Join with Pastor Deborah in the Garden of Eden and hear about the determination of the One’s Heart of Agape Love to NEVER RETREAT, NEVER SURRENDER from loving his creation or giving up on his Heart’s Purposes. He knew He had to have a Law of Warfare and Battle in His Heart that He would have to show the world through the powerful Spartans of the Ancient Days, of NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER. Listen and Learn.
Category: Podcast
Story Time With Pastor Deborah, What Shoes Do I Need To Wear ? , The One Series, Episode #5
Listen to Episode #5 and hear about the shoes The One had decieded to wear when He would be stepping out into the Vastness of Nothingness and what He wanted His creation to see Him wearing. His Best Shoes He Had.
Story Time With Pastor Deborah, Top Hat and Tails, The One Series, Episode # 4
Join in another Episode with Pastor Deborah in Episode #4 called Top Hat and Tails. Learn how The One realized he needed to put on His best clothes so when he stepped out of His Closet of being just One with himself, he needed to wear His Clothes for all His Creations to see Him in.
Story Time With Pastor Deborah, Coming Out Of The Closet, The One Series, Episode #3 Podcast
Listen to Episode #2 of Story Time with Pastor Deborah and join the others in the Garden of Eden. Listen and Hear another story of The One who had decided to Step Out of Himself, His Own Closest and Release All That He was carring on the inside of Himself into the emptiness of the vastness of nothingness and darkness.
Story Time With Pastor Deborah, One Is A Lonely Number, Story 1, Episode 1, Story Time Podcast
Join Pastor Deborah in the Garden for another story time about The One and how he discovered that One is a Lonely Number and Things Needed to change within himself to be more than One.
Story Time With Pastor Deborah, Welcome and Introduction Podcast – Episode # Introduction
Welcome to Story Time with Pastor Deborah in the Garden of Eden and hear of ancient stories of long ago and how they can touch our lives now. Travel with Pastor Deborah Over the Rainbow. Sit with others and learn and hear about much that has been hidden from your spiritual hearts and minds.
Where Do Words Live? Episode # 25 The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn where in a system of a human’s 3 part system of spirit, soul and physical body live. How does Life come to Words and give them power to live in the human system and on and over the earth and the land, resources and living creatures.
Words, Seeds of Fruit, Episode # 24 The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn about how Words are seeds of fruit and are desiring to be eaten. Learn more about the purpose of Words and how they desire to reproduce themselves and to create more Words within a system.
How Is A Word Created? Part 1 & Part 2, Episode #23 The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn how a word is created and received. What creates Words? Where is the place of creation of words? Learn about the system of creation of creating words and the purpose for words and their creation.
What Realm Does A Word Have Power In? Episode # 22, The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn what realm, world words have Power in and desire to rule in. Leran more about the realms of words and their ability to rule and reign and to build and construct and to shape and conform all that receive them and beleive in them and give them place.
What Is A Word? Episode # 20, The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn more about What is a word. How are they created. Where do they come from, Where are they going in the system called a human. What purposes do they have to humanity and to the earth.
What Is In A Word? Episode # 21, The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn more about the ancient concepts of the power of Words and what are they made of. Learn more about Words and how they are made and what their purposes are.
Why Does A Word Desire To Be King ? Episode # 19 The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn more about the Desires and Purpose of A Word to Be a King of It’s system of a human and the land called earth. Learn more about how this deep desires relates to humanity and the earth itself.
The Word is King, Episode # 18, The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn about that A Word is King in the human system of spirit, soul with it’s two consciouses and physical body. Learn why The Word is King and learn more about oneself and others.
The Nature of a King, Episode # 17, The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn more about the very heart and nature of a King. Learn about it’s authority and dominion to rule and reign. Learn more about a King’s Image and Likeness and Character. Learn more about the every nature it is to have.
The Concept of a King, Episode # 16 The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn where and why the concept, the idea the thought of being a king came from. Learn more about what this is and the title and the purpose for the concept in regards to a human system of spirit, soul and physical body.
Why a Kingdom? Episode # 15 The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn about Why a Kingdom form of governing a human system was created and designed. Also the purpose for the system of governing the earth and the living creatures.
The Spiritual Kingdom Within, The Government & Culture, Episode # 14 The King and Kingdom Series, Podcast
Learn about the role of A Kingdom within a human system and over and upon the earth itself. Learn more about the role of government and culture in a Kingdom.
The Kingdom Within Part 2, Episode # 13 The King and Kingdom Series, Podcast
Learn more about the Kingdom within a human and how it rules and reigns the land of a human’s physical body, soul and it’s two levels of consciousness and the hidden spirit.
The Kingdom Within, Episode # 12, The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Learn about the system within the 3 part system of a human, called The Kingdom and how it is desiring to rule and reign the land of the spirit, soul and it’s two levels of consciousness and the physical body. Learn more about oneself and others.
