Sunday, March 30, 2025

Born Again, By A Royal Spiritual Invitation And Words of Agape Love




Come and Travel with Pastor Deborah and Wilber, The White Chicken of The Garden of Eden and hear about a loving message of Love, Coming Home, and what Reconciliation with The Loving Heavenly Father is about and what changes occur to one spiritually. Hear Words of Spirit and Life, Love and Freedom. Accept the Royal Invitation yourself and Step onto His Royal Road and Keep Walking to the Doors of The Kingdom of Heaven. Please visit the ministry’s web site at




Born Again By Royal Invitation

Inspired by The Heavenly Father Himself To Pastor Deborah


Well, I was Born Twice

Once By The Flesh,


Once By The Holy Spirit


The Real Spiritual Me

Is now a brand new spiritual creation

Conceived by supernatural love

By a Spiritual Father Who Is Love Himself

And I Was Born To Love

I am a spiritual REFLECTION of my Father

I am Brand New

I am someone wonderful

I am NOW a spiritual child of The Most High God

I am His Temple, His Dwelling Place

I am someone you cannot see with your physical eyes, But I am real

You HAVE to look with your spiritual eyes to see me


I have fellowship with my Father now

Who I am at peace in my heart with

I am NO LONGER a spiritual ENEMY in my heart to Him


I am NO LONGER Banished from His Holy Presence

I have BEEN RETURNED to a GARDEN of His Presence


I am MADE with some really GLORIOUS stuff

And, I SPARKLE in the Darkness NOW


The His Light IN me LIGHTS the way for others


His LIGHT is PURE and The BRIGHTEST ever



I am the Friend of Jesus

and His Brethren now, a Family member

I choose to spiritually FOLLOW Him and SERVE Him out of Love

I desire NO OTHER’S affection

I desire to PLEASE Christ Jesus and His Father, The Most High God



The Most High God, My Heavenly Spiritual Father

Washed my SINS away with Blood of a Lamb, His Own Spiritual Son, The Christ in a Dirt body of earth that supplied the Blood of Cleansing/Forgiveness of Sin and Trespassing, His Own Self/His Own Word that became Flesh

He cleansed the old me through the death of a young man named, Christ Jesus on a cross

BURIED me with His Son in Death

And then Raised me, the spiritual me from spiritual DEATH

unto Eternal Life in His Son, Christ Jesus

All Because of His Agape Love for me!

And then, He SPIRITUALLY DRESSED me, the REAL me in the finest spiritual clothes for all to see

Can you SEE them?

You WILL HAVE to spiritually LOOK with your spiritual eyes

I am NOW spiritually DRESSED in Garments of Praise

Garments of Salvation

A White Robe of Righteousness

I am covered with the Oil of Joy

My spiritual Heart is Bound and Healed by The Agape Love Of God, The Heavenly Father and His Grace

I spiritually Now wear His Royal Signet Ring and Royal Scepter

And I Have Been Re-Crowned with the Crown of Authority, Dominion and Glory of The Kingdom of Heaven

I am NOW Seating in Christ spiritually in the Heart of The King of Heaven, The Great I Am, The Heavenly Father at the Right Hand of The King of The Kingdom of Heaven as a King myself

With All Power and Authority Given Back To me, Restored Unto Me As It was In My Beginning, The Day of My Creation

And thus having ALL POWER OVER the spiritual Power of the spiritual enemy of The Kingdom of Heaven, of me and the All of Creation Returned Unto Me

Satan and his host of demons and darkness of ignorance are NOW under my feet

I have been set FOREVER FREE of Sin and Death

I have been set FORVER FREE from the power of Satan

I have been FOREVER FREED from The Kingdom of Darkness and It’s Prison of The Fear of Death

