Here Pastor Deborah COVID 19 Tele-Ministry response to the COVID 19 Pandemic in the world today of April 2020. Hear Pastor Deborah bring this earthly virus and war into the spiritual realm and discuss the spiritual tests that everyone is taking during this war that is also raging against the spirit in the spiritual realm.
Category: Podcast
Global Tele-Ministry of Pastor Deborah, Introduction and Welcome
Welcome and Introduction to The Global Tele-Ministry of Pastor Deborah of Agape Love, Love Is Here. The newest global ministry of Pastor Deborah where she will teach and talk in a new format about topics relevant to the human spirit.
Global Tele-Ministry of Pastor Deborah, Test Time During Spiritual War, COVD 19
Join a tele-ministry session with Pastor Deborah as she talks to you about spiritual war and taking test during this time of COVID 19. Here about stories of others who took such tests, learn how to go through them and come out the other side. Here some words of hope and encouragement.
Test Time During a Spiritual War, COVID 19 – A Tele-Ministry Of Pastor Deborah
Hear Pastor Deborah in a Tele-Ministry Session about taking tests during this spiritual and natural war with COVID 19. Hear words of encouragement, words of hope and how to go through these days of war.
The Multitudes, Volume 2, Part 5,
Join with Pastor Deborah again and hear another Part of The Multitudes, Volume 2. Hear more about Helen Keller and her life and how it was used to reveal spiritually hidden messages of you, the Forever Person. Enjoy and learn and grow and be set free for The Spiritual Teacher has been sent to you to help you out of the darkness. Love Pastor Deborah
The Multitudes, Volume 2, Part 4
Welcome again to another Episode of The Multitudes, Volume 2, Part 4. Hear more about Helen Keller’s story and how it is revealed by The Spirit of Truth to represent the Forever Person’s own spiritual darkness and battle to be free of spiritual deafness, blindness, dumbness and ignorance of self, and others and it’s purpose in life. Listen and Enjoy. Love Pastor Deborah
The Multitudes, Volume 2, Part 3 Podcast of The Audio Book
Welcome again and listen to another Podcast of the Audio Book, The Multitudes. This Podcast is Volume 2, Part 3. Enjoy and learn. Love Pastor Deborah
How Is A Word Kept in Our Spirit, The King and Kingdom Series Podcast
Welcome again to another King and Kingdom Series Podcast of learning about oneself, others and the Kings and Kingdoms of the Realm of the Spirit. Learn about how Words can be kept in one’s spirit through study, writing, pondering on, listening to, and hear how it works in personal experiences.
Ancient Parents, Basic Care Class of The King’s International Spiritual Care Unversity
Welcome again to another Basic Class of How To Help People The Lords Way from the King’s International Spiritual Care Univeristy. Learn about the Forever Person’s, the Spiritual Person’s First orginal Parents and how they made and birth their spiriutal child out into world on earth. Learn more about oneself and others from studying one’s Parents and their DNA and Image and Likeness. This is the first of a Series of Classes about Image and Likeness out of the Genesis 1:26 of the Bible.
On The Edge, But Not Alone, A Little Bit Of Steph Podcast, Episode # 8
Listen to another Podcast of A Little Bit of Steph. Hear Her Cry For Help and how it was answered. Learn about the Love of a community mental health center called Lakeview and It’s Mobile Response Team and It’s ability to help those such as Steph. Learn about The Crisis Intervention Team of Law Enforcement to help. Learn about how a simple crown can make the soul feel better, more precious, more valued and how it brings a joy to the soul. Learn more about how all local communities need to step up and provide mental health services freely to those such as Steph. She will be doing a tele-mental health therapy session during these days of Covid 19. Enjoy and see Agape Love of a Lakeview arise and step up and reach out and be a steady hand for Steph during these days of Being on The Edge, But that she is not alone.
A Little Bit of Step, Through Steph’s Eyes, Episode #7
Welcome to another Episode of A Little Bit of Step, Episode #7, Through Steph’s Eyes. Enjoy Steph teaching on how she uses the computer, canes gets around the house and gives an example of how she teaches children about those with disabilities and how Helen Keller is her hero.
A Little Bit of Steph, Boomerang, Episode #6
Listen to Steph tell you about an activity you can do to not only throw out Words of Kindness, Love and Hope to others and expect them to come back to you in the future. Listen to how she makes a Boomerang from coat hangers and decorates them all in her total blindness. Learn how she sends out Words of Love to others and as a Boomerangs returns to the sender, one can expect good things to come back to oneself.
