Saturday, March 29, 2025

Lack of Light



Pastor Deborah has a long history with helping The Land and It’s Creatures to be free of their Spiritual Groanings and Vexation that they are suffering from under the subjection to the old ancient Adversary of The Kingdom of Heaven, The King of The Darkness that lays on and over the spiritual land and all of it’s creatures and resources and over and on the people as well.  Pastor Deborah had to learn much of the UNSEEN Realm that RULES AND REIGNS over LAND, IT’S CREATURES, IT’S RESOURCES AND THE PEOPLE. 


The Lessons include



The Ancient Kingdoms

Ancient Decrees For The Earth

Ancient Purposes For The Land, It’s Creatures, It’s Resources and The People

Ancient Prophetic Desires For The Land, It’s Creatures, It’s Resources and The People

The Ancient Patterns Of The Highest Kingdom For The Land, It’s Creatures, It’s Resources and The People


Pastor Deborah is here to help you to get a deep spiritual understanding of these Concepts about the world in which all humans live in and the planet itself.  In this first teaching, Pastor Deborah introduces the concept of the word


For what a land, a country a nation, a city, a town, a tribe, a street, a community, a family is NAMED is vital for this spiritual teaching.

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word NAME as

1. A Word or Phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation or a person or thing

2. A word or symbol used in logic to designate an entity

3.  A descriptive often disparaging epithet

4.  An illustrious record/fame

5.  Reputation

6.  A person or thing with a reputation

7. A Family or Clan

8.  By the Authority of

9.  For the reason of/for the purpose of/the nature of

10.  Appointing the Nature of things, places, people, creatures/giving things their function, their purpose, their spiritual description, spiritual place in a realm,


By Ancient Royal Law states that what a human being states, names, calls, designates, places authority on by a name, gives a thing it’s place and purpose THEN the NAME decrees/declares/proclaims and sets in law to the UNSEEN AND SEEN realms WHAT THE NATURE & FUNCTION & PLACE of the LAND, RESOURCE, THE CREATURES AND THE PEOPLE are on earth.  The NAME and It’s Symbols that are Raised up for all to see and say that is given to a land, it’s resources, it’s people, the cities, the towns, the places is POWERFUL by the concept that WORDS/Symbols in Pictures/Icons BRING LIFE OR BRING DEATH, BLESSINGS OR CURSES. When a LAND, IT’S RESOURCES, IT’S PEOPLE are NAMED, they are GIVEN their NATURE, PURPOSE, FUNCTION, PLACE IN THE REALMS and by ROYAL LAW are UNCHANGABLE until an MORE POWERFUL One comes along and brings FREEDOM to the ANCIENT WORDS OF NATURE, OWNERSHIP, PURPOSE, IDENTITY are destroyed by THE LEGAL OWNER is a HIGHER COURT by A HIGHER JUDGE of all the Universe.


Why is this important to know?  Because when something is given a NAME, one is giving the thing it’s





Sometimes THE NAME of a LAND OR PEOPLE are given as a

Description of It’s NATURE

The Eternal/Spiritual Desires of the One Doing The Naming

Way To Symbolize The Characteristics That Are Valued And Desired and Developed By The Land or It’s People



The NAME from the BIRTH of a NATION, A PEOPLE, A RESOURCES will spiritually determine the direction of the thing name, it’s ownership, it’s identity and purpose.

NAMES are given TO HONOR something, or someone.  Many NAMES are to honor one’s ANCIENT ANCESTORS/Or The Gods Of Times Past to keep them alive in the lives of a NATION and it’s People.  Also, NAMES will be Given to GIVE A NATION OR PERSON PURPOSE, TO GUIDE them in the way they should grow and develop.  NAMES are a Voice and a Symbol, and with NAMES will come THE GREAT POWERFUL GUARDIANS OF THAT NAME, OF THAT NATION, OF A PERSON, OF A RESOURCES. Sort of a TATOO for a NATION AND IT’S PEOPLE.  For The FLAGS with their symbols and colors, The Banners of The NAMES AND SYMBOLS OF THE NATION fly the NATION’S IDENTITY, A COAT OF ARMS, EVEN FOR A VILLAGE, OR A CITY, OR A STREET, A NEIGHBORHOOD, A PART, A MOUNTAIN AND YES, A FAMILY/GANG ALL HAVE NAMES AND FLAGS AND SYMBOLS OF IDENTIFICATION for all to see and recognize and honor.  NAMES are POWERFUL, They Are Descriptive and Prophetic and Full of Purpose.  NAMES are A NON-VERBAL WAY OF describing and speaking about something or someone and it’s NATURE AND CHARACTER, IT’S IDENTITY.


