Sunday, March 30, 2025

I Bind You In The Name Of Jesus





One of the most extreme tests of my, Pastor Deborah’s, trust in God came through a very special young lady, Amanda.  Because I had been called by God Himself to help people leave the spiritual Kingdom of Darkness ruled by Satan an during some of my spiritual training, I took many of them into my home.

On one occasion, a young lady – Amanda who I had led to the Lord Jesus as her savior when she was only 14 years old and who was now an adult, a deeply hidden secret about her life was spiritually revealed to me by The Holy Spirit.  The deeply hidden secret was about her biological mother and father ( Issac ) who was her mother’s brother.  This story can be told now for both Amanda’s mother and father of who she was to marry and produce children for the clan/family/tribe of multi-generational Satanism she was born into – The Black Forest Clan – are in Heaven for they both found the Agape Love of The Heavenly Father and believe that they were loved.

This precious young lady grew up in a “multi-generational ” family of Satanism.  Her mother was a powerful “Mother of Darkness” and her biological Father was her mother’s younger biological brother.  This relationship of brothers and sisters producing a child was normal.  Keep all births of children within the CHOSEN FAMILIES from the CHOSEN ONE’S, The High Kings and Mothers of Darkness withing the family.  Biological and Spiritual DNA and genetics was paramount to Satan.

Amanda’s biological father, Issac, was a Satanic high priest, a powerful mind programmer of children, a child of the Hitler’s S.S. Soldiers in the program called the German social policy that told all S.S. Soldiers to have sex with pure German woman and reproduce pure Germans of The Master Race to Rule the World.  Amanda had lots of German and Viking ancestry in her biological and spiritual genes.

Issac, the biological father of Amanda, sat on the International Council of The Brotherhood, The Great Illuminati and in the third seat of the International Clans of Multi-generational Satanism.  This clan could trace their genes all the way back to third child of Israel.  For Satan’s Kingdom is organized as a FAMILY TRIBE from the 12 sons of Jacob who became Israel meaning, Prince.

This Clan was spiritually destroyed by The Most High God through His Agape Love.


This young lady’s father, Issac, was a powerful satanic PROGRAMMER of chosen children for Satan.  Through this, satanic programming to be a mind controlled slave with many dark side parts/personalities and light side parts/personalities through Trauma and torture, abuse and rejection, drugs and pain, dissociation was activated.  The Gift of survival of the Spirit was turned on sort of speaking when the infant, the baby and the child were abused, neglected, traumatized by fear, Amanda developed her system of many others and the identities to go with them.

So, this precious young lady, Amanda had been since the womb mentally, emotionally sexually, physically programmed to be many.  One of these personalities, programmed minds is what this story is about.

One named Angel !

Through the Holy Spirit I spiritually learned that this young lady’s mother had in years past had a young boy, a very highly chosen child to be a Mighty King of the Clan, The Black Forest Clan.  This child was a product of the young lady’s mother and the mother’s younger brother, Isaac. Incest and conceiving children was the most powerful way of multi-generational Satanism to produced CHOSEN ONES that are to be TRAINED TO BE WORLD LEADERS AND KINGS so that the child would be the most genetically pure, having both a PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL genetic DNA and the original ancestors all the way back to Adam and Eve ( the mother of all flesh, the only living thing on earth ).  Satan is a powerful geneticist and has planned and organized his Kingdom according to the Spiritual Pattern set out by The Most High God Himself.  From out of the 12 boys of Jacob who became Israel, The Prince who wrestled with God and prevailed.

This Chosen Child, A King To Be, A High Priest, A Leader of The Clan and Sitting in the #3 Seat around the Table of the 12 Multi-Generational Satanists World Leaders, A Ruler of The Kingdom of Darkness.  A CHOSEN CHILD, Angel.  




This Chosen Child, Angel was in the line of the Ancient Prophet, A Voice of a Powerful Ancestor, John The Baptist!

