Thursday, March 06, 2025

You Love Them Into The Kingdom Like I Did You





Well on this wonderful journey of my early spiritual experiences and training with God The Most High, He desires for you to hear another one of my and His spiritual and natural adventures of being one with Him and a True spiritual Ambassador of His Powerful



So that you can see His Heart/Mind for LOST SPIRITUAL CHILDREN in the Kingdom of Darkness/Ignorance and the wonders of His Agape Love

This story starts out by me eating at a local buffet in Pensacola on a Friday afternoon and seeing in the restaurant also eating a very high Multi-Generation Satanist who is was no coincidence that we were there together eating at the same day, the same time.


I was use to be followed by multi-generational Satanists who were keeping close eye on me and my movements.

I had ordered a glass of lemonade to drink and the very waitress who served me, I had seen talking with the Multi-generational Satanist as well.



Well little did I know that in my glass of Lemonade was

A chemical connected to a demonic spirit


What no way!

At a restaurant?

You are joking, right Pastor Deborah?

No, I am NOT!


You see, an entire “satanic clan/family” was sent to Pensacola to “kill me”  so I would stop LOVING and PRAYING for Satanists, witches, and those in the occult and witchcraft so much.

Many had “renounced Satan” and accepted and confessed Christ Jesus as Savior, Master and Lord of their lives, and not Satan and were now reading the Bible, attending churches, getting deliverance from the many demons that had been in their spiritual  lives even from the womb.

Satan was not happy at all and had put several “death contracts” out on me.  I was a “target!”

The orders from Satan Himself were given the month before at a “satanic high council meeting” and the orders wereKILL HER!


They had already tried by having a car run a red light, shooting bullets into the car in drive by shootings, car bombs, kidnapping from church after a night service, and a murder by a man on a motorized bike with pistol with a silencer as she walk near her home for exercise.  

Now came the poison in the lemonade with a demonic connection!

Was I afraid of the ” death contracts ?”

No for I had already given everything up, even m own life into the hands of Almighty God

And I knew I had not yet accomplished all that He had planned for me and Him to do with Him, so I knew I would not die any time soon, but I knew I might be attacked and go through some pain.

How did Satan’s servants ( humans ) know where I was going for lunch?

Everyone has a least one demonic spirit always watching them and following them in the spirit ( watchers they are called) 24/7 and when the word was spread out to others where I was going, one of the members of the ” clan” went to the restaurant and “bewitched” a waitress to put the poison in my lemonade.

Sounds unreal doesn’t it?

But if you go after Satan’s children of his Kingdom of Darkness in the Power of Agape Love through prayer and spirit work he will fight against you to stop you and The Agape Love from touching, reaching, healing and delivering precious spiritual children from his satanic control!!!

The battle and attacks are very fierce and physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and they are real!

But to spiritually reach the darkened, blinded, deaf, wounded and broken spiritual heart and it’s mind in the slavery of the darkness of Satanism, and the occult of these precious spiritual children lost in a matrix of complete control through darkness, fear, torture, death, culture, religion, families and living in Bondage to the Fear of Death deep in Satan’s darkest spiritual prisons it would take me risking my own life for their spiritual freedom of their spirit soul and physical body.


Christ Jesus went the distance for me and I had picked up my cross and I would go the distance to death itself to reach and spiritually bring The Heavenly Father’s Great and Powerful Agape Love to them.

Unknown to me of the Poison and Demonic spirit connection, I drank the lemonade, but I did remember seeing the Satanic clan member of The Black Forest Clan, the right shoulder of His King J.L,  Joshua Luke in the restaurant and him talking to my waitress and I ate my lunch.

But because I had physically seen on of the ” Black Forest Clan’s members who I knew and who was also one of my spiritual children and was attending a local church I had been going – that is another story of worship in the spirit and in truth, at the same time I was in the restaurant eating, my spirit became suspicious.

