Thursday, February 20, 2025

Other Gods & Graven Images


Hello and Welcome, This Is Pastor Deborah 

It is so wonderful that you have dropped by and are reading this spiritual Light and allowing it to shine into your Spiritual heart and out to your soul’s hidden heart.

Pastor Deborah’s spiritual Renewing of her own spiritual heart and soul had to have this deep spiritual Light/Revelations/Truth so that the new spiritual Pastor Deborah would have a deep light of Light Shinning out of it so that the Light/The Revelations would do what they were intended to do

To Set Spiritual Captives Free of Darkness/Ignorance


To Bring Deliverance, Freedom and Healing

of the spiritual heart/mind of The Forever Person 


Then out to the Soul’s Hidden Heart, The Person of the Sub-Conscious

This Section,

Other Gods & Graven Images

Will bring Light into the Spiritual World of one’s Forever Person’s heart and mind 

People, Nations and all of creation and it’s creatures are being held under powerful spiritual spells of Darkness and Concealment, Held in spiritual Bondage of Control through spiritual Ignorance, being  spiritually Vexed and Tormented, spiritually Filled with Groaning and Pains and thus A Loving Heart has had to turn away and not allowing It’s Blessings and Delights to Be Bountiful and Full of Joy and Peace.

Why would a loving Heart Turn Away?


Please Listen and Hear 

Lady Liberty

New York Harbor, New York

United States of America

Exodus 20: 1-5

Authorized King James Version

Verse 1  And God spoke all these spiriutal Words, saying

Verse 2  I am The Lord, Your God, which have spiritually brought you of the spiritual land/house of spiriutal Egypt/Bondage/Slavery/Oppression, A Spiriutal Land of Shame, Lack of Dignity, No Glory, No Spiriutal Knowledge of Truth and Light of Me, and about the Ancient gods of Egypt.

Verse 3  You shall have NO OTHER GODS/GODDESS of LIBERTY/LADY LIBERTY/the Statue of Liberty from Ancient Greece and Rome as a SPIRIUTIAL REPRESENTATIVE of My Spiritual FREEDOM/LIBERTY for only I, THE MOST HIGH GOD am the GOD OF LIBERTY/FREEDOM through My Light of Eternal Life/Truth & Knowledge

Verse 4  You shall NOT MAKE UNTO YOU or Put on top of your state capitals, money, flags, in your harbors as a Symbol of LIBERTY or any LIKENESS of Anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth:

Verse 5   You Shall NOT BOW DOWN yourself to them, or SERVE them for I The Lord your God am a Jealous God and for this DEED of having other IMAGES of gods or goddesses REPRESENTING Me, and My







and BOWING to them and SERVING them. 


I Will








By The Wickedness and Rebellion of the forefathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of the forefathers who HATE ME by

Creating Other gods and goddesses of Me and My Image and Likeness




MOLTEN IMAGES of anything that is of Me

Like My











Deuteronomy 4 : 14 – 20

Authorized King James Version

Verse 14  And The Lord COMMANDED Me,/Moses at the time to TEACH you STATUES and JUDGMENTS so that you MIGHT DO THEM in the land where you go over to possess it.

Verse 15  Take you therefore, good heed unto yourself:  for you saw 


on the day that The Lord spoke unto you in Horeb, out of the fire:

Verse 16  Why did you NOT SHOW us an IMAGE/LIKENESS of yourself Sir??

  Lest/or else you would CORRUPT yourselves and make you a GRAVEN IMAGE, The SIMILITUDE OF ANY FIGURE, THE LIKENESS OF MALE OR FEMALE


Verse 17  or the LIKENESS of any Beast that is on the earth

Like a Donkey for the Image and Likeness of the a Political Party or an Elephant for another Party

Or The Likeness of any Winged Fowl that Flies

(The Eagle ) in the air,

Verse 18  or the Likeness of anything that CREEPS on the ground ( a snake for example ) or the Likeness of any FISH that is beneath the earth ( even the symbol of Christ, A Fish )


Even any combination of Man’s Desires And To Be Placed On The Top of The Capital Building in Washington, D.C.