Angel  was an biological and spiritual ancestor of one who was the Prophet Voice, Cousin, and Witness of his cousin,

Christ Jesus,

The King of The Kingdom of Heaven

Except Angel was not of the Kingdom of Heaven, but of the Kingdom of Darkness

Angel was a child biologically and spiritually of Satan, a child of the Darkness/Ignorance

A Child of The Flesh and Bone, A spiritual child hidden deep in the darkened soul of and filled with the spiritual light/spirits of Satan.

A Chosen Child of The Black Forest Clan To Be The Forerunner of The False Prophet to the Anti-Christ To Come!

Through the Holy Spirit, I spiritually leaned that this young lady’s ( Amanda ) mother had in years past had a young boy by incest with her biological brother who was to be a Great Satanic King of The Black Forest Clan, Angel, this child who was to rule and reign a vast global empire and sit on the International Council of The Brotherhood and The Satanic Illuminati who was to be a VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, saying BEHOLD, The Christ, The Savior of The World Is A Hand.


But something happened to this young child, this Chosen boy named Angel, his mother, Amanda’s mother killed him!!

This happened many, many years before this precious young lady, Amanda, was even conceived in a satanic ritual between her biological mother and the mother’s biological younger brother, a true multi-generational family of The Black Forest Clan from out of Germany of Viking genealogy and The Druids of England and Ireland

A Very Spiritually and Powerful Multi-Generational Satanic Family!

The Most High God’s Holy Spirit spiritually revealed all this “hidden past ” and spiritual explanations of why she, Amanda, 

Had always been called Angel and had to act at times as a 5 year old boy!!

I told her, Amanda, what had happened long ago.  Her biological mother did not want her precious little boy – named Angel – to grow up in Mulit-generational Satanism as a High Chosen King, A False Prophet to come, because the life would be so abusive and horrible for him.  She loved her 5 year old boy too much to allow him to live his life in Satanism, so she killed him herself to free him from Satan’s hands and this life he was born into.

Well Satan found out and both the mother and father of Amanda were punished horribly and then 

Were Commanded to have another child together because Satan would have his ANGEL/MESSENGER for Himself/The Spiritual Anti-Christ to come and he wanted a JOHN THE BAPTIST Messenger as Jesus Christ had had.  Satan would have the exact pattern as this Christ had had.

Amanda’s mother and her brother obeyed.  So in a satanic ritual, after getting legally married, conceived another child, her!  Her birth had to also be as Satan wanted.  Her day of her earthly birth was 27, a very high Satanic day for Satan and His Kingdom.

His Angel/His Messenger would come again!

Satan would have a physical body with the DNA of John The Baptist and Spiritually Filled with His Spirits of Prophecy and Revelation.  He would have the legal pattern to come into and who he could use to announce His coming as John the Baptist had done for Christ Jesus!

Angel Would Be Born Again, Ready To Be The False Prophet!

But instead of a boy, a girl was born!

Amanda was born, The Name Amanda means worthy of Love!

So the father, Issac, who was a major satanic programmer, was tasked with spiritually, emotionally and physically abusing the child to force it to use the Gift of Dissociation to create a 




So through trauma abuse and mind programming by this child’s biological father, a BOY was spiritually created named ANGEL.  This process is able to be done due to the spiritual gift of creating in the heart of the spirit and the soul, what you think/are told to believe/programmed to believe SO YOU ARE!!  Through abuse, drugs, demons, trauma the heart/the mind of the spirit and soul is able to spiritually and emotionally create  what ever it needs to survive or has been programmed, ordered to create.  In this child’s life, a boy was needed to replace one and it had to act, believe, and be a boy named ANGEL.


This young child, Amanda, a girl, would grew up with a fractured and dissociative spirit and soul.  More personalities were to come as the years went by, for Amanda had to become a satanic breeder of chosen children for both sacrifice and to be the chosen line of the False Prophet to come.  Amanda unknown to her would be raised to marry her biological father and produce the chosen line of children who would be kings of the clan, chosen for breeders and high priests.

Upon learning this “hidden knowledge” of her mother killing her boy child, being forced to produce another with her brother, Issac and she was the result, and then learning about her biological father programming her through great abuse, drugs and trauma to force her to create ANGEL for Satan, and that the man she only knew as her uncle was really her biological father, her heart was broken.

