Listen to Pastor Deborah as she teaches more about the Spiriutal Concepts of the Purposes of Words and That they are created to produce Fruit and to be served to others. Words are vital in the 3 part system of physical body, soul and The Forever Person. Learn more about the Kingdom of Words.
Category: Podcast
Mental Health and The Forever Person, Series 2, Episode 12 The Three Realms, PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Listen to another Episode of Mental Health and The Forever Person, Series 2, The Three Realms, Post Traumatice Stress Disorder, PTSD. Learn how it effects the 3 part system of physical body, soul and it’s two consciousness and the Forever Person. Learn about memories and their powerful ability to break through one’s doors of amnesia and come again and vex and attack the system’s unity and peace. Learn about how Trauma effects the system.
Mental Health and The Forever Person, Series 2, The Three Realms, Episode 10, Trauma Informed Care
Listen to a Podcast of Mental Health and The Forever Person and Trauma Informed Care. Learn more about oneself and others and the effects of Trauma on the 3 part system of physical body, soul and it’s 2 parts and the spirit. Learn more about the intersection of mental health, trauma, and the soul and how trauma effects the physical body.
Mental Health And The Forever Person, The Three Realms, Episode 9, Series 2
Welcom and Listen to another Podcast Episode of Menta Health And The Forever Person, The Three Realms, Series 2, Episode 9. Learn more about Mental Health, The Realm of The Soul and it’s 2 Consciousess. Learn more about the Deeply Hidden Sub-Conscious heart and mind and how it is shaped by the 5 senses and develops it’s thoughts, concepts, feelings, desires, attitudes and culture of it’s heart and how it is interconnected with the 5 senses and rules the ;physical body through it’s heart and mind. Learn more about others and the world on earth,
Mental Health and The Forever Person, The Three Realms, Series 2, Episode 8
Listen to Pastor Deborah talk more about Mental Health and the System she was apart of and how it operated and sought to help people from both a medical way and a faith based way. Learn more about the role of being a licenesed counselor who can diagnosis and treat medical diseases and illnesses. Learn about how the DSM is used and it’s language of numerical numbers is the language of this profession. Listen and Learn. Pastor Deborah
Audio Book, The Multitudes, Volume 1 Chapter 1
Enjoy the Audio Book called, The Multitudes and learn much about oneself, and others and about Agape Love and It’s Love of Humanity. Love Pastor Deborah
The Valley of Tears, The King’s International Spiriutal Care Univerisity, Basic CLass # 3
Get your Books, Your Pencils and Tablets and join others in Spiriutal Care School, The King’s Interantional Spiriutal Care University. Listen to Pastor Deborah teach Class #3 The Valley of Tears. The Long Process of what Pastor Deborah had to travel through to help people the Lord’s way, an ancient way from Agape Love and Out of Agape Love. Learn about the Tears Pastor Deborah cried, the Ministry she was sent on, the Anointing she received, the spiritual position she was ordained for, the Blessings she received and then how she had to develop into a mighty solider of Agape Love and Come out of the Valley of Tears and Proclaim unto the enemy of humanity that It’s days were over, It’s walls of defense were coming down and to remember the ancient days of battle and It’s defeat in the Days of Jericho. Enjoy and Learn.
Mental Health and The Forever Person, The Three Realms, Episode 7, Series 2
Listen to Pastor Deborah as she teaches on Mental Health and The Forever Person and the area of Mood Disorders. Mood Disorders are one’s feelings and a reflection and expression of the Soul’s Intrepretations of many experiences and concepts of it’s self, of others and of life. Listen to learn how the Professionals of Mental Health are looking for one’s Moods and if they are out of balance and thus causing many problems for the system and for others.
