Saturday, March 29, 2025

I’m So Cold!


This wonderful spiritual story pulls back the Veil of spiritual darkness and brings into the light a powerful spiritual truth and I almost missed it.


This story involves me and Candy, a precious young mother of 3 beautiful children who had lived their entire lives in a “multi-generational” satanic family and held the #1 international Satanic position on the International Council Table of The Illuminati of the Kingdom of Darkness here on earth.

Every day and night, I was spiritually learning new and more powerful spiritual knowledge, things that I had never read about or heard about in deliverance or in a sermon, or had any spiritual experience with.

Spiritual knowledge that I would need to spiritually help devastate Satan’s Kingdom of Darkness and to bring spiritual freedom to precious  human spirits of The Darkness/Ignorance and held by spiritual blindness and deafness that Satan, sin and death has blinded them to that holds them in spiritual slavery, control and ignorance by

The Fear of Death and The Fear of Abuse and Torture by Demons!

This spiritual lesson was so vital in my spiritual understanding of the spiritual nature of Satan and his demons and it almost slipped by me!

One day while talking on the phone with Candy who I had been privileged and honor to lead to Find Christ Jesus as her savior and Lord and to renounce Satan as such, said to me

” I am so cold ! ”  

In my spiritual ignorance  old her to wrap a blanket around her and she did but it did not help and the time of the year was in the fall and not very cold outside, but it was at night.

The Holy Spirit immediately brought to my spiritual mind that demons are

” Cold Blooded spiritual creatures “

The same as an “earthly reptile” in the natural because they no longer have the spiritual life of God The Most High’s Presence and when they rise up and enter into a human spirit out of the darkness and hidden shadows of evil and hate and enter into a human spirit or when they cloak themselves in and on and over the human spirit, the human spirit becomes cold and believes themselves to be a 

Reptilian Demon!

I immediately was able to see in the spiritual through the spiritual gift of The Holy Spirit’s gift of “discerning of spirits ” and I saw a very big “reptilian” demon come up and over and cloak/cover this precious saved human spirit of Candy in a cold and dark spirit.  Remember, I and this “newly saved child of God” were talking on the phone!

By this demon coming on Candy’s spirit, and covering it completely

then it happened, her spirit took on this shape of this demon, her spiritual hands took on the shape of a dragon’s claws and her tongue became as a snake’s tongue.

 Flames started to come out of her mouth when she was talking and her speech became garbled and deep.

You must remember, I am talking seconds here to have all this spiritually revealed to me by The Holy Spirit, the ” spiritual transformation” and “spiritual cover up” of Candy’s spirit took just seconds, but I had been given spiritually permission by Candy to

Spiritually go after the demons and Satan that are apart of her life and any human spirits that come after her to attack her, kidnapped her, or knock her out.

Candy had given me permission to attack the demons and set her spiritually free. This demon was attempting to take over Candy’s spirit and turn it into a Serpent and not a re-born child of light, of The God Most High.

With those who were born into a family of multi-generational Satanist, having an demon covering one’s spirit was normal and it then would change the spirit and it would believe and act as the character of the demon.

Satan’s Image and Likeness was not easily thrown off, even for one who was now a new spiritual creature with a new Image and Likeness, and a new Father, Lord and King.

Satan did not let go of his spiritual possession/property willingly or easily.  He fought back to recapture his spiritual slave, captive and Candy’s was a prized possession he did not want to loose for she had been carefully spiritually and genetically breed over thousands and thousands of years to become His #1 Bride of His Anti-Christ spiritual body and physical body to come.

This spiritual event for Candy was normal.  During her life in multi-generational Satanism she was taken over and knocked out, transformed and became a spiritual demon herself.  She at times would know to go into spiritual trances, or would spiritually leave her own physical body and run somewhere and hide if she could.  If she put herself into a “self – induced” trance, she would go into her programmed created worlds and live until called to come out of the trance.

Candy did not how she could do this spiritually, but God and I knew.  This too was a spiritual gift of way of escape for the spiritual heart and mind of the spirit to survive the transformation into a demon.