United States of America

Verse 19  and if you create these GRAVEN IMAGES, the SIMILITUDE of any Figure, the LIKENESS of any male or female or animal or creeping thing or bird as REPRESENTING anything of Me and My









and you LIFT up your EYES unto Heaven, and when you see the Sun, and the Moon and the Stars, even all the Host/Angels of Heaven and should be driven to Pledge an Oath to them, and MAKE Vows to them, and Look to them as REPRESENTATIVES of this of Me, to WORSHIP them, SACRIFICE unto the, and SERVE them which the Lord your God has Imparted/Given unto all nations/people under the whole Heaven

Verse 20  But The Lord has taken you, oh spiritual person and brought you forth out of the IRON FURNANCE

even out of Egypt, The Kingdom of Darkness/Ignorance/Slavery/Oppression/Bondage unto Him, The Lord to be a people of His Inheritance, as you are this day.

Romans 1 : 21 – 25

Authorized King James Version

Verse 21  Because that, when they, humanity of ancient days knew God, they glorified Him NOT AS GOD, Neither were they thankful;  but became VAIN/EMPTY/DECEIVED/DEAD in their IMAGINATIONS, and their FOOLISH soul and spiritual heart and mind WAS DARKENED/NOT FILLED with the spiritual Light/Truth of The Most High God

Verse 22   Professing themselves TO BE WISE, they BECAME FOOLS

Jeremiah 10 : 14

Authorized King James Version

Verse 14  Every spiritual person is BRUTISH/LIKE A BRUTE BEAST/UNKNOWLEDGEABLE/DARKENED in his spiritual Knowledge/Truths of God:  every Founder/Creator/Maker/Inventor of another’s Image/Likeness of Me, The founder/creator of THESE GRAVEN/CARVED IMAGES/LIKENESS of God’s Image/Likeness/Nature/Character/Attributes:   Why?  The Molten/Graven Image/Likeness of God’s Attributes/Image/Likeness/Nature is SPIRIUTAL FALSEHOOD/LIES/DECEPTION/IGNORANCE, and there is NO spiritual Breath/Life/Truth in them.

Proverbs 30 : 2 -3

Authorized King James Version

Verse 2  Surely I/Oh spiritual person am more spiritually BRUTISH/ANIMAL Like in my spiritual Thinking and Understanding of God The Most High than any man, and have NOT THE SPIRIUTAL UNDERSTANDING of a human being

Verse 3  I neither LEARNED His Spiritual Wisdom/Truths NOR HAVE the spiritual KNOWLEDGE of The Holy 

Back To Romans 1 : 21 – 25

Verse 23   and CHANGED the Spiriutal GLORY/IMAGE/LIKENESS/ATTRIBUES/QUALITIES of the Incorruptible Spiritual God into an Image/Statue/Representation MADE LIKE Corruptible man/humans 

The Stature of Liberty, Justice, Freedom

to Birds, and Four Footed Beasts

Political Parties Symbols 

and Creeping Things – Snakes, Serpents

Verse 24  Wherefore God ALSO GAVE them Up Spiritual to UNCLEANNESS through the LUSTS of their own DARKENED/IGNORANT spiritual Hearts/minds through their Souls/The Outer/Old Person of the Flesh Nature of The Physical Body to Spiritually DISHONOR their own bodies between themselves

Verse 25  Who CHANGED the spiritual TRUTH of God into Spiritual Ignorance/ a LIE and Spiritually WORSHIPPED and SERVED the CREATURE more than the TRUE SPIRIUTAL CREATOR who is Blessed for ever, Amen.


Lady Liberty

The Goddess of Liberty/Freedom

The New York Harbor Statue, A Symbol of America’s Heart and Soul

New York City, New York State

A Welcoming Symbol of Freedom and Justice For All

From Wikipedia, The Free Encylopedia

A goddess NAMED FOR and REPRESNTING the CONCEPT OF LIBERTY/FREEDOM has existed in many cultures, including classical examples dating from the Greek and Roman Empires to those REPRESENTING NATIONAL SYMBOLS such as The American Columbia and the It’s Statue of Liberty.

The ancient Roman goddess LIBERTAS was honored during the second Punic War by a temple erected on the Aventine Hill in Rome by the father of Tiberius Gracchus.  The figure bears certain RESEMBLANCES to Sol Invictus, the late Roman Republic sun god/deity and the Crown often associated with that Deity/goddess often appears in modern depictions of LIBERTY/FREEDOM.