I am spiritually COMFORTED now and have spiritual BEAUTY FOR MY ASHES

I don’t have a Spirit of Heaviness anymore


I am NO LONGER a spiritual STRANGER to God

I am NO LONGER spiritually SICK

I am NO LONGER the LEAST of my spiritual brethren


AN OFFSPRING OF GOD, THE MOST HIGH, THE HEAVENLY FATHER not a male gendered being but a non-gender spiritual being created in the Image and After The Likeness of my Creator, My Father


My spiritual MIND is NO LONGER Prideful

My spiritual UNDERSTANDING is NO LONGER Darkened

I am NOW spiritually RE-CONNECTED to The Life of God

I am NO LONGER spiritually IGNORANT of God’s Life and Agape Love

My spiritual HEART is NO LONGER Blind

I am NO LONGER Numb to Feelings


Greed, Evil, Wickedness, Hate, Pride and Unrighteous Behaviors and Thoughts


My spiritual eyes ARE OPENED and I SEE

I WALK in The Light of God

The power of Satan has been BROKEN and DESTROYED over and in my life

I AM FORGIVEN of my SINS of my Heart/Mind

I have a spiritual FUTURE in the New Jerusalem For Ever

I will be WALKING on the Streets of Gold

I am NO LONGER Condemned

I NO LONGER Do EVIL in the Sight of God

I Am NO LONGER a Child of the Night/of The Darkness/of Ignorance

I Am NO LONGER a Child of The Devil

I NO LONGER have the NATURE of Satan


I am NO LONGER under the sentence of Spiritual Death

I Am NO LONGER a Criminal and Trespasser







I am NO LONGER OPPRESSED by the Wicked One

I am NO LONGER an Wicked Oppressor

My heart is NO LONGER Pained

Terrors of  DEATH NO LONGER Fall on me

For I Have Already Spiritually DIED in Christ

Fearfulness and Trembling are off of me

and Horror Does NOT OVERWHEM me anymore

I am a Tree of Righteousness

I am a Branch of The VINE called Christ Jesus

I am PART of the Body of Christ, His Anointed Ambassadors, His Church, His Government Officials of His Kingdom of Heaven, His Partner

I am a Living Stone in The Crown of The Great High King of The Kingdom of Heaven

I have been FORGIVEN all of my SINS from the Days of Adam, and From the Disobedience to The Law of The King of Heaven and becoming a different Image and Likeness of Satan, The Adversary of God

My NAME is WRITTEN DOWN in the Lamb’s Book of Life

I am NAMED a PRIEST of The Lord

I am CALLED a Minister of God, Separated Unto Him for His Pleasure

I am NOW a spiritual ALIEN of this world

For the World of the FLESH and the DEVIL are NO LONGER my spiritual home

But I am Still Here for He and I HAVE SPIRIUTAL WORK to do together, in partnership, here now on the earth in the realm of the unseen, the realm of the spirit.

I have all AUTHORITY and DOMINION on the earth as WAS in the beginning with Adam, my forefather, the first created spiritual man, the child of God, made in the Image and Likeness of God Himself.

I am a PASTOR/SHEPHERD/STEWARD of the Work of The Lord’s hands on the earth

Satan is my ENEMY now

I have been ACCEPTED and spiritually ADOPTED into the Royal Family of The King of The Kingdom of Heaven, The Most High God, The Great I AM

I am FREE of the Power of Sin, Death and Satan

I am NOT my own

I am God’s Workmanship

His NEW BORN again spiritual Creation

His spiritual CHILD, His Son, His Image and Likeness

His Spiritual Reflection of His Heart, His Words Made Flesh, His Hidden Heart of A Father

His Love of His Heart

The OTHER ME, Died on a cross with Christ Jesus

Was BURIED with Him in the tomb

Then I spiritually AROSE from Hell, Death and The Grave

When Christ Jesus Did, I Did

For He DID IT for US

He PAID the price of Judgement OWED to The Laws of The Kingdom of Heaven of

” If you sin/disobey My Commandments, My Royal Law of Eating from the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil, You Will Surely DIE”

For When Christ Jesus Did all this, I Was With Him,  For I Was In Him, On His Heart

He paid the Price for my FREEDOM

He Took The Sentence of Hell, Death and The Grave, Death in all areas for Us, For Me

He Suffered The Spiritual Death/Separation from God’s Love and Presence in it’s Completeness that I was to Eternally Experience

Christ Jesus, The First Born Son of Man, The Original Image and Likeness of God Himself Did All of these for the Love of His Father, The King of The Kingdom of Heaven.  The Father Loved Man so much that He paid The Price Himself in Christ Jesus for me, for all humanity.