Mental Health and The Forever Person, The Three Realms, Episode 6, Series 2
Listen to The Mental Health and The Forever Person Podcast. Series 2, The Three Realms, Episode 6. Learn more about Mental Health and one’s Personality and how it is developed. Learn that Pastor Deborah has been asked to be a Keynote Speaker at an International Conference on a Premier Summit on Mental Health and Positive Psychology in Cananda. Learn how the mental health community is beginning to see the need for Hope, Encouragement and Positive Healing Words to those suffering with a mental health disease, illness or disorder. Learn more about oneself, and others. Join with others in this Podcast and learn and grow. Love Pastor Deborah
The King’s International Spiritual Care University, Basic Course on Helping People The Lord’s Way, Video 1
Listen to the Beginning of Spiriutal Care and How Pastor Deborah left one world/realm to learn how to help people from another unknown realm, the realm of the spirit. Hear Pastor Deborah’s Basic story and learn about some of the books she read that help her to learn how to help people the Lord’s Way of the Spiriutal Care. Video 1 of the Basic Courses.
The Ruby Slippers, Healing The Dreams of A Broken Heart, Episode 3 of 3
Listen to the final Episode of Healing The Dream of A Broken Heart and how Agape Love and A Heart’s Desires were the Power to bring healing and restoration to a Broken and Wounded Heart. Learn about how companions of a Broken heart are there for the Broken Heart and will be with it and help it to be restored to it’s home of Agape Love, Health and The Land where Fear Of Death was overcome. Hear the final Episode and learn how Dorothy’s Broken Heart comes out of it’s Brokenness and It’s Deeps Fear are melted as Lemon Drops and Agape Love Rises Up out of the Darkness to bring a way Home, For Dorothy had to learn she had never really left home, but was in a Dream Land of Oz. Love Pastor Deborah
Mental Health and The Forever Person, The Three Realms, Episode 5, Series 2
Come and sit and listen to Pastor Deborah as she teaches on The The Second Realm, The Soul of The Three REalms of Mental Health and The Forever Person and their intersection within the 2 part system of physical body, soul/the hidden person of the heart and the spirit/the Forever Person. Learn more about yourself and about others. Join with others in the Garden as many come and learn about how The Hidden Person, The Soul Is Shaped and Conformed to become a Personality that is the object of a Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment in the system of Mental Health. Enjoy the Teaching.
The King’s International Spiritual Care University’s Hello and Welcome Of Pastor Deborah
Come and Meet Pastor Deborah as she says hello and welcome to you to The King’s International Spiritual Care University. Learn more about The King’s International University and it’s registration, courses, tests you will take, and how the tests are taken and where. Learn how you will receive your certificate of completion from those who you have taken the classes to help in humanity.
What Is In A Word ? – The King and Kingdom Series
Come and learn more about the King, The Word and It’s Kingdom It desires to Rule and Reign Over, The 3 part system of Physical Body, Soul and The Spirit, the Forever Person. Learn more about What is In A Word and how it can become a Good Thing or A Bad thing in one’s life. Learn just a little more about oneself, and others through the What Is In A Word and how A Word Conforms and Shapes a person and it’s 3 part system and how The Word will seek to Be Seen and Heard out in the world. Love Pastor Deborah
Mental Health and The Forever Person, Episode 4, Series 2
Listen To Pastor Deborah as she continues teaching about Mental Health and The Forever Person and their intersection in the 3 part system called a human. Hear more about the areas of Mental Health Disorders or Illnesses that the Professionals will be looking for in the Mental Health of a human. Learn more about how one’s parenting, culture, faith, education, could be a factor in one’s mental health and how the Forever Person is also affected by these areas of influence. Join with others as Pastor Deborah teaches more on the mental health of humanity around the world and how many factors can shape, conform, and program one’s soul and it’s mind and bring about Mental Health Issues that are also connected with the biological brain and it’s complex functions of electrical chemical transmissions. Love Pastor Deborah
Mental Health and The Forever Person, The Three Realms, Episode 3 Series 2
Listen to Pastor Deborah teach on Mental Health and The Forever Person, The Three Realms, Episode 3, How Anxiety – The Fear of Dying/Death entered into the 3 part system of spirit, soul and physical body of a human and has remained a powerful enemy to the peace of this Kingdom. Hear about how Anxiety and The Forever Person have intersected since the beginning and how it manifests in the lives of humanity. Learn more about yourself and others as you sit in the Garden with many others and hear more stories of The Forever Person and Mental Health.