Amanda now knew through the gift of spiritual knowledge given to Pastor Deborah, that she was not really loved or wanted for just being a girl, her, her real self, but was only wanted as a 5 year old boy named Angel.  She now learned and knew that when she acted, dressed and became as a 5 year old boy and would answer to the Name of Angel, she was loved and blessed, wanted and accepted.  But when she was her self, a girl or another, her mother didn’t love her,  didn’t want her, the relationship was horrible and her mother was always angry with her and abusive.  Amanda learned that the mother was taking her anger and fear out on Amanda.  The mother’s shame, guilt and fear of death for herself about killing her own child years ago was the driving force of her mother’s anger and deep resentment of Amanda.  The mother lived in fear of Amanda not BEING ANGEL and performing the duties and task that the boy ANGEL would have done as King of the clan.  The mother knew that if the boy child, ANGEL had lived, he would have been severely abused in Satanism, yet her life would be well cared for and her every need attended to. Amanda’s mother was to be the KING’S MOTHER and to be well cared for.  Her own apartment, money without working, servants, cars, travel on private airplanes, safety from abuse, taken care of for the rest of her life.  The mother’s desires for a safe, comfortable life was dependent on Amanda being ANGEL and submitting to the rules of The Black Forest Clan and the Brotherhood.  


Amanda was severely programmed through abuse, drugs, deprivation tanks, cages, rapes, isolation and through the fear of death.  All of Amanda’s family abused her, her grandmother, her biological mother and her father.

The Gift of Dissociation Was Forced into Life to program Amanda’s Spirit and Soul to be a boy Named ANGEL!


So now to this story,  because of Pastor Deborah’s calling to be a spiritual mother, she took Amanda into her home. Amanda was no longer a minor child, but an legal adult and was trying to get away from her still abusive mother and father.  When Pastor Deborah had received this spiritually hidden knowledge of Amanda, her mother’s killing of a boy child named Angel and the programming by her biological father of whom she was to marry, Pastor Deborah believed Amanda deserved to know these truths to help her heal and understand the abusive relationship of her mother and her .  

Truth about one’s life is always hard to believe and accept especially for these precious ones for they have spent a lifetime, dissociating and locking memories away of the abuse, of wanting to know, tortured for even asking, and so the Truth becomes a fearful thing, something to be avoided at all costs, even to the point of death.  

 AmPastor Deborah knew Amanda deserved to know the Truth about her life so healing and forgiveness could happen and a deep level of understanding would occur and she would be able to love her mother and father for they only did what they had to survive in the life that they too were born into, a life of mulit-generational Satanists, rulers of a global clan/tribe/family who sat in the third seat of the International Council of The Brotherhood, the spiritually secret ruling 13 clans/families of The Kingdom of Darkness, the chosen High Priests, Prophets, Teachers, Masters, Controllers, Programmers, Kings and Queens of The Kingdom of Darkness, Satan’ own Church/His Government Officials to administer on earth Satan’s Plans of His Kingdom of Darkness and Rulership of The World by His Seed, His Children of His Image and Likeness, His Kings of His Kingdom.

So Pastor Deborah began telling Amanda the story of her being Named Angel and having to act as a boy to be loved and accepted.

Amanda was learning that she was never loved for being a girl of for being herself, but only if she

Allowed herself to be a 5 year old boy named ANGEL

She was crushed spiritually and emotionally devastated about learning these “hidden truths”.  She was so hurt and angry and wanted to kill her mother.  When this “hidden truth” was brought out of the darkness, the demons in Amanda began spiritually attacking her as she lay on the sofa in tears and rage.  Memories were been released of abuse and pain, the demons that were to hold this knowledge behind veils and doors could not, for Truth was unlocking deeply hidden secrets so Amanda’s spiritual could be set free and healing could occur.  But first was coming the great pains of not being loved and wanted for being a girl and who she believed she was.

