Sunday, March 30, 2025

Help Meeeeee!




This story is one of my many spiritual experiences of being ONE SPIRITUALLY with The Heavenly Father as Christ Jesus was and still is. This story is one of great spiritual revelations and it happened early in my spiritual training and learning.  Hidden spiritual mysteries were spiritually made know to me through this story.


These powerful spiritual revelations would remain with Pastor Deborah even to this today and would become apart of my spiritual  to spiritually fulfill The Heavenly Father’s spiritual Will/Purposes on earth that He had desired for His precious spiritually lost and separated spiritual children of The Kingdom of Darkness.

This story is one of my many spiritual experiences of helping people The Lord’s Way.  By being one spiritually with The Heavenly Father as Christ Jesus was and still is.  This story is one of great spiritual revelations and it happened early in my spiritual training and education.  Hidden spiritual mysteries were spiritually made know to me as I went through this spiritual experience.


This powerful spiritual experience and revelation would be with me even to this day and would become apart of my foundation to help people the Lord’s Way and to spiritually fulfill The Heavenly Father’s spiritual Heart’s Desires/Purposes/Will on earth and that He had desired for His precious spiritually lost and separated spiritual children of The Kingdom of Darkness

This powerful spiritual experience and it’s spiritual revelations would spiritually assist me in the spiritual ministry of spiritually freeing precious spiritual human spirits from their deep spiritual bondage and captivity to a Dragon through the Flesh of The Soul, through the spirit of Ignorance and By the Ancient Law of Sin and Death and being held in Satan’s Prison of Darkness/Ignorance of The Kingdom of Heaven and It’s Agape Love and It’s King of Love, Joy and Peace.

This powerful spiritual experience and it’s revelations is so foundational to spiritually ministering to anyone who has been ABUSED in any way for the human spirit is ALWAYS the

Spiritual Object of Satan’s Purposes of Abuse, Bondage, Slavery, and Control!

To spiritually bring great spiritual heartache to the Most High God, The Eternal King of The Kingdom of Heaven, The Kingdom of Light, Agape Love, Joy and Peace of Spirit!

I had earned a reputation at church that I ministered to those who were in the occult, Satanism, witchcraft, Wicca, vampirism, and those who had been ABUSED in any way or had been in “cults of any kind”.  

So, one Friday afternoon, I received a phone call from a frantic, frightened young lady.  This young lady had met a young women in a part  who with her 3 children.  This mother of 3, proudly declared that she was a Satanist!

The young lady who called me on this Friday afternoon, was a Christian attending a “Revival Bible School” in the area that was connected to the church I was attending that was in a powerful Revival.

The young lady on the phone told me the story.

She said she had met the young mother of 3 children in the park and she talked to her about Jesus, but the mother of 3 children stated very proudly she

Was A Satanist and that was that!

The young Bible Student did manage to get the woman’s phone number.  The Bible student was very frightened.

Upon arriving at her house, the Bible student called her ” spiritual advisor/supervisor” at the Bible School about what to do about this woman who declared so proudly and powerfully that she was a 


The Bible Student was advised to call


And I would know what to do.

There was such an “urgency” in all their voices of the callers.

They really wanted to see the woman of 3 children who was a Satanist saved and going to church.


Hard Core Satanists frighten most children of God.  The hard core Satanist is

Deadly Serious about their religion, their Lord and Master !

Deadly Serious !!!!

Satanism is known to have very powerful demonic spirits connected to the individuals and they do not play at religion or service to Satan and his satanic purposes as 99.9% of Christians do with God The Most High and His Word!


I wondered why I received all theses phone calls about this Satanic mother of 3 children.  I wondered why any one of those who called me didn’t call this Satanist themselves and talk to her as they were asking me to do, I guess The Most High God was “reserving” this spiritual ministry for me and Him so that I could learn and grow.  To be spiritually trusted by The Heavenly Father as a

Minister of Reconciliation

Between Himself and a lost sheep/a human spirit of hard core, multi-generational Satanism is a very humbling honorand privilege to receive.

So, I immediately called this precious human spirit on the phone and told her who I was and that the young lady she met in the park had told me about her and how they had met.  I was told that “her little girl” had lost one of her socks and the “stranger – this Christian lady_ with her kids came up and started talking about the kids.  The “strange Christian lady” offered to get new socks for her daughter who was about 4 years old at the time.

As they talked, they discovered the differences in their 

Religion and Who They Worship, Had Faith In, Believed in, and Followed!

The young women who I was talking to on the phone and she had seen something in the eyes of the women who stated she was a Christian.  I asked her what did she see?

She said, ” I saw a joy in her eyes she had never seen before and she did not have this joy, but she would like to have it for she knew it was not like happiness that THEY could take that away.”

I told her I could not give her this joy she saw, but I knew someone who could, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

She said she wanted this joy she saw because she knew it could never be taken away like happiness.

So, I led her in prayer over the phone to meet this Jesus and she spiritually received the joy she saw in the eyes of the Christian lady.

I asked her to be my ” spiritual child and she said, YES, and It WAS DONE!


Friday the 13th of October, Satan lost one of his most wanted children of his Kingdom to the King of the Kingdom of Heaven.  What a spiritual Victory celebration there was in Heaven this day!

Then the “spiritual advisor” and all the others at this church were told that the Satanist lady accepted Christ into her life and became my spiritual child.


During the church service, the young mother who had first met this mother of 3, came to talk to me.  She said she was so afraid of calling her herself because her husband was out of town and she was alone.

Also, she was “spiritually advised” by her Bible School Advisor to not call her because her friends PLAY FOR REAL!

I said to her,  ” Who are you trusting to protect you – your husband or God Almighty?”

She said, ” she was too afraid even to just talk on the phone to her much less to lead her in prayers to be saved/born again”

She knew she did not TRUST God The Most High for her life or her children’s!

Oh how sad!  

She walked away with her head hung down!


The next day, Saturday I went over to the “newly born again lady in Christ” and took some things for her and three children.  I took Christian Videos, Teddy Bears, Clothes.  Immediately I led all 3 of her children to Christ as Savior and Lord.  A 5 year old girl, a 7 year old boy, and a 9 year old boy. And boy was the heart of God The Most High so pleased and happy!Sh

Then the spiritual and physical retaliations began against both of us!

This precious now former Satanist did not Read or Write!

She had no teeth for they had been knocked out by her ex-husband.  She was also on probation from another State, Kentucky and her children and her self were all on social security disability for the extreme abuse they had all received in their lives.  The two boys were seeing therapists and the youngest boy even at 7 years old was suicidal.  The two boys both had horrible dreams of burning and torture.

She told me her father had died about 6 months ago and she was on a year’s rest from her spiritual Satanic duties in the Church of Satan and hard multi-generational Satanism.

She said, that after her time of resting and mourning, she was to return to her duties of being a High Queen of Satanism.  She was to marry a High King and High Priest and her 3 children she had with her now would be taken back deep into the family of Multi-generational Satanism and they would be so abused and mind programmed so to never remember her.  Her youngest, the girl was a child of mixed, unauthorized conception with an unapproved male and thus was not PURE BLOOD so she would be used as just a breeder. Her second child, the 7 year old boy was also of unauthorized conception and would most likely be killed or used in a lesser job in Satanism.  Her oldest boy, was also on conceived in an unauthorized conception, but could be used for some lower King’s positions, but not one to breed others to sit on the 1st position on the international council of the Brotherhood, the Secret Illuminati, the High Leaders of the World that operate in the shadows of world events.

Unknown to me, this precious Lady, whose name was Candy for short of Candice, a Queen’s name right out of the Old Testament, would become a Queen of Multi-generational Satanism, Sitting on the #1 Seat of Power for the 12 Tribes of Jacob ( right out of the Bible ) and her precious children would be taken back into the darkness of Satan and she would then be free to marry A Chosen, High King of The Same Tribe to bring forth the physical and spiritual genealogy for and of the SPIRITUAL ANTI-CHRIST to come in the world on the earth.

Candy was from the highest ranking multi-generational Satanic family and she was born to become

Satan’s #1 Bride Nationally and Internationally and to have sex with him through her Satanic Husband, A High King of The Family and conceive a Son for Satan that He could call His Chosen, His Anti-Christ, His Word Made Flesh, And He would as the Original One, He would be in Him as Father and Do His Work on earth.

I had stepped into a powerful Satanic family and was trusted to hang on to them and bring deliverance and healing.

