Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Add To Your Calendar, Pastor Deborah and Kingdom Hope Connection

Please Put Pastor Deborah on Your Calendar For

Wednesday September 18, 2019

Radio Guest of Felicia Claybome

Of Kingdom Hope Connections

Topic Will Be Spiritual Care 


Pastor Deborah Schleich is the Senior Pastor of Agape Love, Love Is Here Church in Pensacola, FL. She has always loved people and would even in her childhood, give that love out to the most unloved individuals. She went off and became a highly educated, state and nationally licensed as a Clinical Mental Health Counseling. She has a world wide outreach ministry which includes a Market Place Church, a booth in an indoor Flea Market, right next to the Beer Booth and provide ministry and teaching and prayer to up to 6, 000 shoppers and 400 vendors. She has a world wide teaching ministry through many social media outlets such as podcasting on many different platforms. She is is a blogger and video creator and a story teller. She brings the concept of Spiritual Care to the Spirit for healing and restoration. She has become a spiritual shepherd over many baby churches in the world and a spiritual shepherd/mother of orphans around the world and provide spiritual protection and Agape Love. She will tell you how to help others the Lord’s way, being a spiritual parent, and minister in the market place.



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