Amanda’s rage and anger turned to hate and the desire to kill her mother.  When a mother rejects an child for any reason, it is the worse child abuse one can do.  Pastor Deborah continued on, telling Amanda more about these hidden truths to help her to love her mother instead of hating.  Truth was coming to heal and to free.  Amanda was told that her mother was very young and had been very abused herself for she too was born into a multi-generational family.  Here mother lived in a small town in Alabama and she never finished high school.  She lived herself with parents of The Black Forest Clan.  She had brothers and she was the only girl.  Her older brother was King of the Clan and the next one, was sort of a spare. Amanda’s mother loved this brother the most, but he died of Aids.  Then her mother’s younger brother, Isaac was her father.

Now came more Truth to Amanda’s life and how she was conceived, programmed through abuse and the gift of dissociation.

Amanda was told that at the age of 15, her mother got saved from watching Christian TV through believing in the love of Christ Jesus for her and that she could be loved and not end in hell when she died.  She spiritually renounced Satan and it’s Rulership over her life and spirit and confessed Christ Jesus as her Lord/Owner, her King and Master – Not Satan. 

Then she did not want her precious 5 year old son, who she gave birth to at the young age of 10, and was impregnated at the age of 9 by her older brother, who years later would meet Pastor Deborah and get saved as well as many of his children, to grow up in this life of Multi-generational Satanism, the Occult, Witchcraft, Demons, Becoming a High King and Priest of the Clan, a Chosen Child who would be almost non-human when the programming and abuse was finished.  She loved this young boy, her first born child, a chosen one, a male conceived on an Satanic alter in a High Satanic Ceremony where Satan Himself was in Her Older Brother to be the spiritual father of this child, a High Chosen one.  One who would be the one of the FALSE PROPHETS of His Coming years later as The Anti-Christ. This Child was a Demonic John The Baptist, a cousin of The Child that would carry the Anti-Christ Spirit years later.

So, with that knowledge of the life of this precious child she birthed, and her new found Love of Jesus Christ, she wanted to spare him from this life that she was in and could not protect him from.  Her love was so strong for her child that to save it and protect it she killed him herself unknown to it’s father or her own family.  She buried him herself and prayed over him.  Pastor Deborah was never told how she killed the child only that Amanda’s mother had done so to protect it because of her love for it.  Amanda’s mother now believed the child would be with Jesus in Heaven and would be safe from the horrible life it would have had in the Black Forest Clan.

But Satan found out what she did and order her and her younger brother, Issac to conceive another child for Him and it better be a boy! 



Once again, Amanda’s mother and a biological brother, Issac this time, her younger brother went to a Satanic meeting, and on the alter in a High Ceremony of Human Blood Sacrifice of a baby, Satan entered into Isaac’s spirit, soul and physical body and had sex with Amanda’s mother and used the physical sperm of Issac and Amanda’s mother’s egg to conceive a child, a chosen child for Himself, 


To Announce His Coming, To Be A Voice in the Wilderness, To Be The One Who Carries The Anointing Until He, Satan Himself is in the His Chosen and Born of a Virgin Child, the cousin of John The Baptist – a Cousin of Amanda’s mother and brother. A cousin, another from the family of mulit-generational Satanism who sits in the first seat, from the Tribe of Judah. This Anti-Christ child in it’s human body would be Baptized in the River Jordan as The Ancient Christ was of The Kingdom of Heaven.  Satan would have the exact pattern to fulfill all righteousness, the holy pattern of the legal rulership on earth by a human spirit, filled with the spirit of Christ/anointed King/The Word of God/Satan in this case to rule the world as one Kingdom under him.

So out of the fear of their deaths, through their own mind’s dissociation, and their demonic spirits, these two complied with the Satanic order!


To even make it legal in the eyes of the pattern of the Ancient Law, They went and got married!

Satan knew the only legal and perfect and righteous pattern to follow was what had been ordained by The Most High God for humanity on earth as he watched the pattern unfold before his eyes and then he saw the coming of a child who had a Messenger go before him and proclaim him coming.


A Male Child Was Required!

The Pattern Had To Be Followed!

So The Conception Took Place in the correct month to birth a Chosen child in Satan’s High Month and under the Zodiac Sign of Kings.

Then on October 27 out came A GIRL!


So, the programming through abuse and dissociation began!!