I learned that Candy’s family was of the straight Jewish line of descendants both physically and spiritually from the line o Christ Jesus all the of way back to Adam.  She had the right genealogy Satan desired so he could be as Christ Jesus, The True Spiritual Christ, The Anointed King on Earth ( the human spirit with Himself as the Spirit of Life in it ).

Because of Candy’s family’s high family ranking in Satanism, she stated that she had servants and drivers for she did not drive, but I learned from her later that she lost them all the day she accepted Christ Jesus as her new Lord, Savior, Master and King of her life, both physically, and for her soul and in her spirit.

When The Joy of The Lord Christ Jesus came into her spirit, she lost her servants and the physical attacks even from her own family came in waves of great brutality and vexation.

You would have never thought that Ms Candy was a Royal Queen with servants for she was living in an old mobile home.  Her appearance was not anything one would consider to be of royalty or wealth, but I had to learn that her royalty, wealth and status was of a spiritual one, not one in the physical realm.  There were many I was to meet, provide ministry to and spiritually adopt who were royal, wealthy both in the physical realm as well as in the realm of The Kingdom of Darkness.


She told me in a few days, that the same day she received this SPIRITUAL JOY from Jesus and became His and my spiritual child, she lost all her servants, she was beaten by her family members, kidnapped and taken to Satanic meeting that very night!


The physical and spiritual attacks came and they were relentless and powerful.  Withing the following week, she and her 3 children were once again kidnapped through the gift/the ability of dissociation while they were walking to a park on a Friday evening.

They were put on an private airplane that was waiting for them at the Pensacola Airport and were flown to a Satanic meeting.  She was placed on the Satanic Altar with a microphone and 

Ordered to renounce Jesus Christ as Master and Lord and she would live!

At the same, time there was another of my spiritual children on another altar, Isaac, and he too was ordered to renounce  Jesus Christ or Die

Neither One Did!

As soon as they spoke their words of NO they would not renounce Christ Jesus not even to live, 

God The Most High sent His Host of Heaven, His Own Warring Angels to save them both and to stop the meeting!

What a great Heavenly Father God The Most High Is to these precious little ones who found something and would never let it go even if it meant their deaths.  These little ones saw a love and protection that many never see for they can not hold even unto death in his acknowledgement of His Lordship, Kingship, Reality, Truth and Love of them and their love for Him. No, they would not renounce Christ Jesus even with death at the door!

Pastor Deborah’s and Candy’s spiritual relationship grew strong and powerful.  We talked on the phone every night for years.  I was directed by God The Most High to do major and deep deliverance work in Candy’s spiritual life as I was guided daily by The Spirit of The Living God, The Holy Spirit.

God The Most High even told Candy to buy a head set to talk with me and she did and we talked every night on the phone for hours as The Most High God did His deliverance work to set this precious spiritual captive free.

Night after night, year after year, Pastor Deborah and Candy were about the work of the Lord in setting Candy free spiritually and in her soul, and bringing healing to her and her 3 children.  Casting out of devils just as Christ Jesus did and show us that this was a ministry a work of the Kingdom of God on earth through the power of The Holy Spirit and was apart of the ministry of the Kingdom of Heaven’s Authority and Dominion that was given to spiritual man way back in the Garden of Eden to Adam, but was lost in the Darkness of sin and rebellion.

I picked up the Authority and Dominion and set about the doing the business/ministry of the Kingdom of God on earth in the spiritual life of Candy,

Deliverance and Healing!

Then Would Come The Glory Blanket of Peace!


A Blanket of Peace and His Glory would come spiritually, emotionally and physically on the both of us right over the phone.

Every day The Holy Spirit would give me ” one word” regarding the deliverance session for Candy that night.  and Satan just kept losing his tight grip on Candy and her spirit and it’s right to be spiritually free.  But The Kingdom of God, The Power and Influence of God on earth was winning the battles of deliverance and gaining new spiritual territory in Candy’s spirit and soul and she was growing stronger in the Knowledge of the Lord and His Agape Love for her.

I was spiritually being gifted with Words of Knowledge, Words of Wisdom, and operating through the Gift of Discerning of Spirits.  The Gift of Healing and Miracles was also present and operational during these nights of battle and deliverance.  For instance one day I was given the Words

Wooden Spider

White Owl

Nimrod and Semiramis 

The spiritual battles for her spiritual freedom and to “clean out” the Heavenly Father’s new spiritual Temple and High Place was so powerful and so wonderful.

The Lord allowed His spiritual gift of ” Discerning of Spirits” and the ” Words of Knowledge” and the :Words of Wisdom” to be in full spiritual operation in my spirit every night so that I could see, hear, know and speak to the spiritual demons, to the unsaved human spirits, and to the dissociated programmed personalities in order to free Candy’s spirit and soul of it generational spiritual captivity, bondage, oppression and it’s great fear of death.


Each day I spiritually learned more about this precious young woman and her family.  She was from a family of Multi-generational Satanists who sat in the #1 seat/position of all the 13 bloodlines of Satanism because of their direct Jewish heritage and Satanic spiritual genealogy.

Because of her spiritual position as #1 Queen to be, #1 Bride of Satan to be, this precious woman would be vital as Satan’s #1 Satanic breeder for one of the many Anti-Christ men to come into the world for Satan’s incarnation at the proper time to fully incarnate himself and then rule the world as It’s Worldly King and Master.

Oh my God, what have you gotten me, Pastor Deborah into?

Who would believe any of this?

But forward I and The Lord and This Precious new baby spiritual baby spiritually traveled!


The three of us in total spiritual agreement, set this captive free!

As I said, nothing in Candy’s life would reflect her spiritual Royalty and Position within the Kingdom of Darkness.

She lived in a rented mobile home and one that was not in good shape.

She could not read nor write

Was on probation from Kentucky 

Her age was about 30 years old and she was a mother of 3 precious children who lived with her

All of them were on social security disability for the years of abuse and trauma they had endured

Out in public she did not appear in any way as Satan’s

#1 Queen To Be of the Highest Ranking Family of the 13 Illuminati Satanic Bloodlines

#1  Bride of Satan Nationally and Internationally 

#1 Mother of Darkness/Ignorance

#1 Sister of Light/A High Witch and Priestess

1 High Priestess of The World wide Church of Satan

I had no idea at the time of her “spiritual salvation” in the Lord Jesus Christ 

what she was to Satan, but God The Most High knew and He spiritually trusted me, Pastor Deborah, with this precious mother of 3 children

physically, emotionally, mentally and most of all spiritually.


And with all this valuable spiritual knowledge and revelations of her and Satan’s Kingdom,

Not everyone can be trusted to this extent by God The Most High!

It is so wonderful to be so trusted by God The Most High, so honored and humbled.

Much spiritual knowledge of others would be given to me and I would speak to no one I would not expose openly anyone!

I would be and still am trusted by God The Most High, The Heavenly Father!

Her children would have been taken back deep into Satanism upon the end of her 1 year rest after her father’s death.  Her youngest, her daughter would become a Satanic breeder because of she was of ” mixed blood” not of Satan’s choosing.  Her older brothers would be Satanic Kings and High Priests and would never remember her as their biological mother.

Life for all of them would have been total abuse/control/slavery/trances/dissociation/ritual meetings/demons while ” spiritually created personalities/parts/programs/alters”  controlled by demons who would live their lives through these precious spiritual person’s hearts and minds, souls and physical body.

For the Law of who was a legal spirit, soul and physical body on earth to control it, manage it, rule over it, be the World Leader of it, Shepherd it and all of it’s resources was set by the Great Creator Himself in Eternity when he came the in Genesis 1:26 rulership, kingship, ownership, management over the earth and all that lives on it, creeps on it and only that spirit of a man with a spirit inside of it, ruling out to it’s soul then out through the physical body was legal.  A Ruler in the realm of the spirit on earth and over all the natural earth and things of it itself.

Genesis 1 : 26

Authorized King James Version

Verse 26   And God  said, ” Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:  and LET THEM HAVE DOMINION OVER the fish of the sea, and OVER the fowl of the air, OVER the cattle, and OVER ALL THE EARTH, and OVER creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”

So to be legal, the demon spirits have to be in the spirit of a person and controlling it’s spirit fully and it’s soul and physical body.  But to do this, and to get the spirit and soul and physical body to comply with the demons, great abuse, trauma, mind programming, torture, punishment, drugs, rape, killing must be done and watched, threats of death are the tool to bring about the God given way of escape and to fulfill the Words of 

Proverbs 23 : 7

Authorized King James Version

Verse 7  For as one thinks in his heart/soul and it’s darkened spirit, so is he:

So, by the words of King Solomon as a Voice for God,  the demons knew that if they could get the heart of the soul and the spirit to think what ever they wanted them too, then that is what they would create by the Gift of their Imagination from  God himself.


