Wednesday December 5,2018
And I said, This is my infirmity: BUT I WILL REMEMBER the years/times/ancient of days/the days of old of The Right Hand of The Most High. I will REMEMBER The WORKS OF THE LORD: Surely I Will REMEMBER Your WONDERS OF OLD. I Will MEDITATE also of all Your WORK, and Talk of Your DOINGS. Your WAY, O God, is in the SANCTUARY: Who Is So Great a God as OUR God? You are The God that DOES WONDERS: You have DECLARED your STRENGTHS among the people. You have with YOUR ARM REDEEMED/BOUGHT BACK/REGAINED OWNERSHIP OF AGAIN/BROUGHT BACK INTO YOUR FAMILY AS SONS/HEIRS/AS ROYAL CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, the sons/offspring of Jacob and Joseph. Peace Be Still Now in these Thoughts.
Psalm 77: 10-15 Authorized King James Version