Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Isaiah 61 Verse 8, I Will Make An Everlasting Covenant With Them, Part 13

Welcome again to another Tele-Ministry of Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry with Pastor Deborah. This spiritual teaching is Part 13 of Isaiah 61, Verse 8. Pastor Deborah continues to provide deep spiritual teaching about oneself, about others and about The Heavenly Father Himself and His Heart’s Desires, Goals and Purposes for all of humanity.

Please visit the ministry’s youtube Channel of The Hidden Kingdoms and subscribe to it to be notified of all new uploaded videos.

Please visit Agape Love, Love Is Here’s web site at

All Scriptures Mentioned are from the Authorized King James Version of The Bible
1. Isaiah 61, Verse 8
2. Proverbs 25: 2
3. Deuteronomy 29: 29
4. Isaiah 55: 3
5. 2nd Samuel 7: 8-11
6. Isaiah 54: 8 – 11
7. Matthew 11: 28

You can also hear This spiritual Teaching on the Tele-Ministry Podcast

Keep learning and growing.

Love Pastor Deborah

Also, Please do not make any sexual comments or link any sexual web sites for they are inappropriate and will be removed. We love all that are involved in these industries and are welcome to watch, learn and grow themselves. But this is not the Platform for sexual content to be advertised. Thank you and Love to All.

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Isaiah 61 Verse 8 Part 10 – I, The Lord, Will Direct Their Work in Truth

Join with Pastor Deborah and many others as she spiritually teaches another section of Isaiah 61, Verse 8, Part 10 about how The Lord, Will Direct Our Work in Truth. Come and Hear Words of Agape Love and Truth as they show you how they can and will Direct your Work in Truth. Learn about yourself and others.

Please visit Agape Love, Love Is Here’s web site at
https : //
The Youtube Channel, The Hidden Kingdoms
Follow Pastor Deborah on Twitter and Linkedin at Pastor Deborah Schleich and Agape Love, Love Is Here

All Scriptures used in Video are from the Authorized King James Version

1. Isaiah 61 : Verse 8
2. Proverbs 25 : 2
3. Psalm 11 : 7
4. Job 36 : 7
5. 1 Peter 3 : 12
6. John 6 : 25 – 66
Verse 41
Verse 42
Verse 43
Verse 44
7. Song of Solomon 1 : 4 – 5
8. Genesis 1 : 26
9. Hebrews 4 : 12

Movies Mentioned
1. The Miracle Worker
2. The Matrix, The Movie and Trilogy
3. China’s Spiritual God of The Ancestors
4. The Egyptian
5. China Cry
6. George Mueller
7. Master Class Initiative Of Nigeria – Leadership Development Videos
8. Brownsville Revival 1995 – 2000
9. The 3 Inheritance Videos for Pastor Henry of Kenya
10. The Multitudes, Volume 3, Part 1, Agape Love, The Greatest Gift
11. The Video Blogs about The Little One
12. Dr. Myles Munroe Video on The Birth of Death
13. The Voice in The Light Story on web site
14. The Oppressed Spirit Story on the web site

Other Playlists to Watch
1. Global Tele-Ministry
2. Video Blogs
3. Leadership Development
4. Story Time

Other Sections for Videos
1. Prayer and Fasting, Volume 1 and 2
2. Songs of The Heart
3. Leadership Development
4. Spiritual Teaching

All videos are also on 7 Different Podcast Shows which include
1. Tele-Ministry
2. Agape Love, Love Is Here
3. Mental Health and The Forever Person
4. The King and Kingdom Series
5. The King’s International Spiritual Care University
6. Setting The Captives Free
7. Story Time

Please also visit

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Isaiah 61 Verse 8 Part 9 – I, The Lord Will Direct Their Work In Truth, A Tele- Ministry Teaching

Please Join with many others and Hear more about The Heart and Mind of God of Isaiah 61, Verse 8 called I, The Lord Will Direct Their Work In Truth. Join with others both in The Garden of Eden and in The Synagogue Of Satan, The United Nations of The Kingdom of Darkness. Hear more about how the Lord Directs our Work in Truth. Hear more of Pastor Deborah’s personal spiritual experiences about this topic of how God Directed Her in the Work she was to do through Truth.