Night after night, we talked on the phone until 1 or 2 a.m.  The Heavenly Father was doing a great spiritual work in the lives of these precious baby ones of His.  Many days I wold go and visit them and them them clothes, Christian videos, books, food and just sit and visit with them.  I am took them to  their very first Christian church service.  But the demons in all of them manifested and we had to leave so I could bind them up according to

Matthew 18: 18 and Matthew 16 : 19 that says,

Verse 18   Verily, Truly I say ( Christ speaking to his disciples ) unto you whatsoever you shall BIND/FORBID/TIE UP on earth SHALL BE BOUND in Heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose on earth SHALL BE LOOSED set free, freely given in Heaven.

Matthew 16: 19

Verse 19  And I will give unto you The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven;  and Whatsoever you shall BIND on earth SHALL BE BOUND in Heaven;  and whatsoever you LOOSE SHALL on earth, SHALL BE LOOSED in Heaven.

The demons in Candy were now SPIRITUAL TRESPASSERS for the land of the spirit now belonged to Christ Jesus and His Heavenly Father!

High spiritual ranking Satanists are Satan’s very best, his prized possessions the “top of the line” spiritual vessels, spirits, souls and physical bodies of Satan for His Kingdom of Darkness.

The Best of The Best!

God The Most High had so much for me to spiritually learn about the 

Spirit Realm

The Human Spirit

Spiritual Deliverance

Satan and his demons

I was on a “fast track of Holy Revelations” teaching, studying, learning and then putting into spiritual practice The Kingdom of Heaven and it’s spiritual authority.

Satan himself, his demons and other human spirits, would speak through both the physical mouth and Candy’s spiritual mouth many times to threaten me personally.

Candy’s spiritual body was one with Satan’s Spirit and his demons and any other human spirit of Satanism!

Just as Satan spoke through Peter to Jesus to stop Jesus from going to Jerusalem to die.

Mark 8 : 30 – 33

Authorized King James Version

Verse 30  And Jesus charged/told them they/the disciples should tell no man of Him

Verse 31   And He began to teach them, that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected of the elders and of the chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.

Verse 32   And Jesus spoke that saying openly, and Peter took Him, and began to rebuke Him, Rebuke Jesus

Verse 33   But when He/Jesus had turned about and looked on His disciples, Jesus rebuked Peter saying “Get you behind Me, Satan:  For  you savourest/favor not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.

Matthew 16 : 20 – 23

Authorized King James Version

Verse 20  Then charged He/Christ Jesus His Disciples that they should tell no man that He was Jesus, The Christ

Verse 21  From that time forth began Jesus to show/reveal unto His disciples how that He MUST go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.

Verse 22   Then Peter too Him/Jesus, and began to rebuke Him/Jesus by saying “Be it far from you, Lord: this shall not be unto you”

( even Satan when he thinks it is to his interests to call Jesus Lord !)

Verse 23   But He/Jesus turned and said unto Peter, ” Get you behind me, Satan, You are an offence to Me:  For you savourest/have pleasure in or desire to obey not in the things that be of God;  but those that be of men!”


But I thought Peter was speaking to Jesus?  His mouth was, but the soul and spirit behind the words were Satan!

What I had to learn and to see with my spiritual eyes and ears was this was Satan himself “speaking through Peter’s earthly mouth just as he did through the physical dirt body of the serpent in the Garden of Eden long ago, in Genesis to woman and Adam.  I learned from Satan himself that he could see me spiritually, and physically and he could smell me!

I did not know that a human spirit had smells, but I learned we do.  Even the spirit of Death has a smell.  Smells are everywhere in the spiritual realm for all spirits of any kind have noses and fragrances that come from their bodies of life or deathgega

The spiritually born again sin washed and cleansed human spirit has a sweet smell/fragrance that is Holy and Pure and that is a sweet perfume in God The Most High and a stench in the nostrils of Satan and his demons.

Satan began himself personally interfering with “The Finger of God/The Holy Spirit” as He was “Casting out legions of Satan’s demons/strongmen” from this precious spiritual child named Candy and with The Holy Spirit’s destruction of Satan’s spiritual mind and soul programming of Satan’s control system

His Spiritual Matrix


I learned how to “spiritually sense” Satan and his demons through the spiritual gift of 

Discerning of Spirits

As The Holy Spirit put His Spiritual Gift into full spiritual operation in my spirit, I spiritually learned how to speak spiritually to Satan and his demons/devils/evil spirits with authority and dominion as a spiritual King of The Kingdom of Heaven and without fear.  

I was spiritually privileged by God The Most High through His spiritual gift of

Discerning of Spirits

To Spiritually See/Peer and Hear Into The Spiritual Realm of the Spirit and right into the spiritual temple of Candy’s spirit

I could see and hear all spiritual activity inside of the spirit of Candy, this precious mother of 3 children.  I was spiritually allowed through this spiritual gift to be able to see the demons sitting on the 

Throne in the temple of Candy’s Spiritual Heart/Mind


But I was also allowed by the spiritual victory of Christ Jesus from the cross, descending into hell and getting the keys of Hell, Death and The Grave back and then his glorious resurrection of physically dead earthen body of dirt laying in a darken and sealed tomb into it’s original nature and composition of a glorious radiant body of pure light and life to 

Spiritually plunder the temple/house of Satan in Candy

And to spiritually operate and utilize in this spiritual battle the Host of Heaven, Mighty Warring Angels of God The Most High Himself, His Mighty Arch Angels named

Gabriel & Michael

to spiritually assist in

Setting This Spiritual Captivity Free

In The Name/Nature and Authority & Dominion of Christ Jesus, The King of The Kingdom of Heaven

I was also spiritually taught how to use in spiritual warfare to set spiritual captives free such as Candy was

The Lions of The Tribe of Judah

The Fire of God

The Wind of The Holy Spirit

The Water of Life

The Fetters of Iron

Angels and Their Swords and Weapons

And so much more I had no knowledge of spiritually that I could use and was available to me as a King of The Kingdom of Heaven myself, a risen and glorified spiritual being, a child of the Light of Truth and Life.

I was spiritually privileged to be able to stand o the necks of the demons of Satan and humiliate them in front of God’s Angels, God Himself and all human spirits who wee spiritually watching even this young woman was able to see a POWER they knew nothing about or had ever seen manifested in their realm of this world’s unseen kingdom that they were apart of.

God’s authority, power and Agape Love was on display so others would believe that there is a spiritual POWER MORE POWERFUL than Satan and his demons.

God’s Agape Love for them was on Full Display for all to see that a Great Power and Love had come to help them to be free and to discover the hidden truths that Satan had blinded their spiritual minds to, Him and His POWER AND AGAPE LOVE for them.  POWER had come to the Kingdom of Darkness/Ignorance

The Spiritual Gift of 

Discerning of Spirits

Through the Holy Spirit I was allowed to see, hear, sense, interact with, speak to and know about them in the deep spiritual Temple of Candy’s spirit dressed up in Majestic robes and Crowns to present an illusions to Candy’s human spiritual eyes, mind, heart and hears as mighty ancient kings of the Old Testament of

Nimrod & Semiramis

Who were spiritually sitting on Two Thrones in the spiritual temple of Candy’s spiritual heart’s temple of her spirit ruling and reining her spirit, soul and physical body.  They were as God’s in the powerful room of the Holy of Holies of Candy, the Light of Counsel, Wisdom, Knowledge, Strength and Dominion of Candy’s Spirit, not her new King, Agape Love and it’s King, Christ Jesus.

I was spiritually directed by God The Most High to 

Force these demons to undress themselves

So that this young lady, Candy and all who were spiritually watching, and there were millions and millions from all over the world would spiritually see with their own spiritual eyes for themselves what the demons really looked like without their spiritual clothes/cloak/spell of concealment as 

King Nimrod and His Queen Semiramis

and what did these 2 look like without their cloaks and clothes of a King and Queen?

Like huge T -Rex’s – Dinosaurs!

Of course that too was just an ILLUSION, a scary one for sure, but that was just to still conceal their real image and nature from Candy’s eyes of her spirit to deceive her.  It was as in the Garden of Eden Satan covering himself with an image of a serpent to hide his real image and likeness from others. 