A spiritual way of escape was there so the spirit could run and be safe from the fear, abuse, torment, torture and hide.  But most of the time, the spirit would not be allowed to escape the event and had to participate in the horrible events along with the demons to strike back at the very heart of God by forcing his beloved human spirits to do horrible things to themselves and to others, do horrible things as a demon and with demons.

But because Candy and I had a strong spiritual bond/relationship, I would proceed to get her spiritually free of this powerful demon that had covered her and transformed her spirit into the image and likeness of it’s.

I stood alone with only God’s Holy Spirit, my spiritual authority as a King of Heaven and in the Power of the Resurrection of Christ and myself.  I had the spiritual authority and dominion over this demon and it’s power as a 

Son/An Image and Likeness/Offspring/A Child of God


The Name and Nature of Christ Jesus



of spiritual warfare in the Bible and then some unknown to me at this time.

I immediately spiritually bound the demon on Candy according to

Matthew 18 : 18

King James Version

Version 18   Truly I ( Christ Jesus ) say unto you, ” Whatsoever ( this demon on Candy was a whatsoever ) you/Pastor Deborah SHALL BIND/Tie up/Stop their actions and work/Forbid them to continue on earth/both on and in the dirt body and on the planet itself SHALL BE BOUND in Heaven:  and WHATSOEVER ( Candy’s spirit is a whatsoever ) you/Pastor Deborah LOOSE/FREE/UNBIND/SET FREE/HEAL  on earth/on Candy’s physical body and on the planet earth itself SHALL BE LOOSED/FREE/UNBOUND/SET FREE/HEALED in Heaven/in the realm of the Kingdom of Heaven

Of course, this scripture can be used for other spiritual purposes. 

Healing, Deliverance, To Stop Spiritual Activities, To Forbid Activities, To Set levels of a human spirit free from enslavement and control.

Then I asked The Most High God in The Name of Christ Jesus to spiritually remove this ” reptilian demon ” from His spiritual child, Candy, and to spiritually close the spiritual doorway/opening/legal right for it to come and take over Candy’s spirit and to forbid it to ever return again.

Well, Satan’s demons never spiritually leave without their say and as always they claim their spiritual right to the human spirit by the legal right of sin, birth and their right as the slave owners of a slave of sin.  They will deny to themselves and to the all spirits the re-birth of the human spirit such as Candy and continue to claim their legal right of ownership.

As I always do, I have to dispute their spiritual claim based on the Word of God that anyone who professes Christ Jesus as their Savior, Lord and King and thus they become

Born Again Spiritually

A New Spiritual Creation/Child of God The Most High in Christ Jesus/The Living Word of God/God’s Offspring/God’s Son

Candy’s spirit was no longer a slave to Satan, or his possession, but now a new spiritual creature in Christ, not a Demon or an spiritual animal, but now made in the true

Image and Likeness of God Himself as it was in Man’s beginning

Genesis 1 : 1 and Genesis 1 : 26 – 28

Authorized King James Version

Genesis 1 : 1

Verse 1   In the Beginning, God created the heaven and the earth

Psalm 8 : 3

Verse 3   ( King David speaking to God in a song )  When I consider Your Heavens, the work of Your Fingers The Moon and the Stars, which You Have Ordained:`

Genesis 1 : 26 – 28

Verse 26  And God said, ” Let us/My Word, My Holy Spirit, My Father Side and Mother Side of Me/US make man/our spiritual child in our IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS: 


over the Fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

There are lots and lots of spiritual levels of Truth hidden in these words from the beginning of the spiritual creature called man.

Verse 27   So God created man in HIS OWN IMAGE, IN THE IMAGE OF GOD created He him/man, male and female created he them ( for in God’s own Image and After His Likeness God was a male and a female  )

Verse 28   And God BLESSED them, and God said unto them, ” Be Fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:  and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over every thing that moves upon the earth.”

A child they were, blessed and ordained to be a Ruler, a King of the government/the Kingdom of Heaven for it’s Father and Mother on earth and to have DOMINION, AUTHORITY and to SUBDUE all on the earth.