The following words you will also have to have the definitions for and to know how they relate to THE SPIRIUTAL HISTORY OF THE LAND, IT’S RESOURCES AND THE PEOPLE.






Each one we will look up in Webster’s Dictionary and bring their definitions to light for you to understand this teaching.

Let’s begin.


Webster’s Dictionary defines the WORD NATURE as

1. The inherited character or basic constitution of a person or thing

2.  Essence

3. Disposition, Temperment

4.  A Creative and Controlling force on the universe

5.  An inner force of the sum of such forces in an individual

6.  A kind or class usually distinguished by fundamental or essential characteristics


Webster’s Dictionary Defines the Word CHARACTER as

1. An indication of ownership, origin, or relationship

2. One of the attributes of features that make up and distinguish an individual

3. A Feature used to separate, to distinguish an thing

4. A feature used to separate and distinguish into a category

5. Capacity, Position

6. Marked by notable or distinguished traits


Webster’s Dictionary Defines the Word IDENTITY as

1. Sameness of essential or generic character in different instances

2.  The disguisable character or personality of a thing

3. The relation established by psychological identification

4.  The sameness of essentials that constituted the objectives reality of a thing, Oneness

5.  The condition of being the same with something


Webster’s Dictionary defines the Word PURPOSE as

1. Something set up as a object or end to be obtained, Intention

2. Resolution, Determination


Webster’s Dictionary defines the Word OWNERSHIP as

1.The state , relation or fact of being an owner

1. Coming from the Root word OWN which is defined as

1.Independently of assistance or control

2. Belonging to oneself or itself

3. To have or hold as property, possession

4. To have power over, control

5. Acknowledge to be true, valid 


In becoming more spiritually knowledgeable, one must have definitions of Words. If one does not understand and have meanings of Words, there is NO LIGHT, NO CORRECT IDEAS, NO CORRECT CONCEPTS, thus only DARK LIGHT FOR Knowledge.  In helping one to understand the UNSEEN REALM THAT IS OVER A LAND, IT’S RESOURCES AND THE PEOPLE. It is always good to start at the beginning with WORDS.

When people do not have a SPIRIUTAL understanding of the UNSEEN REALM and it’s RULERSHIP over a land, it’s resources and the people, then one remains in DARKNESS/IGNORANCE thus not able to understand what is happening, why something is happening and what or who is behind the event.  Long Forgotten Histories of the beginning of The Land and the Spiritual Dedications made to it, over it on an owner’s behalf will remain in tact, enforceable, unseen yet in control and valid.

Long ago a Prophet named, Hosea spoke about just such as SPIRITUAL THING involving the land and it’s people.



Listen to his Ancient words from long ago.

Hosea 4 : 1 – 3, 6 – 7

Authorized King James Version

Verse 1   Hear The Word of The Lord you children of Israel:  for the Lord has a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, Why>  because THERE IS NO TRUTH NOR MERCY NOR KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, THE MOST HIGH, THE HEAVENLY FATHER in THE LAND ( This means both the earth, a nation and within the spiritual heart and soul of a human.) not in the government, business, families, culture, justice system, education, legal system, the military the world of faith, health care, in the cities, in the towns, the streets, the neighborhoods, and the entire nations. 

Verse 2   By swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery against Me, The Most High God – The Heavenly Father, HOW?   By serving OTHER gods and BECOMING INTIMATE with them ( by allowing a sort of spiritual marriage with them where the two become one and allow these other gods to enter into one’s spiritual heart and become the Ruler and King of the spiritual heart ), these other gods break out of you – their worshippers, and blood touches blood ( people kill people )

Verse 3  Therefore because of these deeds in the hearts/minds of the souls of humanity/mankind and that are done on MY LAND, THE EARTH AND THE LAND OF THE SPIRIUTAL HEART ,



that is consuming the land,

and every one/every person that DWELLS/LIVES therein 

Shall Languish/to be feeble/to be weak/to live in a state of Depression or Decreasing Vitality/to become Dispirited/Pine Away/To Suffer Neglect/To Be Grieving/Or To Be Seeking Sympathy,