The Hidden Masks of The Soul, Episode # 11, The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Listen and learn about the ability and system of the hidden soul of the sub-conscious mind of a human to become and put on different faces, personalities, masks to help itself feel better and to disquise it’s true self and feelings. Learn how the spirit is connected and deeply hidden in the fabric of the soul and also takes on the Hidden Masks of the Soul as the Soul changes personalities.
Ancient Sight, Basic Ancient Class, Episode # 38, The King’s International Spiritual Care University
Listen and hear about one’s ancient sight and how a veil of flesh had to be removed from the spiritual eyes of Pastor Deborah and how ancient sight of what the Heavenly Father saw, she had to learn how to see. Seeing with and through The Eyes of Eternity to see what was unseen.
Ancient Work, Basic Ancient Classes, Episode # 37 The King’s International Spiritual Care University
Listen to a vital Ancient Basic Course that all must take and pass in order to help people THE LORD’S WAY and not from the way of the world of mental health counseling. Learn more about the transformation one must take in order to HELP PEOPLE THE LORD’S WAY.
Ancient Healing, Basic Ancient Classes, Episode # 36 The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen to Ancent Healing, A Basic Class of the Basic Ancient Classes of The King’s International Spiritual Care Univeristy. Learn what Pastor Deborah had to learn about in order to be transformed from helping people the way of the mental health counseling to HELPING PEOPLE THE LORD’S WAY, through Ancient Healing.
Ancient Power, Basic Class, Ancient Courses, Episode # 35, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen to another Basic Class in the Ancient Course Classes of The King’s International Spiritual Care University, Ancient Power. Hear about Pastor Deborah had to meet and learn about this Ancient Power inorder to HELP PEOPLE THE LORD’S WAY and not the mental health counseling way. Hear about the beginnings of the transformation of a heart and spiritual mind of Pastor Deborah and about the Ancient Power all will have to meet and come to know to also HELP PEOPLE THE LORD’S WAY.
Ancient Gifts, Spiritual Divine Gifts to Help People, Basic Course, Episode # 34, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen and learn about the ancient spiriutal gifts that Pastor Deborah had to learn about and to learn how to spiriutally operate in and minister through to HELP PEOPLE THE LORD’S WAY.
Ancient Gifts V-ger, Basic Classes of Ancient Courses of Spiritual Care, Episode # 33, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen to a story of V-get, an living machine searching for it’s Creator and it’s desire to connect with it and become one with it. Learn that every human also has a heart as V-ger and is seeking it’s creator and a relationship with it and to become more than what it is and become something better as two become one in such love for each other.
Ancient Darkness, Basic Class on Ancient Spiritual Care, Episode # 32, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen carefully to an deep spiritual area of Ancient Truth that Pastor Deborah had to learn about in order to HELP PEOPLE THE LORD’S WAY and to be an anointed Pastor who would be able to spiritually SET CAPTIVES FREE of the ancient Darkness/Ignorance and bring Light and Truth to a darkened spiritual heart and mind.
Ancient Light, Basic Class of Ancient Courses, Episode # 31, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen to Ancient Light that had to shine into Pastor Deborah’s spiriutal heart and shine out ancient, yet truths that she did not know from her training and education to Help people as a MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR. Learning HOW TO HELP PEOPLE THE LORD’S WAY required Pastor Deborah to receive new, yet ancient Light/Truth/Understanding/Knowledge and learn the Wisdom to know how to use it to HELP PEOPLE THE LORD’S WAY.
The Ancient Kingdom, Basic Classes, Episode # 30 , The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Basic Course, Class in the Ancient Section of The King’s International Spiritual Care University. Learn about the Ancient Kingdom that Pastor Deborah had to learn about to HELP PEOPLE THE LORD’S WAY instead of the way of mental Health counseling.
Ancient Days, Basic Class of Ancient Spiriutal Care, Episode # 29, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen and learn about the ancient beginnings of time, spiriutal care and yourself. Listen to the personal journey of Pastor Deborah as she traveled from being a licensed mental health counselor to a powerful Pastor to SPIRITUALLY HELP PEOPLE THE LORD’S WAY. Enjoy and grow and learn.
Flames of Fire, Healing The Spiriutal Heart, Episode # 28, Basic Care, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen to a true story of healing the broken heart of a precious young man from a life time of captivity. Then listen to an audio of Who Are you, and then , an audio that will hopefully bring a time of Looking Back and Looking Foward. Enjoy.
James, The Protector, Basic Class, Episode # 27, The King’s International Spiritual Care Univeristy Podcast
Listen and hear about the wonderful healing of a precious spiriutal heart who had been abused and tortured since childhood.
What and Who Am I? Basic Class, Episode # 26, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
A Broken Heart, What Realm Is It In, Basic Class, Episode # 25 The King’s International Spiritual Care Podcast
Listen and learn about a Broken Heart and it’s Needed Words of Encouragement and what it’s restoration sounds like. Learn and Beleive.
