Saturday, March 29, 2025

Spiritual Strongmen of Deafness and Dumbness, Two Working As One

The Spiritual Strongmen of Deafness and Dumbness







Two That Work as One

These two Spiritual Strongmen 


work unseen, in the spiritual realm to keep and stop a spiritual person and it’s soul

from hearing Words and Sounds of Truth, Freedom, Agape Love From The Kingdom of Heaven

or to speak them to themselves, to remember them, to be aware of them and to not be able to speak with one’s natural  and spiritual abilities by confessing the Words of Life, Hope, Love, Joy and Truth.

Silent and Unable to Speak, Deaf and Dumb, No Hearing of Truth and No Voice!


 These Spiritual Strongmen Are Fowls of The Power of The Air both Natural and Spiritual

That come and steal away the Words, The Seeds of Truth, Light and Agape Love

Fowls Of The Power of The Air,



The Power of Sound and Hearing 



The Power of The Breathe of Speaking


Always Circling and Watching


For Words and Sounds Of Freedom, Deliverance, Healing, Truth, Light, Joy and Agape Love

A World of Darkness and Ignorance, A Realm of Lies and Deceptions

Chains of Scramblers and Confusion

Cells of Darkness and Deaf



Ropes of Bondage to Ignorance and The Lack of Understanding

and To Enslave the Hearing and Understanding Abilities of humanity and the living creatures so that







Thus producing a Darkened Heart and Mind of The Soul and Spiritual Person, The Forever Person

A Slave of Darkness/Ignorance


A Captive of Lies, Deception, Bewitchment

Knowing Only Dark Truth, Lies and The Carnal Nature Of the Flesh as Truth 

The Light of Darkness Is Great and The King and Ruler of The 3 part system of a human 

And Then all of Creation groans and moans under the pains of it’s subjection to the

And Then all of Creation groans and moans under the pains of it’s subjection to the

Power of These Two Strongmen of Deafness and Dumbness





The Spiritual Strongmen of Dumbness


The Spiritual Strongmen of Dumbness,

Those who Work  in the shadows of darkness To Hold The 3 Part System of Humanity in a state of


Spiritual Ignorance

Spiritually Being Mute/Unable to Speak

Perpetual Mourning, Crying and Pining Away In Hopelessness

Hopelessness and Desires To Die To Escape The Pain, The Vexation, The Burning of Loneliness

Perpetual Pain of the Spiritual Mind and It’s Soul, Being Torn, Ripped Apart, Burning Inflammation, Grinding and gnashing of Teeth in Pain

A Darkness of Terror and Shaking in Fear, Attacks and Feelings of Being Drowned



Always Failing to Escape, Being Thrown Down and Viciously Attacked

Not able to Think, Understand, Always Confused, Hearing Scrambled, Vision Distorted, Thoughts Never Under Control

Captivity for the Heart and Mind of the 3 part system, a human

Corruption of The Hearts and Minds of Leaders of Nations and Lands



Abusive to Nature, and It’s Creatures


The Spiritual Strongmen of Dumbness



Travel the Generations and Hide in Many within humanity 

Their goals are to bring slavery and captivity to the 3 part system called a human so these Spiritual Strongmen can present these spiritual captives and slaves, these persons and souls and physical bodies to the Higher Authorities of The Kingdom of Darkness in order

To rule the

Nations, The Land, and The Resources



here on the physical earth through the hidden spiritual Kingdom of Darkness by it’s spiritual slaves and captives who have been groomed, trained, and educated by these Spiritual Strongmen of Dumbness

and working in collaboration and coordination with The Spiritual Strongmen of Deafness to spiritually create and produce workers for

The King and his Kingdom of Darkness.



The Spiritual Strongmen of Dumbness

Strongmen of The Kingdom of Darkness that strive and work to produce SPIRIUTIAL IGNORANCE in the spiritual heart of a human that is never filled, full of or over flowing with






Value and Glory


Covered In Light of Glory


Peace of Spirit

Spiritual Vision and Sight




Power and Might/Strength



Authority and Dominion

Knowledge of A Heavenly Father and His Family

Purpose and Identity in The Kingdom of Heaven


The Light of Righteousness Shinning Out, Only The Light of Darkness/Ignorance

 No Belief in Mercy, Justice, Forgiveness, Compassion, Hope

 No Spiritual Hearing, Spiritual Ability of Speaking, Spiritual Vision



The Spiritual Strongmen of Dumbness

Ancient Fallen Ones

Who fight and strive to bring slaves and captives into deep spiritual bondage and captivity

These Strongmen of Dumbness

Who fight and strive to bring slaves and captives into deep spiritual bondage and captivity

These Strongmen of Dumbness

work unseen to keep and hold the spirit, soul and physical body fully and completely

out of the Light and Presence of Agape Love and It’s fullness of Glory


Slaves to work for The Kingdom of Darkness on earth through humans to rule and control





It’s Creatures


Thus Be the Kingdom/The World/The Government surrounding the earth and on the earth instead of the Kingdom of Heaven

A Kingdom/A Government in the


3 part system of a human

Over The Land

Over The Resources

Over The Living Creatures

And Even Over Life and Death

Who Would Live and Who Would Die


The Spiritual Strongmen of Dumbness

Ones Who Work With The Spiritual Strongmen of Deafness

Two Working Together As One

To Bring the 3 part system called a human, the nations they were to build and govern, the land of the earth and it’s resources and all of it’s living creatures

 into total subjection and slavery and bondage to

The Kingdom of Darkness/Ignorance and To It’s King


The Kingdom that the Ancient Cherubim desired to have for himself, rule and reign over it, to get all the glory for it and to be served and worshipped as it’s King and Lord. The Kingdom of Heaven which belonged to another

t’s King and Lord. The Kingdom Of Heaven Which Belonged To Another.

Satan was using his ancient ones who were under his authority and dominion before he was cast out of The High Heavenly Kingdom of Heaven and took them in their now eternal nature of perversion and evilness

from their original state of creation and they would create the 12 tribes of leaders to rule the entire world,


His Kingdom of Darkness

and all the slaves needed to work in his Kingdom and to bring about The Kingdom of Darkness’s Purposes and Goals of

Rulership Through the World of Government

on and over the entire earth would be forever his and he would enslave every child for himself for generations to come through the fallen hearts of humanity and their lust of the Flesh, The lust of the eyes and the Pride of Life, the same 3 that brought his heart into rebellion, iniquity/perversion and lifted up in Pride.


For they too with his help had been kicked out of the Garden of Eden,


The very spot of the Pleasure and Delight of the Eternal God of The Kingdom of Heaven, of Life and Light Itself.

Spiritual Persons spiritually fallen themselves and without the Light of Life in them, but who had been led in this path by himself through the Soul, the helpmate of the Forever Person, The Son of The Living God, The First Adam through Bewitchment, Lies and Deception.

Fallen ones from the Light of Agape Love and Life, His Now, His Children, His Slaves and His To Torture and Kill.


The People

The Land

The Resources

The Living Creatures

The System of Justice

The System of Blessings

The System of Control

The System of Punishment

The System over Life and Death

For all the life and blood of humanity and animals, the blood of flesh belong to him

for the Law of The Life



Had Declared That Death

would surly come and was waiting at the door


if rebellion/sin was allowed into the heart, the mind and world through one’s decisions to disobey even if one is bewitched, confused, ignorant, or did so willingly

The Spiritual Strongmen of Dumbness



Ancient Rulers of A Time Long Forgotten and still Hiding in The Shadow of Darkness/Ignorant and still Working and Creating Slaves and Captives for The King and The Kingdom of Darkness.

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