Thursday, February 20, 2025

Jacob’s Ladder



Genesis 28: 10 –  17

Authorized King James Version

Verse 10   And Jacob went out from Be’er-she’ba, and went toward Ha’ran

Verse 11   And he Jacob, lighted/stopped/rested upon a certain place, and tarried/stayed there all night, because the sun was set, and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep

Verse 12   and he dreamed,

And behold a LADDER set up on the earth, and the top of IT reached to Heaven, and behold the ANGELS of God were ascending and descending on it!

Verse 13   and, behold The Lord stood above it ( the ladder ) and said,

I am The Lord God of A’bra-ham your father and The God of Isaac;  the land where on you lie, to you will I give it and to your seed,

Verse 14    and your seed ( children ) shall be as the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the West, and to the East, and to the North and to the South;  and IN YOUR SEED shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

Verse 15   And behold, I AM WITH YOU, and WILL KEEP YOU in all places where you go, and WILL BRING YOU AGAIN

into THIS LAND;  for I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU, until I HAVE DONE that which I have spoken to you of.

Verse 16   and Jacob awoke out of his sleep and he said,  Surely The Lord is in this place; and I knew IT NOT

Verse 17   And he was afraid and said  How dreadful is this place!



Now To The Story

Because my faith was growing stronger and stronger, more mature and developed, I was able to believe more and more of The Bible and that the stories were true and could be believed and that there was nothing SPIRITUALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

As I continued to read and study The Most High God’s Bible/His Written Word from the beginning to the end, many of the stories/events that were written about in the Old Testament were brought to my spiritual heart/mind to ask the Heavenly Father to do even today.

I had to keep reminding myself that The Most High God is

” The Same Today As He Was In The Bible of Ancient Days and Is Still Today and Will Be Tomorrow!”

My faith was strong in The Lord so that I could ask The Most High God for almost anything so that He would be SPIRITUALLY GLORIFIED on earth as He is in Heaven and BECOME KNOWN to the ” least of Christ Jesus’s spiritual brethren”

Known to the lost spiritual children/captives of the Kingdom of Darkness and Satan’s Matrix of Control

Who DID NOT KNOW Him and that they were LOVED by Him with A LOVE beyond their KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING and that He DESIRED them to come TO KNOW of Him and TO LOVE Him and His SON, Christ Jesus, the Word of God made flesh and bone.

The Heavenly Father also desired for these precious spiritual ones

Would come to Trust Him, Believe Him and that He HAD MORE spiritual POWER than the World has, than Satan has and that HE COULD PROVIDE for them through His GREAT POWER so that they would learn that 


This wonderful almost unbelievable story begins when a young lady, Amanda, brought to me on the phone through her spirit, and in the  ma, the spirit of a young man she had been trying to help. 

This was the beginning which would lead to person to person phone calls and pictures being sent so I could hear their real voice and see their faces.  Usually the spiritual person is very afraid of me hearing their real voice or seeing them in the natural for that would be exposing themselves to me and that was against the rules of Satan and the family!


The young man who was brought to me to help was only 16 years old and trying to take care of his family!

His family consisted of his girlfriend and about 20 young children and teens.

This young man and his family were living in a very large urban Northern City in the United States of America, living on the streets, homeless and orphans, runaways and abandoned.


 But they did find an abandoned building to stay in that had

No Water

No Electricity

They Had NO FOOD except what they stole

NO CLOTHES other than what they were wearing

NO BABY FORMULA for the babies 

NO DIAPERS for the babies and toddlers

Many of the young girls had infants/babies/new born babies

There was NO FURNITURE in the abandoned building

And they were living in filth and garbage, drug stuff, and human waste

Such sad little ones, such fear, such deep hopelessness

The young lady, Amanda had tried spiritually to help them, but didn’t know what to do, so she brought them to me.

The young man did tell me his name, Chris and I talked to him through Amanda which was normal for them to do with each other, but they were always amazed that I could also do this.  I had been given and spiritually operated through the spiritual gift of The Holy Spirit called The Gift of Discerning of Spirits.  When this spiritual Gift went into operation at the instruction of The Most High God to do His ministry, I was able to see, hear into the realm of the spirit.  I was spiritually aware and was seeing and hearing.  This gift is apart of my anointing, blessing to do the spiritual ministry I was called to do with The Heavenly Father as His Son, Christ Jesus was.

Of course, I could see and hear and communicate with all spirits, good ones, bad one, human ones, and the evil ones.  The whole realm of the spirit was opened to me.  So, I had to be informed and knowledgeable about the realm of the spirit, about human spirits, about evil spirits, about good angels, about spiritual powers and forces, the nature and essence of the spiritual realm.  I had to study and believe in a realm of the unseen, a realm of great evil and power, a realm of Agape Love and It’s powers, The Kingdom of Heaven and The Kingdom of Darkness.