Kingdom Hope Connection Radio Interview With Pastor Deborah, 9/18/19
Listen to Pastor Deborah’s Brief histroy with Felicia Clayborn of Kingdom Hope Connection. Pastor Deborah is interview about her Global Teaching and Outreach Ministry and How she journey from helping people as a Mental Health Counselor to a Global Pastor partnered with many around the Globe. Hear about the Agape Love Ministry and The Heart of Pastor Deborah to take this Love into the world and travel the by the roads and ships of social media as well in personal ministry in her community with the homeless and in an Acute Mental Health Unit of the Local Community Mental Health Center. Hear Words of Encouragement for oneself and how one can step out on the road and into ships on social media and minister the Agape Love of a Father to others.
Mental Health and The Forever Person, The Three Realms, Series 2 , Episode 2
Come and Listen to Pastor Deborah as she teaches again about Mental Health and The Forever Person and how they are connected and intersect with each other. Join with others as you sit and learn about yourself, and others. Learn more about he beginnings of Mental Health and humanity. Come and become more educated and informed about the Three Realms of Mental Health in the Physical Body, The Soul/The Hidden Man and the Forever Person. Pastor Deborah
Mental Health and The Forever Person, The Three Realms, Episode 1 Series 2
Come and listen to Pastor Deborah teach on Mental Health and The Forever Person’s New Series, The Three Realms, Episode 1. Learn the ancient beginning of mental health problems in humanity and how they became rooted in the hearts and minds of our ancient ancestors. Join with many others in the great hall of the Castle of The King in the Garden and sit and learn. His Majesty, The Ancient of Days is also joining us and is listening carefully. Learn about how the first humans had mental health issues and how they grew and effected the family. Love Pastor Deborah
What Is A Word? A King And Kingdom Series Podcast by Pastor Deborah
Listen to another spiritual teaching of Pastor Deborah about the 3 part Kingdom of Spirit, Soul and Physical Body and What a Word is. Hear how a Word has an image, a likeness and a nature and character and it’s desire to Rule the Land of a human’s Land of spirit, soul and physical body. Hear some more of Pastor Deborah’s personal stories that will help teach you about the lesson and the Power of A Word in one’s life. Enjoy another King and Kingdom Series Spiritual Teaching. Love Pastor Deborah
Mental Health And The Forever Person, The Three Realms, Series 2 Introduction
Come and hear about the new Series Introduction of Mental Health and The Forever Person, The Three Realms. Join with others in the Garden and learn about the New Series that will be coming and how The Three Realms of The Natural Realm, The Realm of The Soul/The Hidden Person of The Sub-Conscious Heart and The Forever Person’s Realm of The Spirit are all effected by mental health and why we need to learn about The Three Realms that Mental Health effects.
Mental Health and The Forever Person, NAASCA Article, Spiritual Care an Equal Partner
Mental Health and The Forever Person’s Podcast. Enjoy the Featured Article written for The National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse on the History of Spiriutal Care and Mental Health. Learn about the Intersection of Mental Health and The Forever Person through the histroy of humanity, even back into the ancient days on earth. Mental Health and The Forever Person have always been apart of each other’s lives and intersected through out time.
Mental Health and The Forever Person, Episode 7 Conculsion of the 1+1+1 = 1 Series
Listen to the Review of the Series, 1+1+1 =1 , Mental Health and The Forever Person. Hear more stories from Pastor Deborah as she reviews the 6 Episodes of this first Series of Mental Health and The Forever Person. Before Pastor Deborah begins a new Series, listen to The Featured Article she wrote for the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse on the histroy of humanity and mental health and the intersection of The Forever Person and a Higher Power. Love Pastor Deborah
A Partner’s Voice of Agape Love and Mental Health
Dr. Abdallah Abuadas Psychiatrist, The Kingdom of Jordan A Tele-Psychiatrist and Mental Health Advocate The Horizon Mental Health Care Clinic, Jordan
Mental Heath and The Forever Person, Episode 5
Come and Listen to Episode 5 of Mental Health and The Forever Person’s Podcast Show. This Episode is on the Introduction to the Forever Person who is apart of the 3 part system of Physical Body, Sou and The Forever Person called a Human. Learn more about this part of every human including oneself and how it too is effected by the effects of Mental Illness and Diseases of the Physical Body and It’s Soul. Learn just a little more about oneself and others.