Please Visit Pastor Deborah and The Ministry’s Web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at
You can email Pastor Deborah at – [email protected]
Pastor Deborah is also on Linkedin At Pastor Deborah Schleich and under The Ministry’s Name of Agape Love, Love Is Here
Pastor Deborah is also on Twitter at @pastor deborah schleich
Also, visit The Ministry’s Youtube Channel at The Hidden Kingdoms.
which is available from the web site

Also, you can listen to Pastor Deborah on many different Podcast Platforms which all the Different Shows are available on the front page of the web site.
There are 7 different Shows to listen to which Include

1. Agape Love, Pastor Deborah
2. Mental Health & The Forever Person
3. Story Time
4. Setting The Captives Free
5. The King and Kingdom Series
6. The King’s International Spiritual Care University
7. Tele-Ministry

All Scriptures are taken from the Authorized King James Version
1. Isaiah 61 Verse 8
2. Proverbs 25 : 2
3. John 6 : 25 – 66
4. Matthew 12 : 38
5. 1 Corinthians 1 : 19, 21 – 22
8. John 10 : 28
9. Matthew 18 : 18
10. Genesis 1 : 26

Movies Mentioned in Teaching
1. The Matrix – 1999
2. The Gods of Egypt with Gerald Butler

Stories of Pastor Deborah’s Personal Spiritual Experiences which can be read on the Web Site in the Section Called Prayer and Fasting, Volume 1 & 2

1. Dr. Doolittle and Narnia
2. Led By The Voice of God
3. Let The Fire Fall From Heaven
4. Ok, It Works
5. You Didn’t Get Fed Today
6. Golden Pine Cone, A Video about The Garden of Eden

Other Playlists to Watch
1. Story Time
2. Tele-Ministry
3. Setting The Captives Free

Book Mentioned
1. The Strongman His Name, What Is His Game?
By The Assembly of God Minister, The Robesons. Drs. Jerry and Carol – A Biblical Approach to Deliverance, Healing and Spiritual Warfare

Revival was taking place at Brownsville Assembly of God In Pensacola, Florida from June 1995 – 2000. Evangelist Steve Hill. Many Videos on Youtube.

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Isaiah 61 Verse 8 Part 7 , I. The Lord Will Direct Their Work In Truth, A Tele-Ministry Teaching

Hello Again and Welcome to another Global Tele-Ministry Spiritual Teaching of Pastor Deborah of Agape Love, Love Is Here. Join with so many others in the realm of the spirit and in the natural realm who have already heard this teaching and have begun to be Directed in Their Work in Truth by The Lord God of The Kingdom of Heaven.

Scriptures Mention are from The Authorized King James Version of The Bible
1. Isaiah 61 Verse 8
2. Proverbs 25 : 2
3. Psalm 11 : 7
4. Job 36 : 7
5. 1 Peter 3 : 12
6. Isaiah 58 : 1 – 14
7. Hebrews 4 : 12

Please visit Agape Love, Love Is Here’s web site at
Also, it’s Youtube Channel of The Hidden Kingdoms. Please subscribe to the Channel so you will be notified of all new videos released
Agape Love, Love Is Here is also on Twitter under Pastor Deborah
and on Linkedin under It’s Own name and under Pastor Deborah Schleich

Church of The Revival mentioned was Brownsville Assembly of God, Pensacola, Florida. Revival started in June 1995 and has videos on Youtube with the Evangelist, Steve Hill

Movies Mentioned Include
1. The Matrix Trilogy, Beginning 1999
2. Ghost with Whoopie Goldberg and Patrick Swayze

Stories and Videos mentioned
1. The Voice In The Light
2. The Garden of Eden
3. It’s Time
4. The Super Game Boy
5. I’ll Bear Your Burden As Jesus Bore Mine
6. The Pew Story

Youtube Channel, The Hidden Kingdoms Channel or The Hidden Kingdoms Pastor Playlists to Watch
1. The Video Blogs
2. Story Time
3. Voices Out of The Darkness
4. Global Tele-Ministry

Thank you for desiring to learn and grow. If you are here, you have been drawn by Agape Love Himself who desires to help you by Directing Your Work in Truth.
Love Pastor Deborah

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Isaiah 61, Verse 8, Part 6 Spiritual Teaching, I, The Lord Will Direct Their Work In Truth

Please join with Pastor Deborah and the many others to continue learning about oneself and others through a Global Tele-Ministry Spiritual Teaching Video. Pastor Deborah is continuing with Isaiah 61, Verse 8, Part 6 of I, The Lord Will Direct Their Work In Truth. Many more parts yet to come of this deep spiritual teaching. Enjoy and come again

Please visit Agape Love, Love Is Here’s web site at
Also Please subscribe so you can get notifications of each new video released.