Night after night into the spiritual Enemy’s Camp I, Pastor Deborah went.  Into great darkness as a spiritual covert special operations solider, warrior, King, dropped behind the enemies lines.

So to help me be victorious and set a spiritual captive free I would watch Navy Seal movies, Army Ranger movies, Behind Enemy Lines, Spy movies, such as

Where Eagles Dare

Fire Fox

World War 2

Spy Movies

Ancient Kings and War

I studied the tactics, the reasons for war, the personal characters, training, the courage of the soldiers, their determination to get a mission done.  I had to develop a “special operations heart/mind” for I had to be spiritually tough, full of courage, have been well trained and taught in spiritual warfare and how to use the authority and dominion of the position of a Son of Man and the Son of God on earth.

I had to be spiritually well trained, tough for I would go and went alone with only The Holy Spirit and God’s Host of Angels and I went in the Power of Agape Love Itself in the powerful name and authority of Christ Jesus’s Name, Nature, Image, Likeness, Essence and His Victory of The Cross and Resurrection over Death, Hell and The Grave

No church member knew what I and God,The Most High were doing and no one would have believed it anyway.

Because of Candy’s “former spiritual ranking” of her family/clan in the 13 spiritual and genetic bloodlines of Satanism of which there were originally 12 Boys and 1 Girl, the children of Israel from the ancient days of the Old Testament.

One Family Clan for each child of Israel!

Candy’s spiritual place in this hidden Kingdom of Earth, The Kingdom of Darkness was

# 1 Family of the 12

# 1 Bride of Satan

#1 Queen of Satan to become in Satanism

#1 Wife to be of Satan

#1 Family of all the 13 Satanic Bloodlines of Israel from the ancient days

#1 International Bride & Queen of Satan’s Council of Spiritual Leaders of His Kingdom

One of Satan’s Anti-Christ’s men who will appear on the earth to rule and reign

So, this precious spiritual child of multi-generational Satanism was 

Satan’s Most Prized Possession and His Elite Spiritual Slave

Satan’s Highly Favored human Spirit

Satan did not sit back and so nothing!

 He rose up with great wrath, retribution and fury against her and me!!!!

Satan planted false evidence against Candy for a murder of a close friend.

He had her biological family call the Child Abuse Line against her regarding her ability to properly take care of her 3 mentally disabled children who were all social security disability and mental health medication due to the abuse from their father and his life of it’s religion of satanism.

Candy was physically and spiritually attacked by her own mother, sister and brother many times trying to get her 3 children away from her.  Children Satan believed as well as her family did, that the 3 children belonged to Satan and his Kingdom, not to this God named Christ Jesus.

Candy lost her servants, her satanic friends, her car rides and her drivers, 


Candy had found something better to have

They Joy of The Lord Christ

And she was not going to five that up!

I told her many many times, that she was all that stood between Satan and her children who he wanted back into the life he purposed for them for he believed that they spiritually, mentally and physically were still his possessions in his Kingdom of Darkness and not a child of this Christ Jesus, Satan’s Enemy.

I told her she had to spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally fight to protect them and fight hard or Satan would get them back and take them deep into a life of horrible abuse of multi-generational Satanism.

Candy had to keep going on with Christ Jesus no matter what happened!!

Candy had to hold on to me tightly and unto Christ Jesus !

She knew that if she ever went back or gave up Christ Jesus by renouncing Him, Satan would take her children back deep into a life of e Satanism. So, she and I fought hard, endured the attacks, talked night after night for over 2 years until she became strong in The Word of God and could find a church family for her and her children, and then others in the body of Christ would come along side of her to take her on the next season of her new life in Christ Jesus’s Kingdom of Heaven.

But for now, the spiritual fight was relentless and deadly.

Within Candy’s 1st 2 weeks of being a new born again human spirit with the Joy of The Lord in her spirit and life now, she was faced with powerful and deadly physical and spiritually battles from Satan and his demons and the human spirits still serving Satan in the realm of the spirit.


Candy was told in a satanic meeting as she laid on an altar with a microphone ordering her to RENOUNCE this Jesus or die!

Candy was told that she and her children would live if she did this and she would have to PASS her position to another and she would be free and so would her children.  I told her yea, right.  


I said Christ Jesus did not want her to DIE, He wanted her to LIVE and TELL her testimony to others about the great power of God’s Agape Love and Joy and that even ” a powerful Satanist” could be saved forgiven, transformed, delivered of Satan’s demons and made spiritually brand new from all the evil deeds, sins, abuse, that she had committed and had been done to her.

Candy’s new spiritual Father wanted her to live and to be able to tell others that His Son, Christ Jesus could and would heal their spiritual, mental, emotional and physical lives.

But I could not convince her NOT TO GO at first so we said our goodbyes.  I knew what Satan had planned for her and it was not good!

Because Candy was now a “spiritual temple” of and for The Holy Spirit of God, The Most High as a “spiritually born again” spirit, she was now also desecrated and defiled, unclean for Satan and his demons to live in.  Satan had 


to be in Candy’s spirit or to use it as his ” spiritual vessel/house/temple/instrument” for the birth/the son of his, Satan’s Anti-Christ spiritual being to come through Candy’s life by her “spiritual genealogy or her physical eggs of dirt.  Satan’s plan was to conceive a child, His for Himself to be in and working as The Most High God was in Christ Jesus and His physical body during the time of the life of Jesus.  This Anti-Christ physical body for the Anti-Christ spirit to be placed inside would be done in a Petri Dish in a Laboratory then to implant the fertilized egg into the womb of virgin girl such as the young Mary was.

This child of Candy, a multi-generational Satanism would be the one world leader over all the earth and ruling by it’s spiritual Anti-Christ spiritual God, Satan Himself!

So Satan had to kill Candy and pass the “high Anti-Christ demons” unto another young girl in another clan family he had chosen because of the clan’s spiritual and biological generational lines of multi-generational Satanism.  The problem was that the next young girl Satan wanted to use was also saved by Jesus and was one of The Most High God’s spiritual children and mine, Amanda was her name.

Take That Satan!

But this precious young baby  Christian lady did not believe that there was any other way to stop the physical and spiritual attacks against her except to go back and do as was asked of her.  But she believed she would be able to walk away and have a life away from Satanism freely.

Oh how upset I was with her, but she was determined to stop the attacks and she wanted to believe what she was being told.

But God The Most High had other plans for her.  I cried and cried tears of defeat and loss.  But I went on to the church’s Revival’s services that night.  I prayed to the Heavenly Father to help her to show His Great Agape Love and protection for her so she and many others would believe He can help them out of Satanism and win spiritually against Satan and his demons.

On the next day, Saturday I had wanted to go by her house and see if she and her children were alive and ok after the night of a Satanic meeting.  I didn’t know if she was alive or dead.

But I resisted going by her house in my car ( for that would have been a work of flesh – not trusting God for the answers – NOT TRUSTING GOD )  And as soon as I passed by her street, The Lord said to me,

” I will give you the desires of my heart because I had chosen to trust Him and NOT SEEK the answers by own ways ( by driving by her trailer and stop and go knock on her door to find out the answer I so much desired to have ) and through my own acts of flesh.”

In just a few minutes after He spoke this to me, at the intersection I saw her alive, her children and her mother waiting for a bus. 

They were all alive and together!

I knew God The Most High had won the spiritual victory over Satan, the night before, but I didn’t know the details.  Later that night on the phone, she told me the story.

She went willingly and was placed on an altar at a Satanic meeting and a microphone was placed up to her mouth as they asked her the question,

” Will you renounce Jesus Christ as your Lord ? “

” Renounce Him and you will live!”

She told me she said,

NO! She would NOT Renounce Him!

And at that moment a

Great Light Came Down and Heavenly Angels and a Voice Came Out of The Light!


All the demons fell to the ground and an Angel helped her up off of the Satanic Altar and they gathered up her and her children and left.  She did not remember how she and her children returned home safely, but they did.

Did that stop Satan?  


He continued  to ” spiritually and physically ” pursue his 

Lost spiritual and physical slave, bride, queen, mother of Darkness/Ignorance, mother of a future Anti-Christ

No, Satan did just as the Egyptian Pharaoh did towards the Hebrews after God The Most High, The Great I Am had shown His Great Power and freed His Chosen people out of Egypt.  He continued to pursue to get them back!