Mental Health and The Forever Person, Episode 6
Come and Listen to Episode 6 of Mental Health and The Forever Person with Pastor Deborah. This Episode is part two of The Introduction to The Forever Person and how it too is effected by Mental Health Sickneseses, Illnesses, Traumas, Stress and also needs healing to it from the Realm of The Spirit. Learn just a little more about that deeply hidden self, The Forever Person the real you that will live on past your earthly death and into Eternity. Love Pastor Deborah
Mental Health and The Forever Person, Episode 4.1
Come and join the many others in The Garden of Eden as Pastor Deborah teaches on Mental Health and The Forever Person. In this Episode teach more on the 3 part system of a human, the Physical Body, The Soul and The Forever Person. Come and Learn more about yourself and others. An Global Teachng of Agape Love, Love Is Here and Pastor Deborah.
The Word Is King of It’s Land, The King and Kingship Series
Come and sit with others in the Garden and here more spiritual teaching about The King and It’s Kingdom. Pastor Deborah will spiritually bring one more hidden treasure out of the Treasure Chest of It’s Glory and Riches about The Ancient King and It’s Kingdom within the 3 part system of a human of spirit, soul and phsysical body and then how it will seek to rule the nations by it’s Kingdom within a human. Come and learn just alittle more about Words and Their Unseen Power to Rule and Dominate a life and the world on earth.
Mental Health & The Forever Person, Episode 2, 1+1+1=1
Continue to listen and learn about oneself and others as Pastor Deborah teaches on Mental Health and The Forever Person and how they intersect in the 3 part system called a human. Learn more about the Biological Part of a ourselves and what it’s role is in Mental Health and The Forever Person. Sit with others as they learn about the Biological Brain and it’s Role in Mental Health. Enjoy Episode 2 of 1+1+1=1.
Mental Health and The Forever Person, Episode 1, 1+1=1=1
Listen to Pastor Deborah’s New Podcast Show, Mental Health and The Forever Person. Come and learn some new math, 1+1+1=1 and learn about yourself, and others as you hear about the intersection of The Physical Body, The Soul and It’s 2 Consciousnesses, and The Forever Person of The Realm of The Spirit. Listen to Episode 1 of the New Podcast Series and begin to understand yourself and others. Enjoy the Teaching on Mental Health and The Forever Person.
Mental Health and The Forever Person Podcast Introduction
Listen to the Introduction of the New Podcast Show of Pastor Deborah of Agape Love, Love Is Here, Mental Health and The Forever Person. Journey along with Pastor Deborah as she explores the intersection of Mental Health and the Forever Person and how all 3 parts of the system of Physical Body, soul and the Forever Person which are called a human are affected my abuse, trauma, emotions, sickenesses, diseases, illnesses and the hidden effects on the Forever Person of the Realm of the Spirit.
The Concept of A King
The Nature of The King
The King’s International Spiritual Care University- Registration and Acceptance
Come and hear about the King’s International Spiritual Care University’s Spiritual Registration and Acceptance. Learn about the different levels of spiritual Courses. Learn about the spiritual tests of the enemy one will take just for having a heart’s desire to learn about oneself, The Forever Person and the others and how they came to be, about their broken hearts and how the Broken Spiritual Heart can be healed. Then learn about one’s continuing Education and the tests and trials that will come.
The Three Companions, Healing The Dreams of The Broken Heart Part 2 of 3 Articles on Healing
Come and listen to Part 2 of the 3 Part Series on Healing The Dreams Of A Broken Heart. Come and Travel with Dorothy and Toto into the Dark Dreams of her Broken and Wounded Heart from the Land and People of Kansas. Learn about The Three Companions Given Dorothy’s Broken Heart in her Dark Dreams for she has flown OVER THE RAINBOW and gone to a Land where her troubles can melt like Lemon Drops. Learn about the Hidden Gifts of Agape Love Given to the Broken Heart to help it on it’s journey Home.