Also, All videos are released as an Audio Podcast on many different Platforms which are accessible from web site on on social media

All Videos are also placed on web site in their many different sections. This video will be in The Tele-Ministry Section and in the Spiritual Teaching Video Library in the Playlist of Tele-Ministry

Pastor Deborah is also on Twitter and releases all videos, announcements, blogs, and Post to Twitter as well each video and Podcast Show.

Pastor Deborah is also on Linked In under Pastor Deborah Schleich and Posts many videos, announcements and comments on Linked In.

Scriptures References Sighted in Video are from the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible
1. Isaiah 61 Verse 8
2. Proverbs 25 : 2
3. Psalm 11 : 7
4. Job 36 : 7
5. 1 Peter 3 : 12
6. Proverbs 1: 23
7. Matthew 18 : 19 – 20
8. 1 John 5 : 7 – 8
9. John 6 : 29
10. John 14 : 12
11. 1 John 4 : 1 – 3

Dictionaries Used Include
1. The Strong’s Concordance
2. Webster’s Dictionary

Stories Include that also are on the web site from the Section Called Prayer and Fasting Volume 1 on the web site

1. Separation From Law Breakers
2. Trust No Man, And I Do Not Hear Them
3. Do My Work
4. My Best Friend
Also read about The Glory Blanket to learn more about the Powerful Presence of God and it is also Video

Other Playlists to Watch Include

1. The King’s International Spiritual Care University
2. Story Time
3. The Inheritance Series including the Introduction Done For Pastor Henry in Kenya, there are 4 Videos to watch and they are in the Tele-Ministry Playlist

Movies Sighted Include
1. Ghost with Whoopie Goldberg and Patrick Swayze

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Isaiah 61, Verse 8 Part 3, I, The Lord Love Judgement, and I Hate Robbery A Global Tele-Ministry

Please Join again with others from around the world as Pastor Deborah once again spiritually teaches out of the Scripture Isaiah 61, Verse 8. Here deep spiritual teaching that will help to Understand the Heart of The Heavenly Father, the spiritual conditions of humanity and the Purpose for Sending His Word, His Healing and His Judgement against the Robbers of His Glory, His Image, His Likeness, His own children whose Free Will and lives were Kidnapped and Taken Hostage for Slavery, For Abuse, For Torture and to Stab the Heart of their Creator, human’s Father and Mother. Join with others in the deep realm of the spirit and grow and develop spiritually into the Glorious one you and all of humanity were to be, Kings on earth from The Kingdom of Heaven who Ruled and Reined themselves, and shepherd all the works of The Hands of Creator and to be the Standard of Law and Love, of Joy and Peace on earth and to bring forth their Fruit for others to taste and see that The Lord is Good and Is their Heavenly Father and Mother.

All Scriptures Used are from The Authorized King James Version

1. Isaiah 61
2. Proverbs 25 : 2
3. Jeremiah 17 : 10
4. Isaiah 61, Verse 8
5. Hebrews 4 : 12
6. Jeremiah 23 : 29
7. Genesis 1: 26
8. Galatians 6 : 2
9. John 13 : 34 – 35
10. John 15 : 7 – 17
11. Ephesians 5 : 1 -2
12. 1 John 3 : 14, 16, 18
13. 1 John 4 : 7 – 8
14. Mathew 22 : 39
15. Mark 12 : 30 – 34
16. Romans 13 : 8 – 10

Please also visit Agape Love, Love Is Here’s web site at

Also visit Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Youtube Channel of
The Hidden Kingdoms – all videos are on the web site in many different sections

Also, all Audios of Videos are Podcasted out on many different Podcast Platforms which are accessible from web site. There are many Different Podcast Show Topics to listen to.

Other Videos to Watch Include

1. The Voice In The Light
2. Humpty Dumpty
3. Satan, Watch and See
4. The Garden of Eden Video
5. The Video Series of The King and Kingdom
6. The Veil of Darkness, The Refugee Camps
7. Behold, The Darkness Comes
8. Setting The Captives Free Video Series
9. Story Time Playlist Videos
10. Owl’s Story
11. The Glory Blanket

Pastor Deborah’s Ministry email is
[email protected]
Linkedin Profile @pastordeborahschleich
and Pastor Deborah is on Twitter
all are accessible from Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Web site at

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