I am NOW BLESSED of The Lord

I am LOVED by The Lord

I have been GIVEN a Spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound Heart/Mind

I have an Spiritual INHERITANCE waiting for me now From The Kingdom of Heaven

And I Can go and Talk With The Most High God, My Heavenly Father in His Very Throne Room Now Without Shame and Guilt, Without Fear of Death and Stand in His Presence as His Child, His Royal Image and Likeness, His Royal Ambassador of The Kingdom of Heaven

When ever I want and  can sit in His Presence

I can come into His Mighty Presence without Guilt and Condemnation of Sin

Without Shame and Sin, Without Fear

I can be with my spiritual Father, The Most High God Now

I am saved by Grace Through Faith in Christ Jesus and His Death on The Cross For Me

I am spiritually BORN AGAIN a NEW SPIRITUAL CREATION of Agape Love Now

I am a Child of God Now

I have His Very Nature and DNA

I Am spiritually Born In His Image and Likeness

I am an Over Comer Now

I am Am Victorious Now

He Redeemed Me For Himself and For The Kingdom of Heaven’s Glory and Righteousness

His great Agape Love Paid The Price Required For My Freedom and Broke The Spiritual Eternal Power of Sin and Death that had Ruled and Reigned over me with the Sentence of Death always before me.

You See, I have been told my  the most faithful and trusted person ever that , ” Therefore, if any man ( that means me – the spiritual me )  be in Christ, He is a New spiritual Creature, for old things ( the old dirty, sinful dead spiritual me ) are passed away, gone and Behold ALL THINGS, THAT MEANS ME, ARE BECOME NEW!”

The Other me was an OLD THING

It has passed away into death

A New me AROSE out of Hell, Death and The Grave with Christ Jesus

I was spiritually RECREATED by the Power of The Holy Spirit of God

I am Now A New Thing in Christ

I Live In Christ Now, and He Lives In Me, In my Deepest Heart of My Spirit

The Word of God has been SPIRIUTALLY REPLACED on It’s Throne of my Life, In His Temple of my Heart of My Spirit

The Word of God Is Now



The Almighty One

The Most High God

The Ruler 

The Life 

The Master

The Lord

of My Spiritual Heart and It’s Life

That Is Who I Am Now!

Can You See Me?

Look Close with your Spiritual Eyes

For I Am Here!


Please Hear the Words of an lovely young man who was born into Multi-Generational Satanism, Isaac and was a Great High Priest and King of His Clan, The Black Forest Clan out of Germany who Pastor Deborah was honored to introduce to Christ Jesus and lead him in prayer to be Born Again into a new spiritual creation and to become a Child of God.  He wrote the following poem that was later put to music and sung.  He is now in Heaven and His Words of Love and Hope still are here on the earth living and producing their Fruit of Hope and Life for others.  The Holy Spirit took His words and changed them to speak out to all of humanity.

My Children

My Children

You Will All Spiritually Live

The Long Spiritual Wait Is Over

My Spiritual Agape Love & Light Can Spiritually Touch You

My Spiritual Agape Love & Light Will Spiritually Heal You

My Spiritual Agape Love & Light Is Spiritually Real

You Will All Spiritually Come To Know That My Agape Love & Light Is Here, Now

Step Out of Your Darkness & Into My Agape Love & Light

Love, Your Heavenly Father, God The Most High












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