Why A Kingdom? A Spiritual Teaching of The Kingdom Series of Pastor Deborah, Agape Love, Love Is Here.
Listen to the new web cam audio of Pastor Deborah as she continues to provide spiritual teachings on The Kingdom. A Series of What This System of Government is for the 3 part system of a Spirit, Soul and Physical Body as well as the governing system for nations and it’s Rulers is about and more on how it works. Join Pastor Deborah in the Spiriutal Garden of Eden and sit with the living creatures and some even from very far away, from far distance lands of other worlds. Come and learn more about this ancient, governing system that was designed and given to humanity from the Kingdom of Heaven that even humanity’s ancient ancestors know about and believed in.
The King’s International Spiritual Care Univerity’s Goals and Missions
Come and learn about the King’s International Spiritual Care University’s Goals and Missions. Hear about the Ancient Treasures of The King’s Treasure Chest that has been brought out of the Living Garden and Is Opened. Come and hear about the different levels of Knowledge one will learn about in The King’s Univeristy of Spiritual Care. Come and join a Network of others who are also learning and then will continue on with shepherding and more education.
Pastor Deborah
The King’s International Spiritual Care University, Opening Up The Treasure Chest of Agape Love
Hello and Welcome to the King’s International Spiritual Care University. Come and Be a Student/Disciple of Ancient Treasures from the King’s Treasure Chest from out of The Garden of Life, The Very Heart of The King of Agape Love. Come and learn from 3 levels of Spiritual Knowledge From Basic To Advanced. Then Come become apart of The Network of Graduates and Continue on with Shepherding and Continuing Educations into the Realm of Spiritual Care for The Healing and Restoration of The Forever Person, The Person of The Hidden Realm of the Spirit. Learn about it’s Wounds and Brokenness and How they came to be and What Healing and wholeness are to look like in the Heart of The Forever Person. All Classes are Free to all ages, All will be on YouTube and Yes, there will be tests. Certificates will be offered at the passing of the test questions. Pastor Deborah is the Shepherd and Teacher of this Unique University of The Realm of The Forever Person and Will Help You to Re-Discover oneself and it’s Realm of Brokenness and the Healing It needs to be all it’s was intended to be. Next Will be The Mission and Goals of The University. Then The Courses and Description and of course registration and when the School is Up and Ready for students. Lots to Do. The Development is in progress. Stay Tuned. Love Pastor Deborah.
The Spiritual Kingdom Within, The Government, The Governor, The Culture, and The Power, Authority and Rulership
Come and Listen to another Spiritual Teaching Of Pastor Deborah of Agape Love, Love Is Here. This Teaching is about the Kingdom Within the Spiritual Heart of a Human’s Forever Person, The Hidden Heart of The Spirit. Hear about the Kingdom, The Governement, The Governor, The Culture and Nature and The Power, Authority and Ruleship of The King and The Kingdom Within A Spiriutal Heart.
New Section Added For Royal Partnership With Agape Love, Come & Meet The First One
Listen to a new section of Agape Love’s Partnerships And Allies of The Royal Ones of The World. Come and Listen to how they are entering into the ancient battle for Agape Love and It’s Freedom. Hear about their Great Responsibilities to Humanity that all must offer freely. Learn how these Rulers and Leaders from the Nations of the World Today will become as the Kings Of Old, Kings Of The Ancient Days and Would Step Up and To Battle and Bring Their Nation’s Resources to Win Against an Unseen Enemy that desired to COVER THE HEARTS OF HUMANITY AND THE EARTH AGAIN WITH IT’S DARKNESS AND CRUELITY. Come and Hear and Then Come to the New Partnership Page of Agape Love, Love Is Here, and meet the First of many Royals to Partner and be an Ally with Pastor Deborah and Agape Love, Love Is Here as We Battle Together to set Captives Free and to bring the Family of Humanity Together as One. Pastor Deborah August 2, 2019
The Spiritual Kingdom Within, Spiritual Teaching On The Spirit of a Human
Come amd listen to Pastor Deborah as she teaches from the spiritual Garden of Eden on the Spiriutal Kingdom Within. A spiriutal teaching of the spirit of a human and it’s fall from it’s high place and the new kingdom and government that now rules the hearts of the spiriutal person.
