Hear Steph tell us of A season of change for her life. She is taking time out to heal and address her newly diagnosed mental health illness and to rest. Steph is taking take for her own self and how much she needs healing and to find her peace. Please be in prayer for her and her family as she finds the strength to address her wounds and trauma and to bring healing to herself. We will miss her, but she needs this season of healing. So, wish her well and keep her in prayer. Maybe she will return a much healthier person and can resume her Podcasting to help people with words of encouragement and hope that there is life and love even after a life of trauma in childhood, in one’s teens years and through many stress and disappointments. We will be praying for your healing Steph. Love Always Pastor Deborah and all your followers.
Tag: A Little Bit of Steph
A Little Bit of Steph, Podcast, Episode # 23 – The Music That Soothes My Soul and Fuels My Fire
Join in as Steph shares short clips of some of her FAV songs! These songs have soothed her soul as well as fueled her fire at different times in life.
A Little Bit of Steph, Podcast Episode # 22, Poetry Is Bliss,
Join in today’s episode as Steph shares two poems that resonate with her and why. Creative wording comes in many forms and poetry is truly bliss!
A Little Bit of Steph Podcast, Episode #21, My Top FAV Quotes, Words of Encouragement
Join in as Steph excitedly shares her top 21 FAV quotes thanks to the wonderful feedback of her viewers who love hearing her read out poems, quotes and music lyrics during some of her previous episodes. It turns out that many others also feel through creative wording.
A Little Bit of Steph, Podcast Episode #18, I Am Feeling Lost
Follow along as Steph answers a teenager who is feeling lost. Hear her give advice on how to reach out for help when your parents look at your depression as a hormonal teenage phase. Depression is real and is not a phase. It is STRENGTH not weakness to ask for help!
A Little Bit of Steph, Episode #17, Blindness and Misconceptions,
Do you want to touch my face to feel what I look like? NO I sure do NOT! This is just one of many misconceptions affiliated with total blindness. In this episode Steph speaks about the misconceptions attached to blindness from her perspective.
A Little Bit of Steph, Perfect Blemish, Episode #14
Join Steph as she speaks about what it was like to battle depression during her teenage years and hear her encouraging words for the teenagers who are currently feeling the way she did for so long. “I was always enough but just didn’t believe!” “You are and will always be enough!”
A Little Bit of Steph, Accountability Partner, Accountability Matters, Part 2, Episode #13, Podcast
Join Steph as she continues her talk on accountability and the importance of the partnership. Learn what she and Nate are up to with their accountability partnership and how long they went hiking in the woods… yes they survived!
A Little Bit of Steph, Accountability Partner, Accountability Matters, Episode # 12, May 11, 2020
Join Steph in this short yet valuable video to learn about what an accountability partner is, what it means to her and how she has implemented an accountability partnership within every day life.
A Little Bit of Steph Podcast, Operation Beautiful, Episode #11
Episode 11 Operation Beautiful
Join Steph as she speaks about how she is fighting to keep a grasp on her mental health as she turns her life around to follow the path God has placed in front of her. Through prayer, meditation and encouraging counsel she has directed her energy to renew herself, her relationship with the Lord and giving to her family. Romans 12:1,2
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life – and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
Join Steph as she speaks her heart about how a work situation has deeply impacted her mental health, her marriage and her love of others. Listen to the cries of a soul and heart under attack by a pack of wolves that seek to destroy her from being a Voice of Triumph and helping others. Hear the plans of spiritual enemies who seek the destruction of a heart of love through many many attacks on the soul and hoping to reach the precious heart of love and the heart’s witness of hope and recovery. Learn how the enemy of love and hope attacks over and over, how they ensnare and trap, how they deceive and then laugh when a soul falls for their empty words of love and help. Learn and become wise.
A Little Bit of Step, Through Steph’s Eyes, Episode #7
Welcome to another Episode of A Little Bit of Step, Episode #7, Through Steph’s Eyes. Enjoy Steph teaching on how she uses the computer, canes gets around the house and gives an example of how she teaches children about those with disabilities and how Helen Keller is her hero.