kingdom

The Strongmen of Divination 

Have Been in the lives of Nations, Land and The People.

Seeking to Replace/Sub-plant The Righteous King that

Knows All Things

Sees All Things

Who Can Speak From Out of The Past, Speak To The Present and Speak Into The Future

Who Spiritually Reveals The Hidden Things, The Hidden Knowledge, The Hidden Plans, The Hidden Wisdom of all Things, Living and Dead

Divine, Eternal, Spiritual/Supernatural

Seeing, Knowing, Predicting, Foretelling, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Power

For His Voice, Sounds, Words are able to Speak to all Creation, Through Creation and In Creation



Replaced in the spiritual hearts and minds of humanity and in creation itself by the fallen spiritual ones,

Those who were apart of The Arch Angel, The High and Fiery Cherubim,  Lucifer,


Who Fell, Was Struck Down To the Earth as Lighting, the World on the Earth 

and with him by his tail sweeping 1/3 of the Angels of Heaven with him, down and out of the Glory, Love, Light of The King of The Kingdom of Heaven


came those who would become Mighty Ones in Satan’s Kingdom,

The Kingdom of the Adversary of God

and who would take the place of The King of Heaven’s Own Spirit

in the hearts and minds of fallen humanity instead of

The Glory and Righteous Holy Spirit of The King of The Kingdom of Heaven.

Servants who rose up in REBELLION in their hidden Hearts and minds and desiring of taking over the High King of The Kingdom they were to serve, and produced SIN AND INIQUITY in their hearts and mind and became PERVERTED AND CORRUPT in NATURE AND ESSENCE and became 



The Strongmen of Divination

They began to seek entrance

into the spiritual hearts and minds of humanity and to be the









Knew that the Great High King of The Kingdom of Heaven desired to work through the free and righteous spiritual person called The Forever Person, and through and with any creature of Flesh or Spirit,  but these SPIRITUAL STRONGMEN of DIVINATION would also desire this for themselves for if The King of The Kingdom of Heaven desired this, then they too must seek this, desire it and nd his accomplish it for themselves and for Satan and His Kingdom of Darkness on the earth, the New World Order, the new Government, Ruling Spiritual Power on and over all on the earth



Many who act as one,


Many who provide hidden spiritual knowledge

Past Information For They Were There

For The Present

for they have others who are active in the lives of humanity, in the hearts of leaders, over the lands of nations that were dedicated to other gods and goddesses from antiquity and in the realm of the Lust of The Flesh, The Lust of The Eyes, And The Pride of Life


In the future that they seek to control, create, make happen through their own hidden other strongmen.


The Strongmen of Divination

Having Supernatural/Spiritual Abilities From Their Days of Creation

Fallen Ones Who Did Learn Valuable Lessons From Their Early Days of being Cast Out Of The Kingdom of Heaven

Valuable Lessons Learned From The Ancient Ones Who Took On Permanent Human Form and Married and Had Sex with fallen humanity women

and produced ancient ones called



These Fallen Angles,

were taken captive by the King of The Kingdom of Heaven and are being held in powerful chains unto the Times of Great Judgment

These Angels went beyond the boundaries for them set by the King of Heaven


These Other Fallen Angels Learned, Do Not Do This,

But Just Invade the spiritual hearts and minds and work from there.

Spiritual sex and marriage would still occur, but not with these fallen ones in human form


Even the physical genes, the DNA of humanity were effected, altered and remnants of these ancient ones on the genes still are in the genes of humanity and can be seen in the physical make up of many humans.


Hidden Spiritual Beings,



Creatures who are able to 




They Can Take Many Forms and Speak Many Languages

They are able to get into anything spiritually – any form of flesh/dirt of the earth any animal, doll, puppet

and make others believe that a supernatural power in the animal, doll or puppet


Those who preform the deeds/works, activities and provide Information through things, trances, in games or cards’are seeking the place of the Righteous Higher Power, The King of The Kingdom of Heaven who cast them out of the Highest Kingdom to the earth where they develop a new government, rulership, kingdom instead of the one that had originally been placed there, The Kingdom of Heaven.  The Kingdom of Darkness/Ignorance began and developed Itself with the ancient knowledge of the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven. These Spiritually Fallen Ones, formed the World they had always desired to rule and reign, but not in Heaven – The Highest Heaven, but on and over, around and just above the planet called earth.

A new world was created, developed, designed and held in place through Ignorance, The Fear of Death, The Lusts of The Eyes, The Lust of The Flesh and The Pride of Life. Powerful Strongmen as hidden Taskmasters and Governors of

The Land, The Resources, The Creatures, The Weather, Over Sickness and Disease, Trauma and Torture, Abuse of all kinds, Control of all systems, especially of the 3 part system of spirit, soul and physical body of all humans and thus over all the governments, justice systems and those who are the leaders of nations, businesses, organizations, and families.

They are even capable to speak in the dreams of humanity

 Or into any spiritual being who is not sealed by The Power of The Glory of The Lord

and speak through them to emulate the Power Abilities and Powers of The Great High God, The King of The Kingdom of Heaven

Powerful And Able To Take Over the Flesh and It’s Bodies of human, animals, land, water, viruses, bacteria and even control the Power of The Weather.

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