Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Helping People the Lords Way, Spiritual Teaching – Introduction & Lesson #1 – Pastor Deborah’s Ancient Beginnings

Hello and Welcome again to the Spiritual Teaching Series of Helping People The Lord’s Way. This Is Lesson # 1 – Pastor Deborah’s Ancient Beginnings. You will begin to learn about Pastor Deborah’s Ancient Beginnings and how her unknown Ancestors effected her family life and hers. You will begin to learn that when you desire to help people The Lord’s Way you will need to do back and learn much about your own Ancient Beginnings and the role of the lives of your Ancestors had in your life today.

All videos of Helping People The Lord’s Way will be in the Playlist of Helping People the Lord’s Way on the Ministry’s Youtube Channel of Helping People The Lord’s Way. All videos will also be on the web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at

You can also follow Pastor Deborah on Twitter and Linkedin

Each Lesson will be uploaded to a Podcast Show to be just listened to.

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