Friday, March 14, 2025

Listen Once Again To King David and His Heart

Thursday December 27, 2018

”  Unto You, O Lord, Do I Lift up My Soul.  O My God, I TRUST IN You:  Let me NOT BE ASHAMED of TRUSTING You.  Let Not My Spiritual Enemies TRIUMPH Over me.  Yes, Let NONE That Wait on YOU BE ASHAMED of You.  Let Them Be Ashamed Which Spiritually Transgress me and Against You Without a Cause.  SHOW ME YOUR WAYS, O Lord:  TEACH me Your PATHS,  LEAD me IN YOUR TRUTH, and TEACH me: For You ARE THE GOD of my SALVATION:  ON You Do I Wait all the Day.  Remember, O Lord, Your TENDER MERCIES and Your LOVINGKINDNESS;  For THEY HAVE BEEN EVER OF OLD/ETERNITY.

I Thought My Prayer and Talking To His Majesty, the Lord would also help you as He and you BEGIN your JOURNEY together on this new Road/path of Life.

Love From Eternity

King David  Psalms 25:  1-6  Authorized King James Version

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