Depictions/Images in the United States of America

In the United States, LIBERTY/FREEDOM is often DEPICTED/REPRESNTATIVE with FIVE-POINTED STARS as APPEARING on the American FLAG, usually held in a raised hand.  Another hand may hold a SWORD pointing DOWNWARD.  

Depictions/Images to the nation and states of America include the following

  1.  The monumental Statue of Liberty created as LIBERTY/FREEDOM ENLIGHTENING THE WORLD, its REPLICAS, and it’s PROTRAYAL on a number of postage stamps.

2.  Many denominations of American Coins have DEPICTED the goddess of LIBERTY in both bust side view and full figure designs; see also the seated Liberty Dollar

3.  The Flags of The States of New York and New Jersey, along with various signs and government owned items bear the Seal of New Jersey


4.  On the Dome on The US Capitol as Freedom

5. On The Dome of The Texas State Capitol

6.  On the Dome of The Georgia State Capitol as Miss Freedom

7.  On the Dome of Allen County Courthouse in Fort Wayne, Indiana

8. On the Dome of the Bergen County Courthouse in Hackensack, New Jersey

9.  On both the Union and Confederacy Currency


The Spiritual Answers are spiritually coming,

The Spiritual Entrance of Light will Set Spiritual Captives Free of Darkness/Ignorance

For His The True Image and Likeness of Freedom’s Light

is coming into the Spiritual Darkness and It will have The Spiritual Victory


From Wikipedia

LIBERTAS is Latin for LIBERTY/FREEDOM was the Roman goddess and EMBODIMENT/IMAGE/LIKENESS/REPRESENTATIVE of and by spiritually DARKENED souls and spirits, their hearts and minds of the ONE TRUE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF TRUE FREEDOM and the God of LIBERTY/FREEDOM, The Most High God.


In 238 BC, before the Second Punic War, having long been a Roman deity/goddess along with other PERSONIFIED VIRTURES, LIBERTAS assumed GODDESS STATUS.  Tiberius Gracchus ordered the construction of her first temple on Aventine Hill;  Census tables were stored inside the temple’s atrium.  A subsequent temple was built ( 58 – 57 BC ) on Palatine Hill another of the Seven Hills of Rome, by Publius Claudius Pulcher.  By building and consecrating the Temple on the former house of then – exiled Cicero, Claudius ensured that the land was legally uninhabitable.  upon his return, Cicero successfully argued that the consecration was invalid and thus managed to reclaim the land and destroy the temple.

The rule of the Goddess and it’s temples are Illegal, for the earth is the Lord’s and the Fullness thereof and must be OVERULED/CAST DOWN/OVERTHROWN spiritually by the King of The Kingdom of Heaven!

In 46 BC, the Roman Senate voted to build and dedicate a shrine/monument to LIBERTAS in recognition of Julius Caesar but no temple was built, instead a small statue of the goddess stood in the Roman Forum.


along with other Roman goddesses have served as the inspiration for many modern – day symbols including the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island in New York City Harbor, New York State, The United States of America.


Roman Goddess “Libertas” Imported to America


According to the National Part Service, The Statue of Liberty’s Roman Robe is the Main Feature that INVOKES/CALLS UPON/RECOGNIZES/REMEMBERS THE GODDESS OF LIBERTAS and the symbol/graven image of Liberty/ Freedom from which the Statue of Liberty Receives It’s Name and Symbolism


In addition,

          Money through out history has born the



LIBERTAS was pictured on Galba’s FREEDOM OF THE PEOPLE coins during the short reign after the death of Nero.

The University of North Carolina records two instances of private banks in it’s state depicting LIBERTAS on their banknotes.  LIBERTAS is depicted on the 5, 10 and 20 Rappen denomination coins of Switzerland.

The Greek equivalent of the goddess LIBERTAS is ELEUTHERIA,

the personification of Liberty/Freedom

Symbols/Images/Likeness of LIBERTAS/FREEDOM

As LIBERTY, LIBERTAS was depicted on the obverse ( heads side ) of most coinage in the USA into the 20th century.

The goddess LIBERTAS is also depicted on the Great Seal of France created in 1848.



 was also recognized in ancient Rome by

the Rod

used ceremonially

in the act of Freedom by the Rod of The Master to his slaves

in which he laid on the heads of the slaves and declared them to be free.