The very next Friday night as this precious young mother and her 3 children were walking to a park in the evening at about 6 :00 p.m., she was knocked out spiritually as well as her kids and they all got into a car and taken to the Pensacola airport and flown in a private jet to a Satanic meeting.  Candy’s ” dark side parts/side/personalities” through her God given gift of ” spiritual creation – as you think in your heart/mind so you are ” Proverbs 23 : 7 and God’s spiritual ability of forgetting/amnesia/dissociation/removing oneself’s awareness of an situation or emotion or circumstance had been “spiritually triggered ” to come to the surface of the heart/mind’s executive control and accept the ride in the car to the park.


Candy, the real spirit of this young lady was now in a ” trance/a deep sleep”, dissociated into another personality/person who would comply with the people around her.  Her children were also ‘TRIGGERED “ into another personality that would just get into the car, then into the plane and then on to a Satanic meeting.

Of course, God, Candy’s Heavenly Father was spiritually aware of this and had His plans!

I had and still do always pray ahead of things, knowing that Satan is always working, always doing his evil deeds 24/7 even while the world sleeps or are looking else where.  A good example of this is in the movie, The End of Days with Arnold Schwarzenegger playing Jericho, a policeman trying to help a young lady.  This is seen all through out the movie and in many different ways, 1.  in a hospital after a woman gives birth to a girl child and it is taken to the basement and a satanic ceremony takes places with a snake and then returns the child to it’s birth mother.   ( 2 ) the life of the child and another, a banker,  ( 3 )  a priest who cut his own tongue out about what he discovered about The End of Days  and the release of the hordes of demons out of hell into the world on earth and to take it over and rule by their evil wickedness.  ( 4)  near the end of the movie, on New Year’s Eve it shows how most of humanity are in Times Square to celebrate the dropping of the Ball to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of a new year.  We see that during this time, Satan’s followers are not participating in the events that the world is but they are attending to the desires of Satan, they are in their worship services, and preparing for the physical consummation of the young lady and the banker who was also chosen at birth on a satanic altar to open the gates of hell so Satan’s demons can be released into the earth/the world to bring about THE END OF DAYS.

God had spiritually trained me from my early days with Him to pray ahead of every day, every weekend every holiday, every full moon, every special satanic day and always when directed by Him to do so that God would have His legal permission to spiritually intervene in the Satanic meetings to demonstrate His Great Agape Love and Power over Satan and his Kingdom of Darkness and it’s demons to the precious spiritual children of the Kingdom of Darkness and to deny Satan and his demons their heart’s desires and pleasures through the death, blood, abuse, murders, tortures, killings, burning alive, and the praising and worship of Satan.

I had been trained by the Holy Spirit to ask God The Most High to stop the meetings, interfere with their praise and worship, to send in Spiritual Lions of The Tribe of Judah, to use the Wind of The Holy Spirit, to send in a Host of Heavenly Angels with drawn swords against the demons and so much more.

During this time, I was spiritually learning every day and night spiritual Truths and Knowledge I had never read about in any spiritual warfare book or heard in a sermon.  I had no personal spiritual experiences such as I was having even though I was doing deliverance’s and personal ministry and on the Church Revival’s prayer team.  I had no guidelines/manuals/prayer programs to follow except The Holy Spirit as He led and directed me.

The Lord Most High God had me on a “fast spiritual track” of spiritual revelations and learning and I kept up and followed and learned, and saw!

I fully trusted the Lord Most High God and had spiritually learned to spiritually listen to His Voice in The Holy Spirit and I knew the desires of His Heart/Mind and I had committed myself to doing spiritually all that I could do to bring His desires on earth to glorious fruition as He has done in The Kingdom of Heaven.


A trust had been spiritually established between this young mother, Candy, who I was honored to spiritually introduce to Christ Jesus.  I knew that at this time in her “new spiritual life”, that no one in the Body of Christ would have been able to stand with her talk to er night on the phone spend time with her at her house/trailer.

Please know I was and still am married, but my husband was not called with me to this spiritual ministry.  I was as a solider who had been sent to a foreign land to fight for others to be free.  I did not know that my early years growing up in an military family, a freedom fighter, one who traveled around and would leave one’s own family to fight for others in foreign lands.

My husband knew nothing of my ministry or what the ministry was about and who it was with.  I was entrusted to cover their true spiritual identities and what the seriousness of helping them meant.  Also, I was a mother of one son who was about 12 years of age during this time.  I had trusted God The Most High with the 2 of them and walked this deep and foreign path with only God The Most High and His Holy Spirit ALONE!

I knew no one else would do the deliverance the way God wanted to do them for they/the others would have followed a 


Not be fully led of The Holy Spirit.

I knew I was ministering to precious people with multiple personalities from dissociating due to trauma and abuse.

Dark Side Parts/Personalities

Light Side Parts/Personalities

With Trance states, great fear, mind programming, triggers, demons, unsaved human spirits, Satan and all his power and control of the enslaved spirit, soul and physical body.

I prayed that as she became freer spiritually and stronger in God’s Words of Spirit and Life God would bring other brothers and sisters in Christ into her new spiritual life to pick her up and take her into her next season in Christ.  But for several years I and her were alone with just God The Most High.

God had dropped me behind the spiritual enemies lines, a special operations solider to reach down into Satan’s Kingdom of demons, darkness, death and to grab their hands through the Power of Agape Love and hold on to them, to this precious young mother and her 3 children.  God The Most High had given me His strong, unwavering, undeterred, powerful Agape love for this family.  His Agape Love held all of us together, all 5 of us and Him for years upon years until she was spiritually ready to enter into a church life.

Remember she had bought the Bible on audio tapes because she could not read!  But now in her  new life she got a reading teacher to teach her how to read.  She came off of probation from another state got her driver’s license broke up with her lesbian love who she had asked me if this relationship pleased Jesus, and I said no.  She went off her self and broke up with her lesbian girlfriend in order to please Jesus.  Then Candy began witnessing on the internet as she played games and would chat about the Love of Jesus to others.  


Candy was growing spiritually in her new in Christ!

And she became an ” evangelist and earn money telling her story ” with the church she started going to when she was ready and had years of deliverance.  She traveled around giving her testimony about her life in multi-generational Satanism and her new life now with Jesus.

But this took many nights of spiritual battles, deliverance, trusting God seeing God and His Mighty power in spiritual protection time and time again, night after night, year after year.

You see, I had this belief that all of God’s power, gifts,  miracles were for the ” unbelievers ” so that they would believe in Him through His Son, Christ Jesus.

But the church believes these signs and wonders are for them inside a church building during a church service.

Spiritual revelations and hidden truths were being opened/shown/revealed to me that only could have been learned and spiritually understood in a 

1 + 1 = 1

An intimate spiritual relationship with God The Most High with Him and His Desires, His Way’s of Agape Love that include His Signs and Wonders.


 My wonderful spiritual teacher The Holy Spirit was spiritually doing His job

and I ( the real me, the spiritual me ) was spiritually growing and growing at an enormous spiritual pace.

I was 100% dependent on the Holy Spirit for my every word and action with Candy’s spiritual life and mine.  I had no spiritual knowledge or understanding of where I was going, but through His Agape Love’s leading, I followed obediently.

Never Doubting

Never In Unbelief

Never Fearful for my or my family’s lives

Never Wavering

Never Quitting because It was Too Hard and Dangerous


On I went with God The Heavenly Father to set spiritual captives free so others would believe and come to know The Heavenly Father and His Son.  And many millions and millions were spiritually watching, listening spiritually day and night to see if this Jesus and His Father were the REAL DEAL and were they more powerful than Satan and his demons.

Signs & Wonders Were Happening

Agape Love Was Reaching Out 

  Kingdom of Heaven’s Authority & Dominion Was Reining 

The Victory of The Cross Was Offered and Seen

The Resurrection Power & Life Was On Display

Heavenly Angels Were At Work

The Name & Nature of Christ, The Anointed King was Presence

 The Blood of The Lamb of God Was Pouring Out Spiritually To All

ALL were on Display for all to see so others in the Kingdom of Darkness and It’s Captivity to Satan


God, The Most High was spiritually pouring out His Agape Love in great power for all in the darkness of Satanism, the occult, the hidden realm of the spirit to see Him, Hear His Words of Agape Love and Their Power, To see His Authority & Dominion over Satan and his demons, to feel His gently Agape Love and would believe in Him and willingly choose Him as their Savior, Lord, King, and Father over Satan and then invite Him into their spiritual heart/mind and all Him to

Birth them Anew

Spiritually Cleanse them of their sin nature of Adam’s ancient disobedience and the nature, image and likeness of Satan himself.