Looking A Little Closer at Our Hidden Self, The Spirit, Basic Class, Episode #24 , The King’s International Spiritual Care University
The Forever Person, Basic Class, Episode # 23, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen to the Introduction to the Forever Person, The Real You, The Spiritual You.
Rediscovery of the Spirit, The Real You, Basic Class, Episode #22, The King’s International Spiritual Care University
Listen and learn about the real you, the Forever You, the Spirit Person.
The Hidden Realm of The Spirit, Basic Class, Episode # 20 The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen and learn about spirtual care to the spiritual care in the area of restoration and recovery. Listen and learn more about you, The Forever Person and it’s need for restoration and recovery itself.
Ancient Concepts of Spiritual Care, Basic Class, Episode #19 , Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen and Learn about ancient spiritual care concepts and how they have been apart of humanity since the beginning of time. Listen and consider the ancient and timeless concepts, ideas and thoghts about spiritual care and it’s role in humanity.
Introduction To Spiritual Care, Basic Class – Episode # 9, Setting the Captives Free Podcast
Listen and Learn about an introduction to spiritual care and spiritua restoration. Hear more about oneself and how to heal the deeply broken and wounded spirutal part of the spiriutal heart. Learn more and beleive and be encouraged and have hope for yourself and for others.
A Human is a 3 Part Being, Basic Classes, Episode # 8, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen and learn about oneself and others that you are a 3 part being of spirit, soul and physical body. Here about this 3 part system and it’s interaction with spiriutal care and the different parts of itself. Learn more about each part and how it also relates to one’s mental health of the soul, the hidden person of the sub-conscious part of a human that is product of darkness, the realm of the 5 senses and the darkened heart without Truth of Agape Love and Eternal Truth. Learn how Pastor Deborah teaches to those who are wounded, abused, and suffering from an illness of the soul, the emotional part of a human and the biological brain through the 5 senses.
The History of Spiritual Care, Episode # 7, The King’s International Spiritual Care University, Podcast
Listen to the ancient history of Spiritual Care and it’s role in humanity. Learn that humanity has always beleive in a higher power from the realm of the unseen, the realm of the Spirit to help it and to be apart of their life. Listen and learn more about oneself, history and the role of spiriutal care in a human’s life.
Looking Back, Looking Forward 2019 – 2020, Episode #29 Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen and Look Back over one’s life in 2019 and Look Forward into 2020. As time changes for all, look ad see if time has produced the changes your heart desired and wanted or not. Look forward and be filled with hope and encouragement to begin again and step forward into healing and restoration.
A Voice of Hope or Not, A Keynote Speech Episode # 28 Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen the the Keynote Speech of Pastor Deborah to professionals who have learned that they as professionals and a profession DO NOT GIVE, NOR DO THEY UNDERSTAND AND PROVIDE a VOICE of Hope to those who they are seeking to help. Listen and look at myself and see IF YOU ARE A VOICE OF HOPE OR NOT.
Dear Little One, On The Road To Emmaus, Episode # 28 Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen to Words of Encouragement to Broken and Wounded Hearts that WILL SET THE CAPTIVES FREE from it’s darkness, it’s wounds, it’s fear and loneliness Listen and Be Encouraged.
Amanda’s Words of Encouragement, Episode # 27 Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen to a young lady’s Words of Encouragement to all. Hear her heart for others who are still being held spiriutally CAPTIVE in the occult and by the demonic strongmen of it and how she desires for them and her family to be free from this SPIRITUAL CAPTIVITY. Hear a Heart of Love for others.
Isaac’s Heart of Love, Episode # 26 Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen to a young man’s heart as He reached for Agape Love and Found it. This young man was born into multi-generational Satanism and found he Love of A Mother and The Love of The Heavenly Father. This young man wrote poems out of his heart to Pastor Deborah and who now is living in the Land called The Kingdom of Heaven. Healed and Free of his earthly life of being a powerful High Priest, a King of His satanic Clan, Filled with Demonic Spirits, Fragmented in His Soul’s Mind and Spiritual Heart. But found the Key to Freedom and found the Love of A Spiritual Mother and Agape Love touched his heart and SET A CAPTIVE FREE.
The Hat of Magic, Part 2, Stolen Power, Episode #25 Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen to Part 2 of The Socerer’s Apprentice, The Hat of Magic. Listen to the Troubles that Stolen Power can create for one self and for others and for the world. Listen to the fear of death at work and how when one opens the door between two realms, trouble comes when a heart is not righteous and only thngs of itself and desires only forself things that belong to another.
The Hat of Magic, Part 1, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Episode # 24 Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen and learn about the deeply hidden part of all of us and how it will steal another’s property for itself to make itself feel more appreciated, accepted, and great. Hear about The Hat of Magic and how even another’s Power can be stolen for the Lust of Oneself to make oneself feel better and powerful.