Even with the baby who was given the name, Amanda

Meaning – Worthy of Love!


A child already inhabited by demons through the open doors of multi-generational satanism and the occult, even in the womb they came in at conception and implanted themselves to be apart of the spirit and soul all unknown to the baby,

but not to it’s mother or father or the other members of the inner family of the clans of the tribe of the sons of Israel, the Prince of God, the 12 sons of Jacob. Those who were the direct decedents of the original sons of Jacob, who wrestled with God and became Israel, Prince with God.

When these truths were made known to Amanda, her heart broken in such pain of rejection and the demons attacked her as she lay on my sofa.  Truth was under attack!

When the mother had found out about this truth of her and Amanda, which Amanda had confronted with, she and her demons became angry and set out to kill the Truth Teller, Pastor Deborah – the Messenger of These Truths!

Amanda’s mother was spiritually ORDERED to kill Pastor Deborah in her own home by Satan himself if she wanted to keep getting her free supply of “cocaine and to have an house to live in and a car to drive and if she wanted to live!”

Amanda’s mother had to get rid of me, for I had exposed Truth To Amanda that she was never to know or find out about herself and her mother and father and the abuse and programming they did to her to make her 


The Messenger, The False Prophet of The Anti-Christ

So over the next few days, the relationship between Amanda and her mother escalated and I caught the wrath and anger of both of them!

Within a day or two of this spiritual discovery, Amanda began attacking me verbally.  I knew she was mad and hurt by this spiritual knowledge and truth and was taking it out on me, but the Agape Love I had been given for her was holding and little did I know what the Satan had ordered and was in motion.

So, one night in my own home, in my living room where Amanda was living with me and my husband and son who was just 16 years old at the time, the attack came!

As I sat at my computer desk working one night with my husband asleep down the hall in one bedroom and my 16 year old son downstairs,

The Attack Came!

Amanda came out of her bedroom down the hall walking right up to me saying she was going to 

Kill Me!

I had always prayed not to “expose” her real family and spiritual situation to my family or anyone else at the time, so I was not amazed when the verbal assault came to


Yet neither my husband work up to my defense or my son coming from downstairs to help me. 

Out of Amanda’s mouth came these words,

I am going to Kill you and you won’t be able to say anything or move to stop me!

I was bound spiritually so I could not move physically and I could not speak!

I could feel great oppression and opposition against me trying to even move or speak or cry out for help.  It was as if something was preventing me from saying one word or screaming for help.  I was frozen in place!

Then Amanda’s Body picked up a pair of scissors and held them up for she was going to plunge them into my chest!

Yes, right there in my own home ans with my family in the house!

I could not say anything, I was frozen, paralyzed – under some kind of dark demonic spell, but somehow I was calm and not afraid of dying, for I really wanted to go on and be with The Lord Christ Jesus and His and My Heavenly Father.

So, I said to the Lord in my spiritual heart/mind

” Lord just let me go quickly and without much pain!”

I had passed the test of Death!

I was not fearful, I was calm and peaceful and good speak to The Lord.  Death had not entrapped my spiritual heart and I was ready to die!


As soon as I said this to The Lord ( passing the test of the Fear of Death ), The Holy Spirit revealed to me that although this was the physical body of Amanda,

It was not her Spirit doing the attacking!

It was her mother and a powerful demon!

Then I was able to speak out loud and I said,

You are not Amanda,


Immediately, the physical body of Amanda jerked and shook, and she came out of her ” spiritual trance” and threw down the scissors.

What I didn’t know at the time, was this spiritual order in the Name of Jesus, had spiritually kicked out the demon of Amanda’s body and bound the attack, and canceled my Death.  Then the only spiritual person that was left and active was Amanda’s mother who grabbed my glasses, broke them, grabbed a statue and threw it down to break it.

Yet with these sounds going on, still neither my husband woke up, nor did my son come upstairs to see what was going on.

What I did not know at the time, was that the spell over them had not yet broken, just the spell over me!


Amanda’s mother inside of was still there and in charge of the Amanda’s physical body, all she could do was to shove me down to the floor!