To allow Him to write their names in The Lamb’s Book of Life

And to spiritually settle their eternal Home with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven as His Spiritual Children, His Inheritance


The Most High God spiritually taught me through this precious young mother of 3 children, Candy, this former child of The Kingdom of Darkness His deep Holy spiritual revelations.

I learned more and more deep spiritual revelations of the human spirit, the 2 spiritual Kingdom’s on earth even today and the spiritual wiles and devices of the devil and the powerful spiritual Authority of a child of The Heavenly Father who was completely


One with The Heavenly Father as Christ Jesus was and I was told in God’s Holy Book, The Bible, I would do what Christ Jesus did and even greater things than he did because He went back to His Father in Heaven to sit on the right hand of the Throne of The Kingdom of Heaven and He left me with The Powerful Holy Spirit and I was now a re-born glorious resurrected spiritual being, a Child of God, A God myself.


The Lord Most High God spiritually revealed to me that the spiritual Strongmen of Satan’s Kingdom who spiritually, mentally and physically ruled and reined over the spiritual  life of his children in his spiritual Kingdom could be found in the Old Testament.

My spiritual weapons of warfare were everywhere in the Bible both The Old and The New Testaments and through The Heavenly Father’s spiritual gifts of

Discerning of Spirits

Words of Spiritual Knowledge

Words of Spiritual Wisdom

Working of Spiritual Miracles

The Most High God spiritually pulled back the spiritual Veil/Door of both His and Satan’s Kingdoms so I would be able to see the hidden spiritual truths and He would be able to demonstrate/be on display Himself and His Power.


For example, one night of many that would come while this young mother of 3, Candy and I were talking on the phone as we did every night after her children had gone to bed and she had her phone headset on.  Remember Candy was 

 A Former #1 Bride of Satan To Be

A Former #1 Satanic Queen To Be

A Former Church of Satan High Priestess

A Former Lesbian

A Former Mother of Darkness

A Former Sister of Light

Something spiritually happened that would forever change my spiritual understanding and knowledge of the human spirit forever.

Because of this young mother’s acceptance of Jesus Christ as her personal Savior & Lord of her life and renouncing Satan as her Lord and Master, this precious young lady became a “spiritual traitor” to Satan – ” a spiritual adulterer ” and Satan’s wrath and fury was 

Hot as the dark Fire burning in his own heart against God, The Most High

This night would be one of 

Great spiritual revelation & victory!

As usual, we began talking on the phone after her 3 children had gone to bed and she would go into  the spare bedroom to talk with me.

Night after night, years after years, we would talk on the phone and did spiritual battle against the Kingdom of Darkness and it’s powerful demons and control of slavery.

God was setting Candy more and more free of Satan and his mind control of her spirit and soul.

We always knew that in the spirit she and I and God’s Power, Dominion and Authority were being spiritually watched by millions of unsaved human spirits from and still in the Kingdom of Darkness to see if this God, Christ Jesus really had any power against Satan and his powerful demons.  She and I knew that what we did each night in her life spiritually would show forth God’s Agape Love, Authority & Power so that the others would believe as she did in His Great and Powerful Agape Love for them and that He had the power to defeat Satan and to free them spiritually from Satan and his demons.


This night started off as all the others had.  We began talking about what she cooked for dinner.  She loved to cook and was a good cook, but she could not eat it because she had no teeth because her ex-husband had knocked them out.  Then we went on to the children and how they were doing in school.  Then she would tell me about her day her family especially her mother and sister.  She also would talk about her 2 brothers.

Then as always, The Holy Spirit would put into “spiritual operation” in and through me the many spiritual gifts I would need to do The Ministry of Deliverance and Freedom.

The Spiritual Gift of Discerning of Spirits

The Spiritual Words of Spiritual Knowledge

The Spiritual Words of Spiritual Wisdom

The Spiritual Gifts of Miracles

And off and running we went into spiritual ministry.  I never spiritually knew when the Spiritual Gifts of The Holy Spirit would be in spiritual operation.  I just trusted God to know when and what would be needed.  I had to always have my spirit ready for the gifts to go into spiritual operation.  I had to study the gifts, and learn how to have my spirit always ready to go into powerful spiritual operation to do deep spiritual ministry of The Kingdom of Heaven for the Glory of The Heavenly Father The King of Heaven.  I had to learn to be spiritually ready 24/7 even in my sleep to do the spiritual ministry The Heavenly Father desired to do.

I just always trusted God, The Heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit to know when they were needed and what was needed.  Each night I was ready to do spiritual ministry with Candy and against Satan and his Kingdom.

Now, I was I ready for this night.

I also knew that many demons and unsaved human spirits were watching and listening on the phone and in the spirit realm.  They would tap/hack into the phone lines or just listen from afar off or just watch in the spirit realm from the darkness of The Kingdom of Darkness.

I could always spiritually know and could spiritually feel/sense/be aware of the moment a demon or a human spirit would come out of the darkness and shadows of being spiritually hidden.  Because I had spiritually traveled into the Kingdom of Darkness to set Candy free, I was surround by millions of demons and unsaved human spirits of humanity.

Not only did these spirits just listen, but they would come through the Voice of Candy to talk to me, to threaten me, to look at me through Candy’s eyes.  Sometimes these spiritual events would initially surprise me, but I always remembered that God, The King of Heaven was allowing them to talk to me from out of the spiritual realm of the Kingdom of Darkness.  But I always remembered the ” SPIRITUAL BLESSING” that God, The King of Heaven had put on me years ago that would attract human spirits to me to talk to me.  Spirits of all kinds, demons and humans!

There are many stories about this spiritual blessing and the many people I have talked to and ministered to both demons and human spirits in the realm of the spirit through this Great Anointing/Blessing/Gift. The actual physical location of the physical body did not matter in the realm of the spirit, distance and time meant nothing to spirits.  I learned this that in the realm of the spirit, time as humans knew it and are associated with is not existent in the realm of the spirit.  The realm of the spirit is ETERNAL and it’s location is much larger than the earth itself.

As Candy and I began our “night of deliverance” as usual from the One Word that God The Most High had spoken to me earlier in the day, something happened that would forever spiritually change my spiritual understanding of human and demon spirits.


Right in the middle of our conversation, I felt a “spiritual force/power” come in and then I heard Candy yelling to me to

Help Meeee

Help Meeee

I could spiritually see her spirit being taken out of her physical body and moving spiritually away from me at great speed.  Her physical body was still in her trailer, with her head set on.  She was spiritually moving away at a high rate of speed and she was disappearing into the darkness.  Her voice was growing fainter and fainter and I did not know what was spiritually happening.

The Holy Spirit began instantly revealing to me spiritually that she was being taken out of her ” physical body” by both unsaved human spirits in Satanism and demons.

They were spiritually taking her – the real her, her spirit, to a Satanic meeting to be spiritually put into the “physical body” of a lady on a satanic altar to be raped, tortured, abused, burnt, cut and hurt beyond human imagination and then hopefully for her to die as a sacrifice to Satan as a Traitor!

Satan was going to make an spiritual example of her before other human spirits who were at the meeting and watching from a distance so that if they accepted this powerless Jesus this too would happen to them as well.

This precious new born spiritual baby in Christ was spiritually taken against her will by Satan who still believed she belonged to him/was still his property/his slave/his total possession.  Many others even as children have experienced this kind of spiritual event, but believed them to be just dreams, or nightmares.  Children and young teens who know nothing of their family’s ancestors spiritual life are also experiencing these kind of spiritual events as Candy had this night.

This was confirmed to me from a precious young woman, not Candy, but another who I was had experience with in doing deliverance.  She had stated she had been into witchcraft and as a 5 year old child, her uncle would spiritually come through her window that was closed and spiritually take her out of her physical body and take her out her window and take her to a Satanic meeting.

I had never spiritually encountered this ” spiritual event” before and did not know what to do.  The Holy Spirit flashed into my spiritual memory pictures of Bible Stories of King David ” rescuing” his wives, Abraham going after Lot who was taken captive and I knew I was being spiritually directed to go and rescue her spiritually.

But before I could “spiritually ” get to her she was already in a physical body of another lady and was on a Satanic altar in a satanic meeting.

You see, I am spiritually totally dependent on The Holy Spirit to go to spiritual places in the spirit and do spiritually minister to the precious spiritual beings still held captive in it’s dark and fearful grips.

