Saturday December 22, 2018
Sir, Yes Dear One, I Am Afraid. ” Fear You Not, Dear One, For I Am With You: Be Not Dismayed/Dishearted/ Fearful For I Am Your Heavenly Father/The All Mighty God: I Will Strengthen You: Yes, I Will Help You; Yes, I Will Uphold You With My Right Hand of My Righteousness/Your Right/Legal Position To Me. Behold/Listen Dear One, All That Were Spiritually Incensed/Angry At and With You, Shall Be Ashamed and Confounded/Brought To Confusion: They, and They Are Many, Shall Be As Nothing; and They That Spiritually Strive/Fight Against You/With You, Shall Perish. Dear One, You Shall Seek/Look For Them, and Shall Not Find Them, Even Them That Contended/Fought/Struggled/Wared With and Against You; They Shall Be As Nothing, And, And As A Thing of Nothing. For I, Your Heavenly Father, The Lord, Your God, Will Spiritually HOLD Your Right Hand, And Say Unto You, FEAR NOT; I WILL HELP YOU.”
Isaiah 41: 10-13 Authorized King James Version