The fictional characters Columbia of The United States and Marianne of France, The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor and many other characters and concepts of the modern age were created, and are seen as the 


The Goddesses of Liberty

From Wicca Selena Fox

With adaptation by The Spirit of Truth/The Holy Spirit of The Most High God

“Their question to us is,

If The United States of America was founded as a ” Christian Nation”, then why is LIBERTY always symbolized/depicted as a PAGAN GODDESS?




inspires people with such passionate Love of HER that they will SACRIFICE their wealth, their safety even their lives to invoke HER into being.


Isn’t just an abstract personification of FREEDOM.  Early American art makes clear that She is the Greek Athena and the Roman Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom, Philosophy and Civic Virtue, the Patroness of Good Government in Athens and Rome! 


Came about due to Satan desiring to become and be like, The Most High God, so when the spiritual hearts/minds of spiriutal man fell into spiritual darkness of the flesh/the miry clay, Satan took all of The Most High’s Holy Attributes/Qualities/Character/Nature/Image/Likeness and created other gods to symbolize/represent/depict the Nature/Attributes/Character/Nature/Image/Likeness of The Most High to the darkened hearts/minds of man on earth and thus stealing the praise, honor glory, respect, worship, sacrifice, identity of The Most High God for himself.  And thus bringing The Most High Words of inflicting this sin/rebellion of having another god before man instead of Him upon his own people for the sins/rebellion of the forefathers unto 3 and 4 generations of children and if they do the same thing, the CURSE continues on and on.

In the Ancient Times, even before the rise of the spiritual church of Christ Jesus, Satan had already established OTHER GODS/DEMONS/STRONGMEN to be worshipped and prayed to and sacrificed to out of the spiritual darkened/ignorance of the human soul and it’s spiritual heart of The Forever Person.

So, when man believed that the earthly church of Christ Jesus symbolized by The Catholic Church began ENSLAVING science and knowledge ( math, philosophy, medicine )  the ENSLAVING represented AUTHORITY ENSLAVING KNOWLEDGE in order to suppress dissent and maintain control.

This was seen b all who were desiring FREEDOM to think by the tyrants of the Church of Christ and the Royal Crowns of Europe and what they had being doing for centuries through INQUISIIITION AND CENSORSHIP. The constant and deadly OPPRESSING of the religious and political FREEDOM/THOUGHTS/VIEWS/OPINIONS/BELIEFS of the people

The People with the help of Satan, The FREEDOM seekers reached out for symbols and other gods for help.

Government, Education, Religion, had to be LIBERATED and the goddess of LIBERTAS was there from the ancient days to help all those seeking LIBERTY/FREEDOM.



She wore the HELMENT OF WISDOM, and THE ROBE of the Philosopher/The Thinker/The Law Giver.

The Romans said The Minerva/The Goddess of LIBERTY bore two shields, one for PEACE and one for WAR.  

The HELMET is the symbol of this Goddess as Athena/Minerva.  But as LIBERTY – or – LIBERTAS as the Romans called Her – Her symbol is a distinctive RED STOCKING CAP: The PILEUS, or PHRYGIAN Cap said to be worn in ancient Rome by slaves who had won their freedom.  In the Revolutionary era, rebels in America and France wore this LIBERTY CAP as a symbol of FREEDOM from ENSLAVING AUTHORITY, and oftern raised it on a pole or pike as their STANDARD.


Many national and state Flags and seals depict/show the goddess of LIBERTY bearing a Pole topped by a LIBERTY CAP

The Light giving Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, New York City, New York holds a TABLET marked with the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence rather than a Constitutional Scroll, and wears a NIMBUS OF RAYS instead of a LIBERTY CAP or HELMET.  But despite the slight variation in symbols, she, LADY LIBERTY in New York represents the same GODDESS as the MINERVA who tramples OPPRESSION ( of Authority and Tyranny ) and the LIBERTY who fights for constitutional human rights.

The Goddess of LIBERTY may bear/carry a TORCH, A CAP, A SCROLL, A BALANCE ( Justice ), a SHEILD – but TRUE LIBERTY NEVER CARRIES THE SWORD in AGGRESSION, ATTACKING WEAKER nations/people in order to IMPOSE DEMOCRACY or ANY GOVERNMENT System/View Point/Political Party/Laws on the nation or the people contrary to LIBERTY’S NATURE AND GOALS.