So before I could spiritually get to Candy, this precious young lady’s spirit had been put into the physical body of another and was being tortured, abused, raped, burned, and cut.  The human spirit of the physical body was not in it’s physical body, but was standing by in the spirit as she watched her own physical body being raped, abused and tortured.  At a later date, the rightful spirit would return to her own body and the demons would heal the physical body and the spirit would not feel the effects of the soul and physical body.  Strange as this sounds, this is the pattern of spirit, soul and physical.  For all are one and what ever happens to the physical body and soul will effect and happen to the spirit.  So if, the spirit is not in it’s own body and it’s body is hurt, the spirit does not experience the effects.  But Candy’s spirit was there and would take the effects of the rape, the abuse, the tortures back to her own soul and physical body and her physical body would show and reflect the effects.

What I had to learn, was that THE OBJECT OF BOTH GOD AND SATAN WAS THE SPIRIT!!!!

How could she, the real her, Candy spiritually be hurt when her own physical body was still on the phone with me and her physical body was in her trailer?

How did they – Satan, his demons and unsaved human spirits in Satan’s Kingdom do what they just did to Candy?

What spiritual right did they have to do this?

So many questions were going through my spiritual heart/mind all at once, but there was no time for answers now, I had to get her spiritually back into her own physical body in her home.

Upon spiritually entering the satanic meeting in the spirit ( remember, I am physically at my own house talking on the phone to her ) only The Holy Spirit could arrange all this to teach me reveal to me and to “spiritually rescue” the Most High God’s precious spiritual child, Candy from Satan.  I was accomplished by a Host of Heavenly Angels.  Upon immediately arriving at the satanic meeting where ever it was on the earth in the realm of the spirit, I spiritually bound the demons according to

Matthew 18 : 18 which says

” Truly, I Christ Jesus say unto you ( Pastor Deborah ) Whatsoever ( a demon is a What and the meeting was a What ) You ( meaning me ) SHALL BIND/Speak to Stop, Bind up, Tie Up ) on earth ( the satanic meeting and it’s activities were on the earth and in the spirit ) SHALL BE BOUND in Heaven/Bound in the Spirit by The Kingdom of Heaven”

and commanded The Angels of God The Most High to gently deal with the spiritually unsaved human spirits.  I was spiritually taught by The Holy Spirit that you CAN NOT BIND UP HUMAN SPIRITS as you can demons, so I commanded the Angels of God The Most High to

GENTLY deal with the precious unsaved human spirits so not to hurt or abuse them.

I knew that these ” unsaved human spirits” wee so precious to God The Most High and they were the very human spirits that He wanted to reach with His Agape Love in the slavery of The Kingdom of Darkness.  The Lord Most High and I were trying to spiritually reach with His Great and Wonderful Agape Love.

I was spiritually seeing and hearing everything that was spiritually going on in this satanic meeting.  Through The Most High’s spiritual Gift of Discerning of Spirits, I was able to see spiritually all that was going on in Satan’s meeting even while I was physically at my house on the phone.

Strange as it might seem, but I had spiritually learned how to be in the spirit, see in the spirit and operate fully/minister in the spirit through this spiritual gift of Discerning of Spirits.  I had no classes on this but did read about others also having this gift and seeing demons in and on people, demons causing sickness and diseases, and having spiritual trips they believed to be just dreams or visions of some kind. I learned that through humanity’s history, humans have operated in this gift both for Satan’s Kingdom and for The Kingdom of Heaven.

I knew this gift was essential to the spiritual minister I was chosen to do for The Kingdom of Heaven.

This spiritual gift was the powerful anointing and blessing that was put on me years and years ago.

Only God, The Most High knew how all this was spiritually occurring but for the precious humans spirits of Satan’s Kingdom demons and their power was the power and gifts of the demons to the unsaved human spirits so to be a copy of the Real Gift.  Now I learned that by reading the Old Testament, many had spiritual trips out of their body and went into the realm of the spirit.

I had to learn that human spirits had spiritual power to leave their physical bodies and as in this case, spiritually kidnap another human spirit out of their physical body.  Demons also can do this from learning that God The Most High Did.  The demons learned from God Himself that they could go into animals, trees, any thing made of flesh, dirt and into the spiritual body of a human itself and spiritually operate the spirit, soul and physical body as if they were the legal owner.  But their purposes were always evil, wicked, perverse, hate filled and filled with the fear of death. But God and Pastor Deborah did not spiritually minister with these purposes towards the human spirits.

The Most High God had a deeply hidden spiritual Truth He wanted to spiritually reveal to me and oh my God was it a powerful revelation!

He spiritually revealed that

It Was The Human Spirit of Humanity

That was and is even today, the #1 Object of Satan’s abuse, control, slavery, torture, and enslavement and that the physical body is only one of the avenues he uses to 


The precious human spirit of man!


The human spirit can also be reached directly in the spirit by demons and other human spirits.  So, if the a spirit can get into another body of dirt such as a animal, they can talk through it.  Both demons and human spirits can get into cats, dogs, birds, mules, trees, bodies of water, mountains, anything of dirt and flesh.  Our first example of this is from the Garden of Eden when a Serpent speaks to woman to challenge God’s words to her about eating the fruit of the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Genesis 3 : 1

Authorized King James Version

Verse 1   Now the serpent was more crafty, smart, devious than any beast of the field which The Lord God had made, and he said unto the woman, ” Yes, has God said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”

But the full commandment from God was,

Genesis 2 : 16 – 17

Authorized King James Version

Verse 16   And The Lord God commanded the man ( the spiritual image and likeness of Himself, his Son/His Offspring/His Child ) saying, ” Of every tree of the Garden you may freely eat: ( this was the only part of the commandment the Serpent with Satan inside spoke to the woman in the Garden about )

Verse 17  But of the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil, you SHALL NOT EAT OF IT:  for in the day that you eat thereof, you SHALL SURELY DIE.”


Satan also knew that God made and was the owner of all the earth, the resources, the natural elements and all the laws of the natural world as well as the spiritual realm, so he also claimed and planted his demons in every natural resources, every element of nature, every animal, every water source, every mountain peak, every ditch, every element such as fire, storms, rain, and all the viruses and diseases for his own.  All became Satan’s slaves and invaders of humanity and to control the worship of humanity.

 things on the earth Satan claimed as His and Placed them under his control





All of Nature

All animals

The human spirit 

can be raped, abused, tortured, controlled and made to leave it’s physical body though abuse, the fear of death and through help by others.

Then when the human spirit 

returns to it’s own physical body, the wounds from the abuse and torture received through a physical body, not even one’s own will manifest/show up/reveal itself through the physical body of the rightful owner of the spirit of the human spirit.

But for the human spirit who was not in their own dirt, physical body that was abused the human spirit will not  feel the abuse of the physical body as much and can be quickly healed. When this occurred in Candy’s case, her physical body received the abuse from her spirit upon re-entering it’s own body upon being returned.  I had to pray for The Heavenly Father’s healing to the spirit, soul and physical body.

But in the other human spirit’s case and it’s physical body of which Candy’s spirit was placed into was healed by demons that were connected and apart of this human spirit’s life.

I had learned a powerful spiritually hidden Truth that was not taught in any book, or any story I had read, or even taught in the deliverance classes I had taken.  This truth was so powerful and helpful to me to help me to do the spiritual ministry I was called and anointed to do in The Kingdom of Darkness.

This was hard for me to understand, but I learned about it and have used this spiritual knowledge even in ministry today.

The very precious spiritual children of The Kingdom of Darkness  spend their entire spiritual life on earth in dirt bodies moving in and out of their physical bodies 24/7 from the time of infancy when their hearts are stopped and their spirit would start leaving their physical body at the time of death, then their heart would be shocked back to life, and the spirit would return back into the body.

For the spiritual law for the spirit was that when the heart stopped, the silver spiritual cord between the spirit and the physical body was broken/cut and the spirit would return to it’s creator.

Ecclesiastes 12 : 1, 6 – 7

 Your Authorized King James Version

Verse 1    Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth,……

Verse 6  or ever the Silver Cord be loosed or the Golden Bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain or the wheel broken at the cistern.

Verse 7  Then shall the dust/the physical body return to the earth as it was:  and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it

So Satan knew this, took it and applied it to his children of The Kingdom of Darkness and their lives began a life of living leaving their own physical body as a normal activity to conduct The Kingdom of Darkness’s Purposes of ruling and reining on earth through the human spirit as was decreed long ago to the newly created spiritual being called man.