The Forever Person, The Series Introduction
Come Into the Garden of Agape Love and listen to the Introduction of the Series called The Forever Person. Come and learn about yourself and others. Hear about the ancient beliefs about the role of The Realm of The Forever Person and that it is real.
The Kingdom Within, Spiritual Teaching Of Pastor Deborah
Listen to Spiritual Teaching about the Original Kingdom that was to rule the Land, Territory of Oneself in the Spirit, Soul and Physical Body. Learn about how this govenmental system was to rule. Learn that everyone needs this Governmental System of Rulership within oneself to bring peace to the war inside each of us, humanity. Learn about effects of not being a proper King ruling one’s own Kingdom, The Kingdom Within.
Human & Sexual Trafficking, From The Realm Of The Spiritual, The Introduction
The Introduction to a new section on Agape Love, Love Is Here. It will spiritually provide spiritual lesson about the spiritual effects of human trafficking and sexual trafficking on the FOREVER PERSON, The Spirit. This section will bring spiritual knowledge about the spiritual conditions of spiritual bondage, captivity, slavery, unseen spiritual chains, the spiritual conditition of a broken heart and the places where a spiritual heart goes for safety and how the spiritual breaks itself into many to survive the abuse, the fear and the rejection of love and acceptance. Then one will learn about the freedom, deliverance and healing needed for the spiritual heart. Come and Learn. Bring your notebooks and pens and get ready to take notes.
Spiritual Care, The Broken Heart, What Realm Is It In?
The Broken Heart, What Realm Is It In? How Do We Know What Medicine Is Needed If We Don’t Know What Realm and What Heart is Broken. Questions that need to be asked and answers found for healing to happen, for a Broken Heart to be healed and recovered.
Story Time, A Throne Is Established
Come and listen with the other little ones and gather with the Living Creatures of The Garden and hear another story about the One and Him establishing His High Throne for all of creation to see and learn about him. Story will be expanded in the next StoryTime. Come and spiriutally learn more about The One and Creation to Come.
Spiritual Education, Royal Identity, Rediscovery of The Spiritual You Are To Be
Welcome again to Agape Love, Love Is Here’s On-Line Spiritual Education School. Come and Hear a Lesson on One’s Royal Spiritual Identity and how one has to let go and accept an Ancient Truth of oneself/ The one who is unseeen and unknown to yourself and to others. Come and bring your seeking heart and inquiring mind to hear some NEW YET ANCIENT TRUTHS about who a human being really is under near all the flesh and the soul it shows the world. Come to class and be ready to take notes and to hear new, yet old hidden Treasures of another Realm that the real you lives in. Pastor Deborah
Spiriutal Care, Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall
Come and Hear about What A Broken Heart sounds like and what realm it is in. Come and Listen to tears of brokeness and then the tears of joy at being found in one’s broken and fragmented condition. Then Heat the sounds of the singing flowers as Agape Love comes and heals the spiritual heart and restores it and returns it back to THE WALL and the living creatures join this renewed heart on the NEW WALL.
The Hidden Masks of The Soul, Web Cam Audio #3 July 2010
The Hidden Masks of The Soul considers the spiritual concept of that a Human is a being with 3 different and distictive parts, spirit, soul and physical body and how they had become one. Another spiritual teaching from Pastor Deborah’s Web Cams
The First King, Kingdom and The Crown, Web Cam #2 Audio of Spiritual Teaching
The First King, Kingdom and The Crown. The 2nd Web Cam Audio of Spiritual Teaching. Re-Discovery of The Fall Through Time Travel.