Many sacrifices of blood have been given freely to this Goddess of LIBERTY which really is sacrificing oneself to another god besides The Most High God, The Source and Father of LIBERTY.

The Goddess of LIBERTY holds the scales of Justice on the front side of the famous Seal of Maryland


In 1993, a group of Druids, Wiccans and other Earth Religionists went to Washington DC to consecrate the Statue of The Goddess of FREEDOM/LIBERTY/LIBERTAS that now stands atop to the Capitol Building’s Dome in Washington DC, The United States of America

 and on the same day, it turned out that THE MASONS were CEREMONIALLY re-consecrating a duplicate of the building’s cornerstone on the other side of the Capitol.  In keeping with the ancient spiritual principle of 


the Capitol Building of the United States Congress and Senate – the Place of Government and Authority and Law for the Nation of America and it’s LAND and It’s People now has a powerful MAGICAL TALISMANS (  The Capitol Building and all of it’s occupants ) dedicated to the Goddess of FREEDOM/LIBERTY and Democracy/the government system of ancient GREECE designed by PAGANS in place ABOVE/THE STATUE OF THE GODDESS OF LIBERTY ON TOP OF THE DOME OF THE CAPITOL AND BELOW ITDEMOCRACY/The Government created by the PAGAN GREEK CULTURE


Goddess of Freedom

By Selena Fox

Circle Sanctuary

The honoring of the Goddess of FREEDOM began more than two thousand years ago among the ancient Romans.  They called HER, LIBERTAS the Latin world for FREEDOM 

LIBERTAS signified






The Roman Religion had a large and complex pantheon with a great assortment of Goddesses, Gods and other sacred forms.  Ancient Romans revered and deified certain VALUES, known as VIRTUES, and LIBERTAS/FREEDOM was on of the MOST IMPORTANT of these.

A few of the more than two dozen other private and public VIRTUES/ATTRIBUTES/QUALITIES were


( Spes )



( Justica )



( Pietas )



( Virtus )


According to their, The Ancient Roman’s Religion/Their governments/gods,

Roman citizens were to uphold VIRTUES in their personal lives as well as in the culture as a whole.


as a Deity/God usually took the form of female god/ a goddess.  

A Temple to Her on the Aventine Hill in Rome was dedicated around 238 BCE.

Sometimes She merged with the chief Roman God JUPITER, in the form of JUPITER LIBERTAS,



whose feast was celebrated on April 13. LIBERTAS also was closely associated with the Goddess Feronia, and some viewed as aspects of the Goddess. Feronia is thought to have been originally an ancient agricultural and FIRE Goddess among the Etruscan and /or Sabine peoples.


Feronia (mythology) In ancient Roman religion, Feronia was a goddess associated with wildlife, fertility, health, and abundance. As the goddess who granted freedom to slaves or civil rights to the most humble part of society, she was especially honored among plebeians and freedmen. Jun 14 2019  Wikipedia


An ancient Italian divinity, who originally belonged to the Sabines and Faliscans, and was introduced by them among the Romans. Greek writers, as usual, describe her as of Greek origin. Dionysius1 thus relates, that the Lacedaemonians who emigrated at the time of Lycurgus, after long wanderings (pheromenoi), at length landed in Italy, where they founded a town Feronia, and built a temple to the goddess Feronia. But, however this may be, it is extremely difficult to form a definite notion of the nature of this goddess.

Some consider her to have been the goddess of liberty, because at Terracina slaves were emancipated in her temple,2 and because on one occasion the freedmen at Rome collected a sum of money for the purpose of offering it to her as a donation.3 Others look upon her as the goddess of commerce and traffic, because these things were carried on to a great extent during the festival which was celebrated in honor of her in the town of Feronia, at the foot of Mount Soracte. But commerce was carried on at all festivals at which many people met, and must be looked upon as a natural result of such meetings rather than as their cause.4 Others again regard her as a goddess of the earth or the lower world, and as akin to Mania and Tellus, partly because she is said to have given to her son three souls, so that Evander had to kill him thrice before he was dead,5 and partly on account of her connection with Soranus, whose worship strongly resembled that of Feronia.

Besides the sanctuaries at Terracina and near Mount Soracte, she had others at Trebula, in the country of the Sabines, and at Luna in Etruria.6

During the Roman Republic, Feronia’s feast day was November 13.  She was honored in central Italy as the Goddess of FREEDWOMAN and FREEDMEN, and she was associated with the granting of freedom of slaves.