A Door had been opened into the realm of God and Satan and I had to trust God and have faith and to have studied the Word of God and I had to know that this was the ministry I was to do to for Him to reach the precious spiritual children of The Kingdom of Darkness for Him.

The young man, Chris and I talked through the Voice of Amanda.  Amanda was using her gifts to help others and knew that she was a host, grand central station sort of speaking for others to talk with me for she wanted to help them and to get them out of satanism.  Her heart was so full of Agape Love for them that she always offered herself and her spirit for such conversations with me.

Chris told me that they were having to send out the 12 year old girls to prostitute to earn money to buy baby formula, food and diapers.  The young men were having to steal baby food and diapers.

He stated that  were not a drug gang,


from abusive parents and families.

Each one had run from abusive families and had found each other in the tunnels of the large city they were in and had banded together as a 


Want one has to know about the spirit and soul of a human is it desires to be in a family.  This deep desires is from their forgotten past when they were with their spiritual father and mother once and loved and cherished.  Families give love, bonding, value, acceptance, safety from death, love and hope.  For these precious ones of Chris’s family from out of the tunnels, the spiritual heart to be together with a family was pulling them together.

Many of the older boys would get arrested for stealing baby clothes and milk!

This young man, Chris of just 16 years of age was trying to keep 

His Family

SAFE from the streets and the drugs, from the gangs 

The old abandoned building that they had broken into to sleep at night was all they had!

My heart was breaking and The Holy Spirit brought to my spiritual remembrance the story of



With Angels Ascending and Descending from The House of God at The Gate of Heaven

With The Lord Standing at The Top



And I knew He wanted to do great and wonderful spiritual signs and wonders fro these precious precious children so that they 

Would Come To Know Him and They Would Become Apart of His Spiritual Family and Thus 


I asked the young man, Chris if he had ever heard the story of Jacob’s Ladder and he said, No.

 So, I told him the story and he said so what?

I said that God The Most High wanted to help them so that they would see and know that He s 


And He was here to help them now!

I told Chris to go to the roof of the building and watch and see the great and powerful Agape Love of The Most High God,

So I prayed,

Dear Father,

I ask in the Name of Jesus Christ that You let down a LADDER from Heaven

to the roof of this building and let it been seen in the natural and in the spirit by this young man so that Your great Agape Love and Power can be known and seen by these precious children of this young man’s family.

And Father

as the Angels descended and ascended on Jacob’s Ladder, let it be so here, and send one of my Angels to help the so Your ” Heavenly Provisions and Help”  can come to their aid to show Your Agape Love for them who the WORLD CAN NOT HELP and has forgotten them, thrown them away, abused them, and they have been forsaken by their fathers and mothers.


I ask the You send Samuel to be in charge of Your Provisions

I ask that the Angels of The Lord Most High

Fix the water and let it be Heavenly and Sweet,

Fix the electricity and bring food, blankets clothes teddy bears and diapers

For these precious ones,


Allow these children to see Your Manifested Glory and Power

Send down Angels to set up Doctor’s Offices for them and Dentists


Place ” Black Angels” around the building to protect them from the gangs and Satan and his demons


Let Your Glory be seen by all these and the gangs so that these precious spiritual ones in great spiritual  darkness/ignorance can see Your Agape Love for them,



Well Down Came A Golden Ladder

Then Came Down Samuel


Then Came The Black Angels!

To Spiritually and Physically guard and protect the building.


Then Came Down The Other Angels

Bringing Gifts and provisions from Heaven!


The young man, Chris stood watching in unbelief as the sky opened up and a 

Golden Ladder

Descended and Down Came Angels!

God Had Answered My Prayers!


God The Most High sent down on JACOB’S LADDER His Holy Angels and these precious children all become 



No Longer Orphans and Without a Family!!


The Young man, Chris married his girlfriend with Samuel officiating and they became shepherds/pastors/teachers to the family of children in the building.

God The Most High set up a 

Day Care and A School for the older children

In the building with Angels as Day Care Workers and Teachers



Food was plentiful as well as baby formula and diapers and clothes for The Most High God Sent Down His

From His Spiritual Storehouses of Riches and Glory




The young man started having  ” Sunday Church and Week day Bible Studies ” and guess who started coming?

You bet, the gangs on the streets!!!!

And how did that happen??

The Young man, Chris and his wife were physically attacked on the street by gang members with knives.  Both ended up in the hospital but the young man refused to press charges against the gang members who did it, and they got saved.


Then the girls of the gang members started coming to the Bible Study and church services in the building.


Well the boys of the gangs didn’t like it!!!

But as the gang members fought and got shot and stabbed, they went to the 

Angel Doctors

on the street for help and it was Free!

God The Most High was Reaching Out!


