Thursday, March 13, 2025




Written To Pastor Deborah who was known as Pastor Jan at the time by a young 16 year old multi-generational Satanist, Amanda, in memory of a young man named Josh who was also born into a life of multi-generational Satanism.

The story is graphic of the torture by Satan on his slaves

This story is about a young man who found someone and would not surrender Him even unto death


 For you Josh

 I tell our story of that last night of your life so others can find the way out as you did


I had just been raped and beaten

By the men in black robes with black faces, After a Black Mass


I had to watch my best friend get stabbed to death!

I resisted until I could not anymore, for I was only 12!


They were so cold and I hated them when their mouths went there

I hated them for hurting me.

I wanted them to pay for hurting me, I wanted to destroy them!


As they left, I grew faint and limp as their demons manifested and entered me.

Then the ring leader of the 8, jammed a needle into my arm

For my arms and feet were chained and I remember falling into a hideous trance


I saw things that scared me!

I crouched against the wall like a beaten puppy

And cried my eyes out and blood began to flow from the wounds they put on me.


Then I heard a boy screaming down the hall

I knew there would be another to join me

They rammed him into the door, opened it, then slammed him to the ground

I remember looking into his eyes, He was 18 years old and just tried to escape

His name was Josh!


They began raping him, beating him, kicking him, kicking his body

I could hear his bones crack

He just laid there in a pool of his own blood

Begging me to comfort him


The men left again, I crawled over to him

Josh mumbled,

” Hold me please”

 and  I carried him and held him in my arms, sitting up against the corner of the wall

 I remember him covering my mouth with his hands and telling me to calm down

or they will come back and kill us.


They did come back and the beatings were a thousand times worse every hour.

The beatings were for Josh

“Renounce the Christian God or die”

” Renounce Jesus Christ or die”

He choose death that night

And He told me, Jesus Christ loved me and my baby for I was pregnant with

That He, Jesus, had the powers to defeat Satan and Satan knew it and that is why he gets so mad when people try to escape Satanism


He said that he found such a peace in him that Satan could never take it away from him

He wore an Irish cross around his neck and that night they hung him with it.

I have kept the cross as a reminder of Josh


Josh was a martyr

He was a multi-generational Satanist who found Jesus Christ and Hid Him deep inside his heart,

He taught me of a man who I later found as my savior

This memorial story was written to remember Josh.  It is the desire of the writer, Amanda, that you the reader know that Satan is real and does unspeakable things to the human spirit through the flesh of man and it still continues today.  Multi-generational Satanists are born into families that have served in spiritual bondage for thousands of generations.  These precious children of the night are abused for their entire life and it begins in the womb!

The writer, Amanda, did find this man named Jesus as savior as Josh did.  I, Pastor Deborah, was honored and privileged to introduce Amanda at the age of 14 to this Jesus that Josh had found years ago when they were together on his last night of his earthly life.

Amanda desires that if you are a Christian to please pray for those in multi-generational Satanism for they do not freely choose this life, but survive the best they can through dissociation, submission, obedience and killing of others until someone comes and will tell them about a man named Jesus who loves them.

Pastor Deborah was directed by the Heavenly Father of Christ Jesus to write this story of Josh by Amanda so you will hear the silent cries of precious spiritual ones in The Kingdom of Darkness, children of the night that need help and a love unknown to them.

Pastor Deborah









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