The Multitudes, Volume 2, Part or Episode 2
Welcome again to another Podcast of The Multitudes, This Episode is Volume 2, Part 2, It is about the a love called Agape and how it has traveled to find you and all humanity and to pour itself out into the deep spiritual hearts of everyone. Learn about it and it’s gift it sent to earth and how the gift gave itself for you and for it to be reconciled back as family and back in the land called, The Kingdom of Heaven. Love Pastor Deborah
Words of Encouragement, Are You A Spiritual Captive?
Are you a spiritual Captive? Come and be set free by Agape Love.
The King’s International Spiritual Care University, Basic Class, Ancient Praise & Thanksgiving
Welcome again to School, The King’s International Spiritual Care University. Listen to Pastor Deborah teach on Ancient Praise and Thanksgving and what she had to learn to help people the Lord’s Way.
Relentless, A Little Bit of Stepah, Podcast, Episode #5
Hello again, This Is Steph and I am once again taking time to speak to you about my life during this time. I hope I am able to help you and provide hope and joy to you. I want to encourage you to care for yourself and to find a mentor to help you. Love Steph
Mental Health & The Forever Person, The Three Realms, The Forever Person, Episode 2
Come and Listen to Pastor Deborah teach on The Forever Person, Episode 2 of Mental Health and The Forever Person. Learn about the beginnings and more about The Forever Person.
Basic Care, Ancient Priesthood, The King’s International Spiritual Care University
Join with Pastor Deborah in another Basic Care Class for Helping People the Lord’s Way. Hear Pastor Deborah talk about how she had to learn about The Ancient Priesthood and how she was to become a Priest unto the Lord and on His behalf of humanity. Listen to the many different topics Pastor Deborah had to learn to see this topic as vital to her in helping people The Lord’s Way. Take Notes and learn about The Ancient Priesthood that each of us is know about and learn how to become an Ancient Priest unto the Lord.
Basic Class, Ancient Purpose & Plans, The King’s International Spiritual Care University,
Welcome again to another Basic Class of The King’s International Spiritual Care University. Join with others as you are taught by Pastor Deborah on her journey from helping people the world’s way to helping people the Lord’s Way. Hear more about her journey of renewing her soul and spirit with new wine, knowledge and truths from The Kingdom of Heaven to be able to partner with and minister with in the Purposes and Plans of The King of Heaven, The Heavenly Father, God, The Most High.
The Multitudes, Volume 2, Part 1
Listen again as Pastor Deborah speaks on The Mutitudes and the Role of Agape Love as on the spirit and soul. Learn about the Great Power to reach the lost ones, all of humanity with Love and to battle every strom to find them and reach them. Love Pastor Deborah
Ancient Worship, Basic Class of The King’s International Spiritual Care University
Welcome again to another Basic Class of The King’s International Spiritual Care Univeristy, Ancient Worship. Learn about the journey Pastor Deborah took to learn about what ancient worship was and was not. Learn about the leading and the teaching of the Holy Spirit in this journey of renewal of one’s spiritual mind and soul into the ancient concepts and ideas of what Worship is in The Kingdom of Heaven Before the King in The Throne Room of God.
The Multitudes, Volume 1, Dear Precious Child, Chapter 2, Part 11
Listen to Pastor Deborah once again as she tells us more about the Matrix, Freedom of Mind, Freedom of Soul and Spirit, Learn more about yourself, about others, and about the Power of Agape Love To Set you free. Then come and visit the Garden of Freedom on planet earth. This ends Volume 1 of The Multitudes. Volume 2 Coming Next.
The Multitudes, Volume 1, Dear Precious Child, Chapter 2, Part 10
Listen again to another Episode of The Multitudes, Volume 1, Dear Precious Child, Chapter 2 Part 10. Hear Pastor Deborah continue to teach and talk about the spiritual multitudes that are not free and are plugged into a unseen matrix to be slaves for others unknown to them. Hear more about Neo’s discovery of Truth and how he and you were born into a matrix, a power plant for others to use as they wanted. Hear more about yourself and others and the unseen enemies of humanity who hide in the Matrix from all.