I had passed an important Test of The Fear of Death and my Faith in God, The Most High!

I was faced with death by stabbing in my own home by the physical body of Amanda, a multi-generational child of Satanism who The Lord and I were spiritually ministering to in and with Agape Love.


It Was NOT SPIRITUALLY Amanda, but her mother’s spirit!


Yet, I had no fear of death and was not fearful, but full of the Lord’s Peace.  This was a major test that all of God’s people will have to take sometime along their walk with Him. 

But Passed The Test I Did!

Once I ( unknown to me ) passed this major TEST, The Holy Spirit could and would be able to break the demonic spell over me to so He could speak to me what was really spiritually happening and who it spiritually was who was physically attacking me to kill me.

You see, The Heavenly Father spiritually allowed me to be “seriously attacked/threatened with death” in my own home so I could know what was really faith level of my spirit and if I had the level of Peace He was looking for as was in His Son on the cross.

The Fear of Death or The Peace of The Lord?

He was looking, He was allowing this Test of my spirit, He was totally in charge, yet all this was unknown to me, but take the test I did and Passed it I did!

This Test was also to see if I could spiritually hear The Voice of The Lord, The Holy Spirit even under great demonic oppression, being under an attack of stabbing, under extreme spiritual and physical bonds of a demonic spell and how would my heart/mind of my spirit respond.

The next day, Amanda asked me if I was going to press charges against her for the attack.

I said to her, NO I was not going to.

But Amanda said, I had good reason to do so, for it was assault and battery against me and attempted murder

Then I said, 

No, for it was not HER SPIRIT that attacked me!

Oh, it was her physical body, but her mother’s spirit and a demon were inside of her body and they were who were attacking me, attempting to kill me right in my own home!

Amanda was shocked!  I was NOT going to press legal charges against her!

Amanda and so many others were waiting to see me as they saw others, believing only what they shall with their physical eyes and not really knowing what was really spiritually going on with them.

Through this test of attempted murder in my own home, many other who live their lives in the world of the spirit learned that I could see and know what was really going on and who was really doing things through their physical bodies.  They learned that God, This Jesus guy could also see and knew the spiritual truth of their lives.

Agape  Love Was At Work, Reaching Out, Touching and Loving Them, 

Children of The Night, Children of The Kingdom of Darkness!

I prayed that God, Amanda’s Heavenly Father would have mercy upon her, and even her mother.

Truth had been spiritually revealed/brought into the Light of what had spiritually and physically had happened and had been hidden for so long about Amanda’s mother a 5 year old boy named, Angel.  Then when this spiritual Truth was revealed to Amanda, Satan The Father of Lies and Deceptions had to spiritually respond the only way he can


Then Satan believed that the “dark hidden truths” of Amanda’s mother, her child named Angel and then her conception and birth to become ANGEL herself, a boy not a girl through abusive demonic mind programming by her own father who would one day marry her and produce another Chosen child for The Kingdom of Satan, all these truths would be forgotten, hidden away again, locked in vaults of amnesia and all would carry on as He had planned.


But Satan forgot Himself about the Power of The Most High and It’s Agape Love and Truth!

Through this major attempted murder of Pastor Deborah in her own home by Amanda’s physical body but not her spirit God Himself was spiritually revealing Hidden Truths about The Kingdom of Heaven, Pastor Deborah, His Power to Bind Demons, The Power of the Peace of The Lord in the Face of Death as His Son Had, The Power of Mercy By The Heart of Agape Love and so much more that was spiritually hidden from precious spiritual children of multi-generational satanism, was also revealed and shown to all.

But God, The Most High had the spiritual victory!

I fought my good fight of my faith in God,

Spiritual Truth was Setting spiritual captives free


Death and Fear Did Not Claim Pastor Deborah as their Victim!


Agape Love Withstood a mighty test and was spiritually poured out thorough Pastor Deborah to the precious spiritual children of the realm of the spiritual darkness, abuse, satanism, mind programming from the hands of Satan.

Agape Love Would Reap It’s Spiritual Fruit of It’s Sacrifice on a Cross and Of it’s Desires of The Heavenly Father’s Heart

















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