With the Beasts of the Field

and with the Fowls of The Air/The Sky, yes eve the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away/resources depleted/with held/scare/not replenishing themselves/not plentiful/ not bountiful

Verse 6   My people ARE DESTROYED for LACK of My Spiritual KNOWLEDGE/TRUTH;


Because they HAVE REJECTED My Spiritual KNOWLEDGE/TRUTH, therefore, I WILL ALSO spiritually REJECT them, so that they SHALL NOT BE A SPIRITUAL PRIEST to Me on behalf of others spiritually to plead their cause before Me, I WILL NOT hear their spiritual cries/prayers/intercession, 

they, These that I HAVE SPIRITUALLY REJECTED as a Spiritual Priest Unto Me, 

They WILL NOT BE MY SPIRIUTAL AMBASSADORS of The Kingdom of Heaven to the Darken Hearts of Humanity in the World of Spiritual Darkness/Ignorance in the world on the earth NOR will they be My Spirit9ual Ministers of My Spiritual Reconciliation between Me and My lost spiritual children on and under the earth, NOR will they SPEAK for Me SPIRITUALLY to others and I WILL NOT SPEAK Spiritually Unto them, and they WILL NOT be a Holy Spiritual Priesthood or a Spiritual King in My Kingdom of Heaven, NOR Will they be a Spiritual DELIGHT and a Joy unto Me,

NO, they will be OUT of My Spiritual Presence of Glory and Healing, they WILL NOT have SPIRITUAL VICTORY over their spiritual enemies:



( of having other gods before Me and Worshipping and Serving them instead of Me, Like the

Goddess of Liberty and Justice

From ancient Greece and Rome and all the gods that falsely represent Me and My Attributes/Qualities/Character/Nature/Being/Identity,

So, therefore I will also SPIRIUTALLY forget their children


Isaiah 5 : 13 – 16

Authorized King James Version

Verse 13  Therefore My precious Spiritual people are gone into spiritual captivity/bondage/slavery/prison,


Because  they have NO SPIRIUTAL KNOWLEDGE/TRUTH/WISDOM/UNDERSTANDING of Me/The Most High God/Their Lord and God and their spiritual enemies and their sins of Spiritual Ignorance because of the Spiritual Darkness/Ignorance that is in them:  and their honorable men are spiritually famished/spiritually starving for My Spiritual Knowledge/Truth/Wisdom/Understanding, and their multitudes of people are spiritually and mentally and physically dried up with spiritual Thirst for Me and My Spiritual Knowledge/Truths/Wisdom/Understanding/My Freedom From Spiritual Slavery and Captivity to sin and the fear of death.


Isaiah 1 : 4

Authorized King James Version

Verse 4  A sinful nation/people/state/city, a people laden/heavy burdened with/yoked together with INIQUITY, a seed of evildoers children that are corrupters:  they HAVE SPIRITUALLY FORSAKEN THE LORD FOR OTHER GODS , they have provoked The Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are Spiritually GONE AWAY from Me and My Spiritual Laws and HAVE GONE spiritually BACKWARD and are spiritually SERVING OTHER gods BESIDES ME.

Back To Isaiah 5: 13 -16

Verse 14 Therefore HELL has enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure:  and their/a people’s/ as state’s/ a city/ a church’ a nation glory, and their multitudes of people, and their pomp/fame/legacy and he that rejoices in these sins ( the demons of The Darkness ) shall descend into it.

Verse 15  And the mean person shall be brought down and the mighty/proudful person shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty/prideful shall be humbled/lowered/disgraced/shamed

Verse 16  But The Lord of Hosts/Angels of Heaven SHALL BE spiritually EXALTED in SPIRITUAL JUDGMENT, and God that is Holy SHALL BE spiritually SANCTIFIED/SET APART/HONORED/GLORIED in Spiritual RIGHTEOUISNESS

Now Back To Hosea 4 : 6 -7 

Verse 7  as they/man on the earth/My people were increased so they SINNED/REBELLED/TURNED AWAY FROM ME by spiritually FORSAKING My spiritual LAWS and SERVING other gods and MAKING GRAVEN IMAGES of the:  therefore will I/The Lord of Creation CHANGE their GLORY/RULERSHIP/INFLUENCE/KINGSHIP/AUTHORITY & DOMINION into SHAME & DISHONOR

