Sunday, March 30, 2025

Angel Planes





By Pastor Deborah


As I spiritually grew/matured/developed in my spiritual relationship with The Most High God/The Heavenly Father of The Kingdom of Heaven and in my FAITH and TRUST in The Most High God and His WORDS OF SPIRIT AND LIFE/SPIRIT AND TRUTH/SPIRIT AND   LIGHT and praying for 

His Desires of His Heart to be done on Earth as They were done in His Kingdom in Heaven

My prayers became more and more powerful and almost unbelievable.

If I read something in His Written Word, The Bible, I just believed it was spiritually available to me to ask for and to use for the “spiritual freedom” and “rescue” of the precious 

Spiritual children of the Kingdom of Darkness

The Most High God was spiritually growing me in my FAITH in HIM and His spiritual unlimited powers.  I continued to read and study His Words in the Bible, His Book of Words of Spirit and Life.  From continual reading, praying about, meditating on, watching movie about the ancient stories The Holy Spiritual Teacher, The Holy Spirit of The Lord God Himself spiritually revealed to me in

John 14: 10-14


Authorized King James Version

The Red Words of Christ Speaking Himself to all of humanity

Verse 10  Believe you not that I am in the Father and The Father in me?  The Words that I speak unto you I speak NOT of myself:

But The Father that dwells/lives/abides in me, He does the WORKS!

Verse 11  Believe me that I am in the Father, and The Father is me;  or else believe me for the very works sake!

Verse 12   Verily, Verily/Truly, Truly I ( Christ Jesus ) say unto him/us/humanity/Pastor Deborah that believes ON ME, the WORKS that I do SHALL he/Pastor Deborah DO ALSO;  and GREATER WORKS THAN THESE shall he/us/Pastor Deborah do;  WHY?  HOW?  Because I go unto My Father

Verse 13   And therefore, WHATSOEVER you shall ask in my NAME/NAME/IMAGE/LIKENESS, that WILL I DO, so that the Father may be spiritually GLORIFIED in the Son/The Offspring of Him/Pastor Deborah and all mature believers.

Verse 14   Therefore, if you/Pastor Deborah shall ask ANYTHING in My Name/Image/Likeness/Nature, I WILL DO IT!

I had to believe in The Most High God For Powerful and Impossible Signs and Wonders

That Had Never Been Seen or Done on earth before!!!

I had to believe that I could have His Holy Angels minister/serve/do battle for me!!!


And I could use them in the service/ministry of The Kingdom of Heaven and It’s King’s spiritual purposes!


I was spiritually growing stronger and more mature in my FAITH in God but I did not know how far I would grow/develop/mature/believe, but I began to find out.  You see I had the “strange” belief that the

Signs & Wonders of God The Most High’s Power

Were not really for me to see and believe in Him, for I already did, or to be blessed by Him for I already was, but I had this “different” belief that God wanted to use His great power, His signs and wonders as DEMONSTRATIONS of His great Agape Love and Power for the precious

Spiritual Children Trapped in the Kingdom of Darkness


Trapped by Satan and his demons


Trapped by The Fear of Death


Trapped by The Soul and The Flesh



Trapped by The Fires of Lust



Trapped By Darkness/Ignorance


The Spiritually Least of Christ Jesus’s Brethren


So, they would believe in Him and accept His free spiritual gift of Salvation, Re-birth through His Son’s sacrifice on a cross long ago and their, The Heavenly Father’s and His Son’s Agape Love that He wanted to freely give them.  Agape Love’s spiritual purposes were to spiritually bring forth the Heart’s Desires of The Heavenly Father so that He would have His spiritual Desires of

Spiritual Children, His spiritual family, His spiritual Inheritance

His Royal Family of His Kingdom of Heaven

I studied His Word, The Bible and looked for the stories where God, The Most High used Angels and Angels came down to the earth. I looked for their manifestations in the natural earth, the world of the seen and talked and walked among us, humanity.  I looked for their powerful works/deeds for The Kingdom of Heaven and The King, The Most High God.  I found out that Angels of God and of course the many fallen angels who had become demons have been manifesting in the seen world of the earth out of the realm of the unseen, the realm of the spirit since the beginning of time on earth.  Lucifer who had become Satan, the spiritual adversary of God came into the earth realm, the realm of the seen and spoke through a serpent in the Garden of Eden to speak to an innocent and unsuspecting helpmate of Adam, called woman, the spiritual creation that would carry a physical womb to bring forth new physical bodies for more spiritual beings to come into the world on earth.

Angels left their first place/estate/habitation/form/spiritual condition/place and manifested as a human male and with a body of flesh and bone and came down and married earthly women and came into them in a physical sexual manner, the beautiful daughters of man and had children with them and they became known as giants, but this was not allowed and therefore God The Most High, captured the fallen angels and chained them in cells of darkness until the final day of eternal judgment.


Angels accompanied The Lord to visit Abraham and then on to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in days of long ago.