Then the young man, Chris now the shepherd/pastor of this Bible Study and Church just kept inviting the gang members to the Bible Study and church service on Sunday mornings and they 

Started Coming!

But the rules of the Church in this ABANDONED BUILDING was


So, the young man who was only 16 years old, Chris who just happened to be a son of another one of my spiritual children, Issac, started a Bible Study and Church in an building protected by Black Angels, with no formal training and with only Angels of Heaven helping him, became to reach out in Agape Love to the street gangs of this city.

  The City was Chicago!

These precious children of the streets of Chicago had only The Most High God and Pastor Deborah helping them.  To ensure that the Bible Studies and Church Services were safe, Chris was supplied with a Large Tupperware Tub to put the weapons in as the gang members came into the Church and then they could pick them up upon leaving and they obeyed.

Agape Love Was At Work!


Gang members hearing The Words of God and His Love For Them in an Abandoned Building protected by Black Angels of Heaven and many lives were being spiritually changed, born a new, fresh and clean, baptized in water and Agape Love was flowing from The Heart of The Heavenly Father.


Well, Satan did not just sit back and allow his slaves and territory to be taken for God The Most High.

  No sir, drugs and sex came calling.

Violence and fear were sent in!!

And God The Most High sent in more help to protect and save

God The Heavenly Father was showing/revealing/demonstrating that He and He ALONE was their




The Battle was hard but God did not forsake these 

Orphaned children in this abandoned building


In fact, one of The Heavenly Father’s trusted Developers and one of Pastor Deborah’s spiritual children was brought in to purchase the .  building and pit it into the name of the Pastor, Chris.  No one knows this accept a few of us who were involved and can be trusted. This wonderful man who is seen as a Father figure to them stayed involved and still is involved with this group of precious children and has never forsaken them either.  He is a trusted one by The Heavenly Father and is used around the globe with many others yet all unknown except to Pastor Deborah and The Most High God and Satan of course.

The Heavenly Father was showing these precious born again human spirits that The World’s System/Government The Arm of Flesh, The Natural Man, The City Leaders, The “Religious” Church of Jesus would not help them or could not.  In fact, once the word got out about this event in the abandoned building with gangs and church meetings in Chicago, several Christian ministries came to help and Chris told them 

” They were not needed or sent by God. They just wanted the glory and to be apart of God’s spiritual signs and wonders!”

Pastor Chris sent them away and they left!

God The Heavenly Father moved the entire group south to warmer weather to another large city and  they just kept right on going even to this day.  

Angels brought cars, money, whatever was needed and there was never any lack!!!


God, Their Heavenly Father was in charge and supplying all their needs from His Riches in Glory!!!


Could you believe for such things for others?

Could your prayers bring down Jacob’s Ladder from The Kingdom of Heaven with Angels Descending?

Do you even believe the story of Jacob’s Ladder from the ancient days?

 you allow God and His Angels to do His Ministry outside of all known worldly systems, or your own physical involvement?

Could you ” keep your hands ” off of God’s Ministry as He wants to do it, and do you even know His way of providing Help for others?

 The Heavenly Father bring ” spiritual children ” to you for such help?

Could you feel the Heart of The Father for them?

Could you feel the Heart of The Father for the Orphans in any city, town, place, village?

Could you feel the Heart of The Father for the gang members, the killers, the drug dealers, the prostitutes, the abusers, the runaways, the homeless as He does?

How mature and strong is your spiritual relationship with The Heavenly Father?

How mature is your faith in the Heavenly Father?

Can you believe God, The Heavenly Father of Christ Jesus, for things unbelievable and humanly impossible?

  you know what God The Most High is truly capable of doing for humanity here on earth?

Would He consider you a partner with Him, a trusted servant, a faithful steward of His Work on earth?

Can God, The Heavenly Father Trust you with such little ones, the least of Christ Jesus’s spiritual brethren who are abandoned children?

Can you believe God, The Heavenly Father to help outside of 

The Ways of The World

The Ways of Flesh and Blood

Without earthly Money

The earthly Religious Groups

Earthly Governmental Systems and Laws


Can you be a shepherd over another’s sheep both physically and spiritually

Can you spiritually partner with The Most High God’s Host of Heaven, The Mighty Angels of The Kingdom of Heaven

Can you believe that there is NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE for The Heavenly Father to do to reach out and touch and help “spiritual children” lost to Him and His Kingdom of Heaven and to His Agape Love

There is more to this story of what happened to Samuel and how he became a Demon for having sex with one of the girls. For he stayed too long in physical form and forgot his mission and place.  

Also, what happen in the new city, called Houston and how Chris continued on being a Pastor to street children.  Maybe you will meet one of these who were helped by Angels descending down from The Kingdom of Heaven on a Golden Ladder.  If you do, believe their story for it is real.

Love Pastor Deborah













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