Thursday, March 13, 2025
Words of Encouragement - Foster Parents

The Doves of Agape Love, Words of Encouragement


June 2019

Agape Love, Love Is Here is pleased to welcome The Doves of Agape Love, A Foster Parenting Ministry to the Words of Encouragement of Agape Love, Love Is Here Ministry.  The Doves of Agape Love, A Foster Parenting Ministry Are Front Line Warriors who have the Heart of A Dove that provide loving and caring Foster Parenting to children.

Foster Parenting is a call that only true Hearts of Agape Love can answer.  Foster Parenting requires that the heart and soul of someone is deeply rooted in Love, Care and Providing a Safe Home for little ones. The work is not easy and requires the heart to be so overflowing with love for another, that no matter what happens, LOVE RULES.

Foster Parenting is a true ministry of the Heart of Love and when the work gets hard, overwhelming and one becomes discouraged and thinks about quitting, Words of Encouragement are needed to help, to guide back to the Heart of Love and to be supported by others who know the strength of Love that is needed to keep going.

Precious children are depending on a strong Heart of Love to always be there for them.  Little ones need a Gentle and Loving Heart to take them in during their storms of their young lives and to be a safe and comforting home and with Gentle Hands and Hearts of Love to Help them during a turbulent time.

So, The Doves of Agape Love are adding their Words of Encouragement to all those out there in the World who need to hear Words of Agape Love no matter what age one is, the heart is always in need of Words of Encouragement for all need to Hear Words of Love and Gentleness from loving spiritual parents.

So, Welcome The Doves of Agape Love To Speak loving Words of Encouragement and Hope to others.

Pastor Deborah


The First Priority



The Foster Parents must know that they are there for the children until they go back home. Foster parents are there to TREAT THE CHILD THE SAME AS ONE’S OWN CHILDREN.  One must be ready for their TEARS, TRAUMA and THEIR TANTRUMS.  The children come from all kinds of family environments and culture and come with lots of hurts and wounds and need HEARTS FULL OF LOVE AND OVERFLOWING IN GENTLENESS AND IT’S FRUIT.  Most children do not know WHAT LOVE IS, or have any regularity in their lives in diet, learning, relationships.  

Foster Parenting requires one to BE READY TO BE PATIENT AND CARING and FILLED WITH UNDERSTANDING.  As a Foster Parent one should NOT EXPECT the child to WANT TO BE THERE, THEY WANT TO BE HOME!

Words of Wisdom and Encouragement, TREAT THE CHILD LIKE YOUR OWN!  Help them to FEEL LOVED, WANTED, ACCEPTED, VALUED and to FEEL SAFE.

Foster Parenting is a hard ministry of the Heart. It requires one to be grounded in AGAPE LOVE for others and overflowing with PATIENCE for children and EDUCATED in the needs of children and be a WARRIOR FOR THEM so AGAPE LOVE can have a clear path to bring it’s healing and gentleness.  Children will respond to AGAPE LOVE and it’s Gentleness in many ways and a Foster Parent must be PREPARED and have THE FOUNDATION OF THE FIRST PRIORITY FOR THEM AS THEIR GUIDING LIGHT.

Foster Parenting, a Front Line Warrior Ministry that Sets Little Hearts Free by AGAPE LOVE.

The Doves of Agape Love Foster Parenting Ministry

A Partner of Agape Love, Love Is Here Ministry


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