Friday, February 14, 2025

The Role and Responsibilities of Being An Global Goodwill Ambassador of My Body Is My Body




It is a great Honor to be apart of MY BODY IS MY BODY 

The Page For The Global Goodwill Ambassadors

As an Global Goodwill Ambassador With and For My Body Is My Body my role and responsibilities are to reach out in a variety of ways to children in the world with the My Body Is My Body wonderful prevention and education programs that are free to all that will help to EMPOWER AND PROTECT these precious little ones from physical and sexual abuse.

This International Program created by Chrissy Sykes and has been faithfully reaching out to the world and it’s children for over 30 years.  Chrissy is on Twitter at @MBIMD1 and is a member of ISPCAN and a Global Goodwill Ambassador ( Director of Nominations England ) and An Global Ambassador for Child Welfare FAAVM

Pastor Deborah has joined with others As an International/Global Ambassador of My Body Is My Body which is a very successful, positive and fun filled musical and animated “body safety” program  that teaches and empowers children in homes, nursery schools and public and private schools.  Currently the programs are in many languages and more are on the way. Some include,  Arabic, Bengali, Mandarin, Dutch, French, Hindi, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, Setswana, Swedish, Urdu, Xhosa, Tamil Turkish.

Languages that are coming very soon include:  German, Japanese, If anyone would like to volunteer to translate the programs into any other languages My Body Is My Body would love to hear from you – It is a document of 5300 words.  Contact Chrissy.

My Body Is My Body is NOT A CHARITY, OR AN NGO IT Is Just a FREE PROGRAM available to communities TO HELP SPREAD AWARENESS about CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION and to show people that through music and simple songs, we can teach children to be safer.  An Ambassador of My Body Is My Body CAN NOT RAISE MONEY for this Program or CHARGE for the Videos as EVERYTHING IS FREELY AVAILABLE on the website, social media and on YouTube.

Everyone that works as an Ambassador with this program does so at no charge.  My Body Is My Body does not have any funding and everything that has been achieved is totally through the kindness and goodwill of people on behalf of children around the world.


An Ambassador’s Duties and Responsibilities Include but may not be limited to

  1.  Sharing the Program on Social Media  Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Instagram
  2.   Sharing With Schools and Teachers, Pre-Schools, Home Schools, Social Workers, Those working with Children in Sports, After School Programs, 
  3.  Parents
  4.   Community Functions 
  5.   The Children You Come Into Contact with, in your Faith Based Programs, Hospitals, Foster Care, One’s Own Family
  6.  Learning The Program through watching the videosm Visting the Teacher’s Corner that include Lesson Plans, Tutorials and The Song Videos
  7.  Be able to Speak about the Program 
  8.  Blog and write about The Program in a non threatening way.
  9.  Tweet and tell others about the Program and It’s Benefits.
  10. Connect on social media to spread the word about the Program
  11.  Write Media Stories


As an Ambassador, one must be aware when using social media that it is subject to the full range of laws applying to other communications, including copyright, breach of confidence, defamation, privacy contempt of court, harassment, vilification and anti-discrimination legislation, and criminal laws.  Social media can be the subject of legal proceedings.

An Ambassador knows that My Body Is My Body will accept no liability which arises due to Ambassador’s use or mis-use of social media sites.  Any views expressed by Ambassadors are their own and ought not to be presented as though they represent the views of My Body Is My Body Program.  In all communications Ambassadors must not bring My Body Is My Body Program in disrepute.

In being appointed as an Ambassador, The My Body is My Body Program does not enter into a contract with the Ambassador.  The Letter Of Appointment and the guidelines are there to help the Ambassador feel supported and clear about their role.

As an Ambassador, The Ambassador IS NOT an Agent of the Organization.  Ambassadors act ” In Aid of” and NOT ” on behalf” of My Body Is My Body Program.

An Ambassador has been Appointed to give as a Volunteer whatever level of commitment they are able to give the Program and will be recognized and valued for their contribution. The Ambassador will be expected to follow the letter and the spirit of My Body Is My Body’s Policies and Procedures and to meet mutually agreed time commitments, or to give notice if this is not possible.

The Ambassador’s Role is primarily as an AWARENESS VOLUNTEER, to share information about the Program and share community information about Child Abuse Prevention.

The Ambassador will not be reimbursed travel or any other expenses incurred in this Volunteer Position.

The Ambassador knows that My Body Is My Body Program will accept no liability which arises due to an Ambassador’s activities.

Ambassador’s are from different parts of the world and each agrees to uphold all legal requirements of one’s own country of Residence.

As an Ambassador, it is also the Duty to report any Child Abuse to one’s local Authorities, and at all times have the safety of children your priority.

An Ambassador knows that Together with others, the goals of Making this world A SAFER PLACE FOR CHILDREN.

All intellectual property rights of all videos and content provided to an Ambassador belongs to My Body Is My Body and cannot be copied, renamed, reused, translated or sold by anyone without the express written permission of My Body Is My Body. If any such incident is brought to the notice of My Body Is My Body such person shall be liable for both civil and criminal action.

Please see the following pages from My Body Is My to learn more about this Honored Volunteer Position that Pastor Deborah has Invited to Become Apart of and to Support on the Behalf of Children around the world to help bring Awareness For Child Abuse Prevention and To Help Educate Both Children and Parents on Child Safety.

  1.  Ambassadors   –

2.   Around The World

3.   Blog Posts  

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