The Multitudes, Volume 1, Dear Precious Child, Chapter 2, Part 9
Welcome again to another Audio Book by Pastor Deborah. Enjoy learning more about yourself and others, the spiriutal multitudes who are plugged into the Spiritual matrix of control and are a slave for others unknown and unseen. Learn more about freedom and the journey and recovery that is necessary. Love Pastor Deborah
The Multitudes, Volume 1, Chapter 2, Dear Precious Child, Part 8
Listen to another section of The Spiritual Multitudes, Volume 1, Chapter 2, Part 8. Learn more about yourself, and others. Learn how a heart can become evil and wicked from being darkened and separated from the Kingdom of Heaven and It’s Light of Love, Hope and Healing.
It’s Ok, Not To Be Ok, A Little Bit of Steph Podcast, Episode #4
Hello again to Stephanie’s Bolinger’s Podcast – A Little Bit of Step, This Episode is #4, and is titled, It Is Ok, Not To Be Ok. Stepanine brings her emotions out for all you hear about a being bulluying, losses of friends and support and how these events lead her back to mental health isssues and to call out for help and go and recieve mental heath treament and to begin to take medication to help. You will hear her tears of loss and sadness and how when a mentor loves her, help arrived. Learn about her struggles in a marriage and yet the love is holding and still alive and blooming. Thank you for listening to Episode #4.
To Her Core, A Little Bit of Step Podcast, Episode 3
Welcome again to The Podcast of A Little Bit of Step, Episode 3, To Her Core. Listen to Steph talk more about herself and her life after a suicide attempt with a gun shot to her head years ago and her life now being totally blind from the suicide attempt. Remember when you listen to her she is blind.
Reclaiming Faith, A Little Bit of Steph Podcast, Episode #2
Stephanine Welcomes you again to her Podcast Show, A Little Bit of Steph. Listen to her as she talks about her reclaiming faith in many of her life. Stephanie talks about how she had to reclaim her faith in herself, in God, in Faith, in Others and In Being Alive with a purpose. I thank you for listening and learning.
Love Stephanie Bolinger – From Trauma To Triumph
Miracle Me, Episode 1, A Little Bit of Step Podcast
Hello again, This is Stephanie Bolinger and this Podcast, Miracle Me is to begin Speaking out and telling you about myself and the story behind my suicide attempt and my survival. I hope my story helps you to find help and to learn that you are loved and valued and the world needs you. Love Steph
A Little Bit of Steph, Podcast Introduction
Hello and Welcome, I am Stephanie Bolinger and this is my Introduction to my Podcast Show entitled A Little Bit of Steph. I hope you will get to know me and learn about how I went from Trauma to Triumph and now a Community Advocate for suicide prevention, depression, mental illnesses and substance abuse. Many more coming. I am just learning how to Video Tape and Record myself for I am totally 100% Blind from a gun shot wound to my own head eight years ago. But, There seemed to be other Plans for me than death and I believe I have found them. Love Steph
Mental Health and The Forever Person, The Three Realms, The Forever Person, Episode 1
Welcome to Another Podcast of Mental Health and The Forever Person. This Podcast is Episode 1 of a The Forever Person. Learn more about the hidden part of oneself, the Forever Person, The Hidden Person of The Spirit living inside the physical body of dirt and hidden and encased inside the Sub-Conscious person of the heart, The Soul. Pastor Deborah is honored that you are listening and learning. Love Always
The Multitudes, Volume 1, Dear Precious Child, Chapter 2, Part 7,
Join with Pastor Deborah as she reads more about The Multitudes, The Spiritual Multitudes, in Volume 1, Chapter 2 of Dear Precious Child, Part 7. Hear about the Power and Control of Lust and how it’s Matrix of Control to the 3 part sytem of the physical body, the soul and it’s sub-conscious hidden heart, and the spirit. Learn more about yourself and others and the deceptive Words and Desires of Lust, a perpetual fire with fire tornados and dark winds that blind the eyes of the mind and spiritual heart.
The Multitudes, Volume 1, Dear Precious Child, Chapter 2, Part 6
LIsten again to another Part, Part 6 of The Spiriutal Multitudes of The Dear Precious Child. Learn more about the spiriutal multitudes and how their hearts and eyes are blinded by Lust, Darkness and therefore they can not see the Love of Agape Love.
Basic Faith, Basic Class of The Basic Courses of The King’s International Spiriutal Care University
Sit in another Basic Class of Ancient Truths one must learn and acquire to help people the Lord’s Way. Ancient Faith takes you on a journey of people who had a great Ancient Faith who were partners with The King of The Kingdom of Heaven and how one must look at one’s own Faith and see at what level it is at a baby faith or a Christ Jesus level Faith. Take Notes and Learn.
