Sunday, March 30, 2025

A Prayer For Help





Written and sent to Pastor Deborah who was known as Jan at this time in 1999 by a 16 year old multi-generational Satanist young girl who I had led to believe in and accept The Lord Christ Jesus as her new Lord and Master, King and Savior in October 1998 on October 27 when she was just 14 years old.

At the time she wrote me this letter, she had been unable to physically and emotionally break free completely of the life and family, the responsibilities of her position as a future High Queen and who to marry her biological father and produce a chosen child, The False Prophet who would be a cousin of the Child who would be the Anti-Christ to come.


Her Name is Amanda and she is now a grown young lady who both her mother and father have died and are in Heaven.  Life has not been easy and yet she is still fighting to save others no matter where she travels to, even on the streets as a homeless one, or in the dens of drug dealers, or in prisons and jails.  She has lost all her friends and family from the life of multi-generational Satanism and struggles with deep dissociation, loss and grief, anger and loneliness. 


Please hear her heart for others and how a young one just newly saved would call out to someone she barley knew for help





A Prayer For Help

By Amanda


I wrote this letter to Jesus

I am not sure how this prayer thing is suppose to work

So I figured you’d know what to do with this

So I am giving it to you.


I meant every word and I got “Angel “

( one of this precious child’s many dark side personalities, The Chosen Male Child of Satan)

Up for it while I was writing the letter

Both Sides

( The Dark and The Light )

Are Aware of this letter or prayer thing so now what?

and your Please Pray for me.


Dear Jesus,

I really want to get to know you,

I am sick of my life in Satanism,

I want out of my heritage and blood contracts with Satan

and And I want the freedom for me and my children that you give


I know you’ve sent people into my life so that through them

We can come to know you and your father

I believe you and your words are true


 that it I believe that you died for us because you love us and you chose to give your own life up

So that we could live and be saved from hell

I believe all that and I want a different life for me and my children

I wanna see my family and friends saved and out of Satanism

I believe you can do that

I wanna know you as Father and Lord as my master

I wanna live the life as a “child of god”


I believe in my heart that it was your plans that I met you and Jan

(Jan was my name at this time until much later and the Lord transitioned me to my first name, Pastor Deborah  which is another story called, It’s Time and is in Prayer and Fasting )

and entered into your Kingdom

I don’t think Satan is father

I feel drawn to you and your people

But I feel totally trapped in the darkness

My children are being hurt beyond comprehension

And I cannot do anything about it.


I don’t want my family and friends dying and going to hell

I want to see us all free and “saved”


I’m tired of all the rituals and “meetings”

and sacrifices to Satan

I’m sick of the pregnancies and then watching them get mutilated for Satan’s pleasure

I am sick of giving myself and my children to an empty religion and to Satan

I wanna be free!

But I don’t know how to be free

I need help

I know there will be battles, but I am strong and I will fight for our Freedom if you will be there

I know you gave me a new mother and spiritual family

I know I didn’t come to Pensacola just to complete an assignment

I believe it was you who broke the car’s transmission and made my friend sick so she could not go with me

I believe it was you who brought me my spiritual mother because of my prayers to you as a child

Now please show me how I can be free of my life in Satanism

And be free from my satanic lineage and ranks

I don’t want to live my life in the Brotherhood

or in the “family”


I want you and your Kingdom

I want my kids and people to become Children of God too

Please help us and I want to worship your without choking and being sick and going into trances

Thank you and goodbye


Pray this with me, I am not sure how 2 do it by myself

2 your ( I mean our ) god Jesus

Get it 2 him, someway

Always, I love you



Each time I read this I cry for little did Amanda know that she was getting her heart cries and prayer to God herself even as she was writing the letter to me.  She had little knowledge of this new God, The God of Christ Jesus and The Kingdom of Heaven, but she wanted Him and the love He offered her and her children and family.  All of her children are in heaven except one. He was conceived in petrie dish to be implanted in a virgin to simulate the virgin birth of Christ Jesus. His name is Hans and he too is saved, yet still in due to many reasons, but he is a mighty one who is still carrying on the work of Amanda inside of multi-generational Satanism with his friend, Gavin. Both are Pastor Deborah’s spiritual children and loved.  Amanda is still working for God and struggling greatly.







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