Angels descended and ascended on a ladder while Jacob was sleeping on a rock.

An Angel visited Zacharius, in the temple in Jerusalem and spoke about the child to be born to him and Elizabeth and he was to be called John.

An Angel visited Mary, the earthly mother of the child Jesus


Angels came and ministered to Christ Jesus after 40 days of fasting and testing in the desert before He went into His Father’s Ministry

Angels rolled away the stone of Jesus’s Tomb

Angels spoke to Mary at the tomb of Jesus, telling her why do you seek the living among the dead

Angels spoke to the disciples upon Jesus’s ascension into The Kingdom of Heaven

An Angel helped Peter escape from jail by putting the guards asleep, leading him and even opening a closed door out of the jail.


I spiritually learned that the Most High God’s Angels were here to minister and help the heirs of salvation, me and to help me reach the least of my brethren, and to fulfill the commandments of The Most High God.  So after having been given

12 personal Angels to spiritually surround me and travel with me all the time!


 have been spiritually hidden under their Angel Wings from even Satan spiritually seeing me, finding me and then surrounding my 

house and any place/car/hotel that I am physically or spiritually located at.  I would be covered by a ” cloak of invisibility” if necessary to minister to the precious spiritual children in the Kingdom of Darkness to do the Words of The Heavenly Father.


I learned well when Jesus said to Pilate in 

John 18: 36

Authorized King James Version

Verse 36   Jesus answered,

My Kingdom is NOT OF THIS WORLD:  If MY KINGDOM were of this world, then would My servants/angels fight that I should not be delivered to the Jew’s desires but now is My KINGDOM Not from here!


Each time I was spiritually sent in the spirit to the Kingdom of Darkness, or on any trip to 

Reach precious human spirits


The RESCUE spiritually and physically of precious spiritual children of Satan’s Kingdom/Domain/Territory/Government/Control/Matrix of Darkness/Ignorance from their spiritual and physical prisons of slavery and bondage


Many, Many times I was spiritually sent by The Most High God in the spirit to

Castles, Private Homes, Dungeons, Estates, Hidden Farms, Caves

I always spiritually travel with my 12 Angels and then I was LEGIONS of Angels to spiritually command and send out as needed

to be successful in the ministry and work of RESCUING AND REACHING those precious spiritual children who God The Heavenly Father desired to reach in the darkness of Satan’s Kingdom

I had to learn how to be as a “special spiritual operational solider” and to be spiritually discreet/stealth/unseen or unheard with my prayers and the plans given to me by The Most High God to


I had to become

” stealth in my spiritual actions and words”


I knew that my “real enemies”  had taken up spiritual residence in people who had been born into sin, raised in iniquity, and brought into the Kingdom of Darkness

I knew that demonic spirits could work independently from a “human spirit’s physical body” or through them.  In every RESCUE of The Heavenly Father’s precious ” lost spiritual children “ God The Most High always gives me HIS SPIRITUAL PLAN HE WANTS TO SPIRITUALLY USE so that as always, precious fearful and darkened spiritual hearts/minds will come to believe in Him and His Agape Love and that their spiritual eyes of the spiritual understanding will spiritually be opened to see and receive His great and majestic Agape Love and His Power over Satan and his demons thus come to believe in Him and then

Freedom Is Birthed

Hope Is Given

And RESCUE is Possible with Him and through Him

I learned that The Most High God


Has “born again spiritual children” on His Heart/Mind and the spiritual DEFEAT of Satan and the “spiritual raising up of True Sons/His Children made in His Image and After His Likeness/His Spiritual Reflection of Himself on earth for all of creation to see and obey, who have been groaning under sin and Satan and death.  That is another story about an Eagle and dogs and chickens and turkeys and a man on a motorized bike with a gun.

So began The Most High’s Angel Rescues!!!!


All of His spiritual RESCUES are so unbelievable, powerful and wonderful.  To partner with/minister with/work with God The Heavenly Father as a ” spiritual partner and solider/King/warrior” is a great privilege and honor.  Each RESCUE always begins with me becoming spiritually aware of the Heavenly Father’s Heart’s Desires for His lost spiritual children, then being spiritually on-call 24/7 for the Heavenly Father then to be made spiritually aware of “spiritual children ” in need of RESCUE.  Some times I am “spiritually taken” in the spirit by the Power of The Holy Spirit and The Most High God to an unknown place or I would be just spiritually asked by some unknown precious human spirit


I usually do not know who they are or where they are, 

Just a cry for help


 So I prayed first, swift and accurate prayers of deliverance and freedom

Then I would text back if that is how the cry came


I had just prayed to The Heavenly Father for He had allowed the cry to be heard and sent to me on my phone and I asked The Heavenly Father to send in Angels and to Bind The Guards/Watchers/The Demons and the human spirits and to also send in the “special trusted boys/men ” to help.