And this demon who had come upon Candy’s spirit 

So Pastor Deborah as a Son of God, a man created in the IMAGE AND LIKENESS of God Himself in Christ had all AUTHORITY AND DOMINION to cast off and out of Candy this creeping thing on the earth!

The spiritual battle took a few minutes to win, but WIN God Did!

Upon the demon leaving Candy’s spirit with the spiritual help of Angels at my spiritual command.  This precious new spiritual creature, Candy was exhausted.  She had felt the “freezing old, yet the burning fires” within her own spirit and had to look out of ” reptilian snake eyes” and speak with a snake’s tongue and her lovely spiritual hands had become

Dragon Claws

And out of her back were the wings of a Dragon!

Candy was spiritually exhausted, so I prayed for the

Glory Blanket of The Lord’s Sweet, Refreshing Agape Love’s Presence

To come and renew her spirit and to ” spiritually cleanse and heal her spiritually from the demons unholy dark and fiery presence.”

And The wonderful Heavenly Father of Candy and Pastor Deborah answered the prayer!

His warm sweet spiritual Agape Love’s Healing and Refreshing Presence came upon the both of us, ” a cloud of His Glory” right there while we were still talking on the phone!

It was great and once again many spiritual eyes of unsaved human spirits in Satan’s Kingdom of Darkness had spiritually watched the spiritual battle and saw a spiritual power unknown to them, defeat this demon of Satan who they all knew and had in their lives and of a Love unknown to them, defeat Satan’s Power, Satan’s Demon, and Satan’s Dominion over their spiritual lives.


Because of The Heavenly Father’s powerful spiritual demonstration of His Agape Love for all of them, many unsaved human spirits in Satan’s Kingdom accepted Christ Jesus as the Son of The Living God, Their Savior of the Life, Their Lord and King, Master and God and renounced Satan as their Father, Lord, King, Master, and Provider though they knew they were signing their own ” death certificates” for they too had NOW become a “spiritual traitor” as Candy had to Satan, but they did not care for they had found and seen and believed in a spiritual power of a God that could defeat Satan and one Christian Pastor who could help them spiritually.

Now I knew that many times when someone says,

I’m so cold or it’s cold in here 

Satan and a demon are “spiritually near” with their spiritual plans to spiritually continue their dark spiritual illusions and deceptions of their lies that the human spirit is nothing more than a 

Demon themselves,


A Creeping Thing, A Beast of The Field, A Fowl of The Air, A Creature of the Night

And NOT of

God’s spiritual Image and After His Likeness

Satan has to get a human spirit’s heart/mind to spiritually accept and believe that they are NOT MADE in their new re-birth in

His Spiritual Image and After His Likeness Of Himself, A God Themselves, A Son, A King of An Eternal Kingdom, Heaven who ruled by the Kingdom of God on earth for their Father in Heaven.

But instead, Satan continued to enforce His Image and Likeness on new spiritual re-creations in Christ Jesus as he had just done to Candy.  This was totally illegal, forced against Candy’s will, but the demon’s power was over powering of Candy’s small and still growing spirit.  The door way to do this had to be closed and it was in Candy’s life.  Usually God always knew what the Doorway was, the legal right and would close the doorway to Satan and His demons in this area of the spirit’s new life.

The spiritual children of Satan’s spiritual Kingdom of Darkness DO NOT EVEN KNOW that they are human spirits, even though they are dead to God spiritually.  Satan had created these precious spirits in his IMAGE AND AFTER HIS LIKENESS, children of the Devil/The Adversary of God.  Most of them believed they were only animals, beasts, dogs, flames of fire, reptiles.  There is a wonderful story about this in the story called

Flames of Fire

So, one’s


Comes from who one’s spiritual FATHER AND MOTHER are






The Story ended as the two of us sat under the Presence of Agape Love under the Peace of The Lord and where we were being spiritually refreshed, renewed, healed and loved.

Praise Be To The Love of A Heavenly Father through His Agape Love










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