Audio Book, The Spiritual Multitudes, Volume 1, Dear Precious Child, Chapter 2, Part 5
Come and Listen again to another Episode or The Spiritual Multitudes, Dear Precious Child, Part 3, Part 5. Learn more about yourself as a spiriutal multitudes and how you need to have a seeking heart and spirit. Listen and Learn.
The Spiritual Multitudes, Volume 1, Dear Precious Child, Chapter 2, Part 4
Continue to listen to another Episode of Volume 1, The Spiritual Multitudes, Part 2, Dear Precious Child Letter, Part/Episode 4. Hear lots of Definitions and concepts of The Kingdom of Heaven, of The Dullness of Hearing, Of Spiritual Blindness, of Words and Seeds, and of Fruitfulness or Fruitless. Enjoy.
Audio Books, The Spiritual Multitudes, Volume 1, Dear Precious Child, Chapter 3, Part 2
Audio Books, The Spiritual Multitudes, Volume 1, Chapter 2, Dear Precious Child, Part 1
Contiue to Listen and learn about oneself and others as you hear a letter written to you.
Audio Book, The Spiritual Multitudes, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Dear Precious Child
Listen to a letter from a loving heart to a precious spiritual child.
Audio Book, The Spiritual Multitudes, Volume 1, A Poem, War Declaration, Prayer For Deliverance & Healing
Come and Listen to A Poem, A War Declaration, A Prayer From an Ancient Prophet named Isaiah and here his prayers for Deliverance and Healing.
Audio Book, The Spiritual Multitudes, Volume 1, The Forward
Audio Book, The Spiritual Multitudes, Volume 1, Introduction
Welcom to the Introduction of The Spiritual Multitudes and hear more about the Book that opens up many hidden treasures about yourself, others and Hidden Kingdoms that affect us daily, and shape and mold our soul’s heart and mind. And Keeps ancient truths/light hidden from your spirit.
Audio Book, The Spiritual Multitudes, Volume 1, Dedication & Acknowledgments
Listen to The Spiriutal Multitudes Audio Book’s Dedication and Acknowledgments to It’s Author and Spiritual Heart that The Book is Dedicated to for all of Eternity.
The Glory Blanket, Setting The Captives Free
Listen to How Pastor Deborah’s Search for an unknown PRESENCE and found it. Hear how it desires to touch all of humanity and pour out it’s Love to all and to bring deliverance, freedom and healing. And then if you desire it to touch you, it will. It is just waiting for you to desire to be touched by it, even as you are listening to this Podcast. Love Pastor Deborah
Story Time With Pastor Deborah, The Glory of The Throne, The One Series, Episode # 11
Join once again Pastor Deborah in The Garden of Eden as she tells another story of The One. Hear about His Throne and the Glory, The Beauty of It, It’s Purposes, It’s Power and Authority it was to have to all of Creation.
Story Time With Pastor Deborah, A Throne Is Established, The One Series, Episode # 11
Join with Pastor Deborah in The Garden of Eden as she tells another story of The One in His journey out of His Closet of being just one and releasing/giving Himself out to the Vastness of Nothingness and Bring forth the Life within Himself. Learn about The Birthing/the creating of The Throne, The Seat, The Place of Authority and Dominion, The Symbol of His Rulership and Glory. The Seat of His Commands and Leadership.
Story Time With Pastor Deborah, His Majesty, The King, The One Series, Episode #10
Join with Pastor Deborah as she tells the story of The One who decided to Become A King, His Majesty. Learn about why this was His design of Identity, Purpose, Leadership and how He prepared to have children who would become as He, A King, His Majesty of The Kingdom He was to build and rule and reign over.
Story Time With Pastor Deborah, A King Is Born, The One Series, Episode# 9
Join again with Pastor Deborah and the living creatures of the Garden of Eden and hear more about The One and is creation of being a King Himself and how this was vital to His Image and Likeness that He would pass on to His Children, All of Spiriutial Humanity, The Forever Person.
Story Time With Pastor Deborah, The Blue Prints of Creation, The One Series, Episode #8
Join with Pastor Deborah and the living creatures of The Garden of Eden and hear about the Blue Prints, The Designs of Creation that were created and hidden away in the deep heart of The One, The Creator of Creation.
Story Time With Pastor Deborah, A Heart of Life, The One Series, Episode # 7
Listen as Pastor Deborah Tells More of The Great Story of The One. Join in with the others in the Garden of Eden and hear about the very heart of The One of His Eternal Heart of Life. Learn more about this One called, The Creator of Life Itself.