Well about 5:30 pm it hit!!!!

The pains in my stomach were so bad, I went to the Navy Hospital’s Emergency Room

I did not know at this time what was going on, but I felt peace through the great waves of pain.  The Pain was off the chart of 10 being the most painful.  The pain would come in waves, gripping pains.  I would not scream out in pain, or fear or even cry.  I was strong and tough and always silent when pains came.  No, I just grit my teeth, pray and go through the waves of pain.  The waves of pain felt as though I was having


But I was not PREGNANT!

I became feverish and took every test they had.



I was given demurral, a very powerful pain killer, and guess who was administering it to me?

You got it – a male nurse who was a multi-generational Satanist!!!

How did I know this?

Through the spiritual gift called The Discerning of Spirits and the Words of Knowledge


Well, during the waves of pain, I was quiet. In the spirit realm, several of my “spiritual children” came to me in the hospital emergency room and they told me they knew who  ” ordered this hit” on me and they were going to to and kill them.

I said to them in the spirit,


I learned later that they did not kill those who gave the orders – Mark and Dallas were their names – but did love them into the arms of Christ Jesus and 2 more children of Satan became spiritual children of The Heavenly Father

Agape Love Rescued Two More.  They are both in Heaven Now, and Satan Lost two powerful Kings to and through Agape Love.  Agape Love was extended through me and out to others to forbid the death of those who gave the orders to kill me.  Love Held in through an attempted murder.

I physically continued to have waves and waves of great pain, more tests were ordered.  But nothing was found and early 

in the morning, I was sent home.  No answers.  But scheduled to come back in a few days for an ultra sound on my stomach and womb.

So, home I went to rest.  The next day I went back, drove myself in fact.  Took the Ultra-Sound Test and they could not find anything, maybe a cyst on one of my ovaries was going through it’s dying stages.  I said, Ok, yea right!

A few days later, the two same spiritual children came to me in the spirit and told me what had happened.

They told me, that I was suppose to die, by that was stopped so all Satan could do was vex and torment me.

During the time of the poisoning and the waves of pain, a young girl who was one on my spiritual children, Amanda in fact, was in another city and was having an abortion in a satanic meeting to get the child for a satanic sacrifice.  I learned that a “demon connected to the poison in my lemonade” connected the two of us thorough the pain of the abortion of a child.

Satan had wanted to kill me as he was killing the baby in a satanic meeting by using the powerful pain drug, Demoral to physically knock me out so he could take my spirit and put it into the physical body of the baby to kill my physical body upon my spirit returning to the physical body of me in the hospital emergency room.

But because the pain medicine never took effect, I remained spiritually alert and in prayer.  I have been poisoned many times since and probably will be again, but I have the promises of God The Most High that any deadly thing that I may drink or eat will not harm me.  I may have a lot of pain, but God’s Promises are always True and Faithful to me.

I am in a real life and death battle for the precious spiritual children of The Kingdom of Darkness who have been enslaved for generations after generations of sin, fear of death, mind control programming, dissociation, demonic enslavement, and living yet dead in hidden dark worlds of the spirit due to their birth into families that have served Satanic for millions and millions of years.

Precious, Precious spiritual children living in the fear of death, demons, fire and serving Satan with no hope of freedom, HATor healing or finding Agape Love for their hearts and minds.

Alone spiritually, Hiding in Trances, and Living in Fear of Death to Live

No Peace of Spirit, No Hope

Drugs to survive

Living with Demons 24/7

And always participating in human sacrifices and eating of raw flesh and drinking blood 

Human Spirits totally controlled and always tortured

All Total spiritual, mental, sexual, physical slaves to Satan’s Will

So, what is a little poison, demonic pain, a night in the emergency room, pain unbearable






But Pastor Deborah was Sent, And Had Come, Battling Death all the way to reach them and love them into the Kingdom of Heaven and it’s King, the Heavenly Father.


Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!










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