We are told that we have SPIRIUTAL ENEMIES and that they are NOT OF FLESH AND BLOOD of mankind, but of a different realm/world/kingdom that we do not see, but is yet there alive and active behind the scenes of life, And because of humanity’s spiritual IGNORANCE/DARKNESS of these TRUE spiritual ENEMIES of any city/people/state/nation/government/justice system/business/educational system/families/ a culture/politics/religion/health of a nation and it’s people, the land and the people HAVE BEEN TAKEN Spiritually CAPTIVE/INTO DARK SLAVERY/YOKED IN BONDAGE and are spiritual SLAVES/SERVANTS/PROPERTY OF ANOTHER god besides The Most High God/The God and Lord of Creation Itself and His Kingdom of Heaven.


The Land & The People Have A Sickness/Disease Upon It and In It and Yet It Seems To Be Spiritually Concealed Under A Spell/A Bewitchment/A Covering of Darkness/Ignorance of Concealment That Will Not Show Itself Openly.

To Set The Land and The People Truly Spiritually Free, The Kingdom of Heaven’s Spiritual Truth/Light/Knowledge/Truth/Understanding MUST Spiritually enter into the hearts/minds of mankind and to the land and a mighty Spiritual King MUST come to set ALL FREE from their Spiritual Bondage and Slavery to Spiritual Princes/Rulers of Darkness/Ignorance and Slavery

But as in World War 2 those who have been overtaken by a stronger and fierce enemy CAN NOT Spiritually Free themselves.  The Land and the People MUST SPIRIUTALLY have help from others who are NOT UNDER the Spiritual YOKE of Darkness/Ignorance/Slavery/Bondage/Death/Captivity to another who can see the Spiritual Enemies, a Darkness that Only a Free SPIRITUAL KING can Spiritually Battle for the Spiritual Freedom of others and the Land.

So, as in World War 2, even now Land/Nations and Their spiritual people are in the spiritual GRIPS of an UNKNOWN, yet DEADLY and SPIRITUALLY CONTROLLING as the Nation of Germany and Japan were in World War 2.

Listen to what and who is the real SPIRIUTAL ENEMY of The Land, Nations and Their People who have been Spiritually ENSLAVED, TORTURED AND KILLED if they DO NOT SURRENDER and SERVE Them or OBEY Them.  These WHO ARE The Spiritual ENEMIES of the Land of the earth and the people have Spiritually ENSLAVED/TAKEN CAPTIVE/COVERED WITH A SPELL OF A MATRIX/CONCEALED BY A BEWITCHMENT many many people and lands AND WILL NOT GIVE THEM UP WITHOUT a spiritual FIGHT.

Consider your nation/city/town/village/people/government/land the same as Europe was during WORLD WAR 1 AND 2.

Ephesians 6 : 12

Authorized King James Version


The spiritual BATTLE for SPIRITUAL FREEDOM is as old as the World and The Earth.  

The Spiritual FREEDOM from Slavery/Bondage/Captivity/Control/Fear of Death/Injustices is NOT a NEW Spiritual Battle.  The Spiritual ENEMIES of True Spiritual FREEDOM HAVE NOT Changed or BEEN Spiritually VANQUISHED off of the earth or completely from out of the SYSTEM/THE GOVERNING SYSTEM CALLED THE WORLD.  They still are SPIRITUALLY RULING/REIGNING over the land, the resources, the people and through the systems of the government through the hearts and minds of humanity.


These SPIRITUAL ENEMIES have had many many ages of years to spiritually dig in, spiritually build up through generations of humanity their spiritual Bunkers, their spiritual WEAPONS and Spells of CONCEALMENT OF THEIR DARKNESS/IGNORANCE/PROTECTION/AND THE STRENGTH OF THE MATRIX THEY HAVE BUILT IN THE hearts and minds of humanity and over the Land Itself.  

Ages and Ages of Time they have CREATED their own Slaves, Soldiers, Servants, for it’s Kingdom of Darkness that will at a moment’s notice attack and defend, conquer new lands of hearts and minds of the new generations of humanity/mankind and take them into the Darkness of Torment and Slavery to The Fear of Death, To Enslave and Imprison the spiritual hearts and minds of all humanity into camps/prisons/cells of Slavery, Bondage, and Captivity. 

