Saturday, March 29, 2025

The Teddy Letter





A Letter written to one of Pastor Deborah’s “spiritual children ” from the darkness of multi-generational Satanism, vampirism, and homosexuality after they had accepted Jesus Christ as the Savior, Lord and Master


Dear Precious Son,

Hello, I wanted to write to you and send you this teddy.  I have given on to all my spiritual children and that includes you!  He comes in the love of Jesus and me.  I thought it would be something you might like.  He is rather cute.  Probably like you.

Well, my son, how has life been since that wonderful day when you became apart of my life as my son!  Got into any trouble right???  Well, that goes with knowing me and talking to me and becoming my spiritual son Satan gets real mad at us.  But you know what he lost you long time ago.  He lost your love ( is that what you call it?) years ago.  Now, for the first time you have chosen freely to be apart of something that makes you feel so good, so loved and others are going after it and it makes him so mad!!!!  Why would he get so mad at you wanting to be my spiritual son??????  Good question!  Well, you are going to be finding out.  He will let you know for sure.

Boy, did I really want to be here???  I am not even sure I knew what I was getting into but now I think about her and this love stuff from this other guy all the time.  I just can’t seem to not think about it. I have dreams and hear someone calling me and telling me they love me.  Boy that is weird.  I go on my “family business trips for the hardware sells: and she and this love is always on my mind.  People are starting to say I don’t act like myself anymore.  I have no clue what is going on and yet I am the happiest I have ever been and feel so something ( I can’t even describe it ) everyday.  I can even tell that she prays for me and I know that this guy is always around wanting something from me.  I just feel so different and yet I want more and I know I need to talk with her more ( how can I do that, the conference calls are always so short and there is so many who want to talk to her, maybe l could just call her myself,( phone cards ) or maybe I could email her, or do what the others are doing, buy a place in Pensacola and go visit her as much as I can.  She always invites us to go to church with her.  I could do that!!!!  Everybody seems to want to just be around her, to talk with her and hear her talk.

Ok, I live over here ( Europe ) and she lives over there I need to think about what I can do.  I need more of what she is offering.  I will give her an address she can write to so I stay safe as possible.  I would like for her to have a picture of me for her desk.  She sure is something.  Boy has she stirred up things on this side.  NO one knows what to do!!!  WE all love her and want to be with her, but he ( Satan ) is in the way.  And can I change my life now ???

Sweetie, you just keep letting His Love fill your empty heart and your life will change.  He will change you by His Love.  You sure are a special young man.  My God has a wonderful plan for you that is waiting for you.  He wants you to work for Him.  Now that is something else!!!  I would not know what I could do for Him.  All I know is “hardware sells – guns.” You are perfect for Him.  He has a place and plan already for you.  Just think, you can still sell to nations it would just be something else.  Just be at peace now and enjoy being my ” spiritual son” for a supernatural love has found you and now His free gift is yours to keep forever.

So, my dear spiritual son you take care out there and remember you are loved by Him and me and you are my son forever and ever.

Love to my son,

Pastor Deborah








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