Genesis 1 : 26 – 28 

Authorized King James Version

Verse 26  And God said, Let us make man/the spiritual being in our Image, after our Likeness:  and let them Have DOMINION over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

Verse 27   So God created Man/the spiritual being in His Own Image, in the Image of God created he him:  male and female created He them.

Verse 28  And God blessed them/anointed them, and God said unto them, Be Fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:  and have Dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth

So Satan knew of this Decree about spiritual man and took it for himself and his dark Kingdom on earth in the realm of the spirit.

The human spirit learns to spiritually leave it’s body and travel.  They all learn how to go into other spiritual and physical bodies as well.  They do not know how this is done at first, but learn that demons help them.  During their training from infancy, they learn how to “spiritually knock ” each other out by playing games, in competitions in order to  take executive control over another human spirit to use it’s spirit, soul and physical body as they so pleased.  This was their way of life, so when I started moving in the spirit they were shocked for I did not move by the power they did, but another power, an unknown power to them.

Many refer to this activity as

Astro – Projection Travel

Out of Body Experiences

Dreams & Nightmares

Many, rather most if not all Christians believe that this spiritual activity as

Of The Devil

( some of this is )

Of the world of The Occult

( some of this is )

But this gift of leaving one’s physical body, was a true gift of God for the spirit to protect it, help it escape fearful events and to preserve it.

God had created into the human spirit this spiritual ability right from the beginning, even though it became dead spiritually to Him due to sin and disobedience from it’s youth of creation in Adam.  This spiritual gift comes into action when the spirit becomes overwhelmed by fear through any event.  Even in infancy the gift is there.  It is also what most of one’s dreams are.  The spirit has left it’s physical body and is in the realm of the spirit.  Any event such as a childhood, a youth or an adult abuse, trauma, fearful experience will activate this gift as a way of escape.  Even near death experiences are this gift and many learn how to do this by many means.  

Many learn about this through doing meditation, by using drugs, going into trances.  This is used for many different reasons depending on one’s life.

My first experience with this way of escape spiritually was when I was 4 or 5 years old and having my tonsils out.  I had visions of me running for years out of room with me laying on a table and running down the hall.  I was very frightened and felt alone.  So, the gift made a way of escape for me, my spirit to run from a very fearful event.  I saw the vision for years and didn’t know what it was.  I also use to have visions and powerful dreams and didn’t know what they meant or how I did what I did. But when I became called into this deep spiritual ministry to human spirits, The Lord God revealed to me, what had happened to me at 4 or 5.  I was running spiritually from my physical body and running down the hall to escape from the fear.


So from my early childhood I was using this spiritual gift and did not know it.  Others also used this way of escape during childhood abuse, trauma, near death experiences, tortured or being drugged.  Many adults seek this connection through training, mediation, trances, drugs and even through powerful demon spirits.  This gift is sought after by most in the occult arts, witchcraft, seeking peace and higher planes of existence. Also, along with this gift, God gave the spirit and the soul another ability, a law to help it survive in the evil world they were born into and could not escape from.

Proverbs 23 : 7

Authorized King James Version

Version  7  For as he/we think in his heart/spirit and soul, so is he….\

This law is the foundation for DISSOCIATION/a splitting/a separation/a creation of what ever is needed for the spirit to become and be to survive.  In the profession of Mental Health Counseling as 


Dissociation Identity Disorder

Creating through one’s heart/spirit and soul someone or something else to survive a trauma or through mind programming through abuse, drugs and other means.  Satan found this law and took it and used it to his advantage.  In Dissociation, the heart is able to think of someone, or something and create it spiritually inside of the soul and the physical body, a new person or thing.

Along with this ability, the loving Creator provide a way to block off these different creations from each other and to have amnesia about them, sort of close a door and lock it.  The reason the human spirit could do this was that God, The Creator could do this Himself for His own sake and protection.  The Image/the gifts of God were created into the spiritual DNA of the spirit called man, the offspring of God, His son,  His Child breathed into a body of dirt from the earth.

Candy was just such a spirit.  Both able to spiritually travel and one of Dissociated Personalities and Fragments!

A totally programmed and fragmented spirit and soul.

What did and could these “human spirits or demon spirits” do in someone else’s spirit, soul or physical body –  anything they wanted to do!




Have Sex


Type on Computers

Go To Work, School and Play

Drive Cars

Spy on others or events

Kill and abuse others


Do Drugs


Run Governments and Nations

And where did the “official owner” of the physical body go you ask?

Sometimes they went into a trance and were still in there own body, but would have no awareness of what was going one through his or her spirit, soul and physical body.  Sometimes, they left spiritually their own physical body and just went somewhere else or just stayed near their  own physical body and watched.

 Sometimes, they would stay in their own physical bodies, but allow the other human spirit to have total spiritual control of their soul and physical body.  If the other spirit, demon or human was more powerful then they would be spiritually knocked out in their awareness or kicked out of their own physical body.

So much I had to spiritually learn and be aware of in the realm of the spirit.  I had no one to talk to, to ask about so I read true stories of those who had lived this life and wrote about their experiences.

I had to have so much spiritual information, I had to read at great speed and study.

But this night, with Candy having been kidnapped against her will and taken spiritually away and abused and tortured, I had to act quickly.  

Now to rescue Candy this night, The Most High God’s and my spiritual child back to her own physical body, I had to spiritually be taken by The Holy Spirit to where she was of which I had no idea of where that was, but The Holy Spirit did.  I immediately bound the demons according to 

Matthew 18 : 18

Authorized King James Version

Verse 18  Christ Jesus speaking to his small group of disciples,  ” Truly I say unto you, Whatsoever ( a demon is a Whatsoever as well as their activities )   you/Pastor Deborah BIND ON EARTH, SHALL BE BOUND in HEAVEN ( The Kingdom of Heaven will back your words of Binding up on the earth and Bind what so ever you have commanded to be Bound/Tied Up/Forbidden….


The spiritual battle was quick and fast.  For I had been spiritually taught to be 


with my prayers to God The Most High.

My spiritual ears were always in tune to the Voice of The Holy Spirit to get directions so that God The Most High would get the spiritual Victory He wanted and other spiritual unsaved human spirits would see a spiritual power more powerful than Satan and his demons and that they would see His Agape Love for them.

Yes, I and the Angels of The Most High God got Candy’s spirit back into her own physical body, back in her home, back in it’s rightful place.  When she, her spirit returned into her own physical body, she immediately began to feel in her own physical body the pains of the sexual abuse, the physical torture of the other body that her spirit had to endure and the fear was not yet gone.  The pain from the abuse in the other physical body to get to her spirit was so bad.  The pain, the cuts, the burns from the rape and sodomy, the demon bites that had all occurred to the physical body she was spiritually in was now physically appearing/manifesting in her physical body.  Why you ask?  Because the spirit and the physical body are connected through a silver cord, through the soul.


Remember, the human spirit, even though spiritually dead to God is ALWAYS THE SPIRITUAL OBJECT of all of Satan’s attacks, abuse, lawlessness, torture, slavery, control, prison and sicknesses and diseases.

Many nights this precious spiritual child, Candy’s human spirit was “illegally taken/kidnapped” against her “free will” and I would have to spiritually go and get her back from a Satanic meeting.  Satan and his demons and their hordes of unsaved human spirits were spiritually revealed to me that only by God The Most High knows the reason for the dis-ease of the spirit and that He is the spiritual Physical and Healer through His Agape Love and Presence.  I did learn that Satan can himself remove his curse or demon that is causing the dis-ease or sickness of the spirit, soul and physical body if he wants to show himself as a Healer as well.

I have been spiritually privileged many times to lay my hands on a “diseased or sick ” wounded, bruised, bleeding, and dying ” human spirit” in the spirit and in the natural and pray that God The Most High would heal them so that they can see and know of His Great Agape Love for them and His Power even our death!

And every time, immediately the human spirit was healed and then the healing would come to the soul and then out to the physical body!


God does the healing, I do the asking, and precious human spirits come to know of a spiritual Heavenly Father who loves them so very much and wants to heal them, protect them and love them even with all their spiritual sicknesses, diseases, blindness, lameness, deafness, and ignorance of their spirit.  He wants them to know He desires to  heal their wounded, controlled, fractured, dissociated, and fearful spirit and soul and to bring wholeness and peace and joy to them.  

Praise to The Heavenly Father and His Agape Love and His Holy Spirit and His Son, Christ Jesus for their great and eternal love of humanity even through the long ages of separation and darkness.





















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