Nothing has spiritually changed, the spiritual ENEMIES of spiritual FREEDOM are the same Today as they were in ANCIENT DAYS of long ago.

Spiritual CONCEALMENT/DARKNESS/IGNORANCE is still upon the World, the Land, the Nations, The People and the souls and spirits of humanity.  The spiritual armies/enemies/adversaries of SPIRITUAL FREEDOM still are SPIRITUALLY roaming SPIRITUALLY free in the SPIRITUIAL LANDS/AND THE NATIONS OF PEOPLE on the earth.

These spiritual FORTRESSES, STRONGHOLDS, STRONGMEN/PRINCES/RULERS/CONTROLLERS/LORDS/MASTERS of Control have spiritually laid in spiritual peace and have not been spiritually disturbed for generations after generations.

People are still PLUGGED into a SPIRIUTAL MATRIX of Spiritual CONTROL, still SPIRITUIALLY defending their SPIRITUAL Task Masters/Controllers/Lords Rulers.  The Very Enemies of FREEDOM and the Jailers of The Kingdom of Darkness/Ignorance.

Tormentors and The Rulers of The Fear of Death, The Land and The People’s Eternal Spiritual Enemies, Slave Masters and Strongmen of Captivity.

For SPIRIUTAL FREEDOM is Spiritually Frightening and Spiritually Believed Deadly for Them for there are spiritual spies spiritually everywhere, spiritually listening  and watching, 5th Columns ( as the Nazis/The Germans had in other countries around the world before and during World War 2 ) and they are spiritually among us.  Spiritually protecting and defending their spiritual Territory/Land ( both the land of the earth and the minds of the soul and the spiritual hearts of their prisoners/humanity )  and their spiritual slaves/captives are vital to them to Spiritually BE THE KINGS AND LORDS, MASTERS AND RULERS of the Spiritual World on the earth and in the souls and spiritual hearts of humanity.

They spiritually DESIRE to spiritually RULE the Spiritual WORLD covering the Land and the Resources of The earth and the minds of the soul and the hearts of the spiritual person and to spiritually cover them with a SPIRIUTAL DARKNESS/IGNORANCE/LIGHT as It was Long Ago, before the Spiritual Light of Life/Agape Love Came Back Into the Spiritual World in the very Spiritual person as a Son/Offspring of The Great King of The Kingdom of Heaven 

These spiritual enemies of Freedom and Agape Love DESIRE with All their Hearts and Minds to KEEP their Slaves, Land, Territory under their Control and COVERED with the Bewitchment and Concealment through Ideas, Concepts, Lies, Deceptions, Fear, and Death which are not of the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN and It’s Light of Truth, Love, Joy and Peace.

These spiritual ENEMIES are of a spiritual time long forgotten, a spiritual myth now, just a spiritual legend of make believe, just Science Fiction, Fairy Tales, spiritually UNSEEN, spiritual BEINGS of an ancient time that no earthly weapon formed can defeat them.

Only a Spiritual Weapon of True Agape Love, Sacrifice For Another and The Power of A True Lord of Creation.

Only The Most High God, The Great and Mighty Lion of The Kingdom of Heaven could and does spiritually fight these spiritual ENEMIES of FREEDOM. These Two Adversaries Fought and The ENEMIES OF FREEDOM lost to the Power of Agape Love, Joy and It’s Peace.  

Agape Love, Broken the Spell of Concealment and Brought In the Light Of FREEDOM and LOVE to the World surrounding the earth and all of the creatures and all of humanity for all of time and beyond.

May this spiritual Knowledge and Truth open your spiritual eyes of your spiritual Understanding and bring your spiritual Ears out of the Land of spiritual Deafness and Dullness and that the Waxed Spiritual Grossness/The Covering of Flesh from the Soul/The Outer Old Person which has spiritually covered your spiritual heart/mind be spiritually CIRCUMCISED off of the you, the real you, The Forever Person so that the Spiritual Light of Truth/Life/Agape Love may spiritually shine unto you where only the Light and Spell of Darkness/Ignorance has ruled and reigned/controlled/been the Master of your life.

May you spiritually reach out to the King of Heaven to set you spiritually Free, the Land and The Nation spiritually Free of these spiritual ENEMIES from an ANCIENT Time

Love Pastor Deborah

A Son of The Kingdom of Heaven 




















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