Part of the passage from slavery into freedom in Roman society involved having the head ritually shared being ceremonially tapped by a magistrate with a ROD, called a VINDICTA, and then WEARING A CAP KNOWN AS A pilleus to symbolize FREED status.


Some of the Roman depictions/images/symbols/representatives of the GODDESS OF LIBERTAS have survived to this day on coins and other artifacts.  LIBERTAS usually is pictured as a MATRON in flowing classical dress. She often is shown holding both the LIBERTY POLE

( Vindicta ) and LIBERTY CAP ( Pilleus )

In some images/depictions THE GODDESS OF LIBERTAS wears the LIBERTY CAP or a CROWN of Laurel leaves.  Sometimes she carries a SPEAR instead of the LIBERTY POLE.  Sometimes The Goddess is shown with a CAT at Her Feet.

Although the Roman Empire is no more, The Goddess LIBERTY still survives, is around and is still REVERED/PRAISED/TAKEN OATHS and VOWS TO/ SACRIFICED to by ignorant men and women in the military/served and honored.  Over the centuries and across cultures, she has continued to signify FREEDOM/LIBERTY in Her appearances in paintings, sculptures, songs, stories, poems, and other literature.  In recent centuries, the form she has most often taken is that of



began emerging in America during the colonial era as part of the American quest for political independence from Britain.  American patriot Paul Revere may have been the first to depict LADY LIBERTY in that context.  In 1766, on the OBELISK he created in celebration of the repeal of the STAMP ACT, he used the Image of LIBERTY with a LIBERTY POLE surmounted by a LIBERTY CAP. Another patriot leader, Thomas Paine, included her in his poem the LIBERTY TREE, referring to Her as THE GODDESS OF LIBERTY.  Freedom Goddess depictions NOT ONLY emerged in America during it’s revolution, but a few years later in France during it’s own Revolution with the female symbol of the French Republic THE MARIANNE, depicted wearing the LIBERTY CAP, and often accompanied by LIBERTY’S CAT.


As the USA became a nation, LADY LIBERTY became part of the official symbol of some of it’s newly formed states.  Holding Her LIBERTY CAP atop of the LIBERTY POLE, LADY LIBERTY appears along with the GODDESS OF JUSTICE

Astraea, Astrea

Astraea, Astrea or Astria (Ancient Greek : Ἀστραῖα ; “star-maiden” or “starry night”), in ancient Greek religion, is a daughter of Astraeus and Eos. She is the virgin goddess of justice, innocence, purity and precision.

on the New York State Flag.

On the obverse of The Great Seal of The Commonwealth Virginia, created in 1776, The GODDESS LIBERTY holds the LIBERTY CAP atop a pole in Her right hand and is flanked on Her left side by the Roman Goddess of ETERNITY ( Aertermitas )



Aeternitas, or Eternitas, is the Roman Goddess Who is the personification of eternity. She seems to be a somewhat late addition to the Roman pantheon, and was featured on many coins of the Imperial era.

and on Her right by THE GODDESS OF FRUITFULNESS ( Ceres ).

In addition the GODDESS OF LIBERTY, also with a LIBERTY POLE and CAP appears with CERES/THE GODDESS OF FRUITFULNESS on the front of the Great Seal of New Jersey, adopted 1777.

As more states were formed in the USA, in the 10th and 20th centuries some of them also chose to include LIBERTY imagery/symbols as part of their iconography.  In addition, LADY LIBERTY images appeared on coins, paintings, stamps, and in sculptures throughout the land including the colossal bronze Statue Freedom which was commissioned in 1855 and in 1863 set on the top of the Dome of the US Capitol building in Washington, DC where it can still be seen today. 

It is interesting to note that during the American Civil War era both sides claimed LIBERTY and sought to use Her IMAGES to promote their own causes.  Among abolitionists, the Goddess LIBERTY was depicted freeing slaves, while states rights advocates used Her Image to signify independence from the TYRANNY of centralized government.

  Today, The Goddess of LIBERTY Images are used in connection with a wide range of political parties candidates and positions on various issues.

All this information is so important to know so that both land and people can be freed from the Spiritual Darkness of Ignorance and how nations and it’s people have gone spiritually astray and have placed other gods before them.
































































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