Whoever texted me, texted back and said


I said, 

I Didn’t, I Just Prayed!

I trusted The Heavenly Father to SET CAPTIVES FREE for His Glory and His Name Sake.

For they were not asking me for help, but really asking HIM IF HE COULD HELP!


They are asking Him 


So off went His Angels and His spiritually trusted men to RESCUE precious trapped slaves of Satan from sexual bondage and slavery.

Praise The Name and Power of Agape Love of The Heavenly Father!!!


Then I wait for Satan’s response and it usually is one of death some where in the world!!!


I am always prepared 24/7 by The Lord God to “spiritually and physically RESCUE” these precious children and have been spiritually taught to be swift and accurate in my prayers.

Well, as with any RESCUE of which I have learned about from reading the Old Testament stories of many RESCUES that were done by both the Heavenly Father and His chosen people, the goal was to “spiritually and physically ” RESCUE precious human spirits out of the Kingdom of Darkness and get them to safe places in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Well, over the years of these RESCUES I have asked The Most High God for



 And Then I Asked For The Angel Planes!!!



My prayers would go like this

Dear Father,

I ask that you send in Your Angels and Angel Planes to RESCUE these precious children of The Kingdom of Darkness so that they might spiritually see Your Great Agape Love for them demonstrated by Your great Almighty Power to RESCUE them and bring them to safety for it is Your Name and Glory and Reputation at stake.


Send enough Angel planes to bring them out with a mighty hand that all may know of You and Your Almighty Power.


Fill the planes with food, clothes, satin blankets, teddy bears and send in Your special “boys” packing the sword of Your Spirit

Then Father,

Send in the Angels to put the demonic spirits asleep as You did to the prison guards in Peter’s jail RESCUE/ESCAPE You told me about from Your Bible and bring these spiritual captives/prisoners out with a mighty hand of power unseen for so long.

In The Name of Christ Jesus, I ask



Did God The Most High answer my prayers?


For the Prayers were in line with His Hear’s Desires and Purposes for His Signs and Wonders,



Every time He does and every time, spiritual children of The Kingdom of Darkness are RESCUED and are born again into The Kingdom of Heaven


Did I and Do I see these Angel Planes with my very own spiritual and earthly eyes?


Angel Planes Manifesting out of The Kingdom of Heaven

Angels Flying the planes of The Kingdom of Heaven

Angels of The Kingdom of Heaven putting demonic spirits to sleep so the Angels and the Lord’s special operations soldiers could RESCUE the precious children of The Kingdom of Darkness


And where did the Angels Planes Fly To??

Where ever The Most High God had directed them, His Angels to fly to of course!!

Then after flying the planes, yes Planes, that were filled with those who had been RESCUED to the destination only The Heavenly Father knew for I never asked or needed to know, that was His Business and His RESCUE.

Then The Angels of The Lord and The Planes Disappeared!


Does this sound “out of this world ?”  Out in left field?  Too Heavenly Minded to be any earthly good?  Maybe to some, but to one whoever  at believes the stories written in the Bible and that God The Most High is the Same 

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Then this is not a strange or unbelievable story at all just continuation of The Power of Agape Love and The Heart’s Desires of A Loving King and Father for His Lost Children on earth, His Spiritual Inheritance, the heirs of His Salvation and Glory.


How has no one ever seen or reported on these Angel Planes?  Don’t they show up on Radar?  Why doesn’t the news report on the rescues?  Surly the space satellites can see these Planes flying, can’t they?

Well, you see when one is in a “spiritual battle” against spiritually powerful enemies and precious spiritual lives are at stake,


Because Satan has demonic and human spies everywhere and is always listening to what comes out of our physical mouth, our spiritual mouth and what we may journal/write down about our conversations with God, or our dreams or just thoughts, they are able to discover the Plans for Rescue.  To be in partnership with God, one must be a highly trained solider and one who doesn’t talk much about one’s missions and attacks, about rescues and tactics.  Secrecy is vital.

Pastor Deborah had to be trained and trusted with top secret plans, prayers, and knowledge.  She had to become a silent and stealth warrior, highly trained in secrecy and dark operations, she had to become a mighty king and warrior of The Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

  Pastor Deborah had to learn how to be submitted and under God The Most High, The True Commander in Chief so as not to reveal His “secret plans” in the battle for His RESCUES of precious little ones. the least of King Jesus’s spiritual brethren.

Are the Angel Planes Real?

Do Angels really help us like this?

Does Pastor Deborah really work with Angels like her story tells us?

Yes, Yes, and Yes!



Oh the great wonders of The Lord Most High God there are to behold and to help us to set CAPTIVES FREE so The Most High God’s Heart’s Desires are fulfilled and The Victory of The Cross and Agape Love are upheld!!!  May your faith grow to believe 

That There Is Nothing Impossible For The Heavenly Father To Do To Help Us To Set Others Free

of Satan and His Kingdom of Darkness/Ignorance and Slavery















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