Having trouble with a friend not acting as themselves for the rest of the world? Feeling as though you have out grown a friendship? In this episode Steph answers an email from a viewer who is struggling with just this. Listen in to hear how Steph would handle this situation and she reminds her viewer that “LIFE IS TEN PERCENT WHAT YOU EXPERIENCE AND NINETY PERCENT HOW YOU RESPOND TO IT.”.
Category: Podcast
A Little Bit of Steph, Podcast # 19, Dear Steph, He Promised To Love Me Forever,
In today’s episode Steph answers another email from one of her readers. This time hear her give advice on how to handle a break-up after a three year relationship that resulted in a miscarriage and a heart ache that feels as though it will go on forever.
Basic Care Class, Ancient Hearts – Part 2, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Welcome to the First Class of Leadership Development for the MasterClass Initiative for Nigeria. Get your pencils out and notebooks and take notes and prepare to ask Pastor Deborah lots of questions. Send Pastor Deborah your questions either to her email at [email protected] or in the comments section. Pastor Deborah will answer the questions in a video. Learn how to help yourself and the nation and people of Nigeria. Class is open to all from all nations and can also send Pastor Deborah lots of questions to be answered. Class 1 of 12, Becoming a Truth Seeker.
Become A Truth Seeker, Class #1 of Master Class Initiative of Nigeria,
Welcome to the First Class of Leadership Development for the MasterClass Initiative for Nigeria. Get your pencils out and notebooks and take notes and prepare to ask Pastor Deborah lots of questions. Send Pastor Deborah your questions either to her email at [email protected] or in the comments section. Pastor Deborah will answer the questions in a video. Learn how to help yourself and the nation and people of Nigeria. Class is open to all from all nations and can also send Pastor Deborah lots of questions to be answered. Class 1 of 12, Becoming a Truth Seeker.
Welcome To Master Class Initiative, Leadership Development for The Nation of Nigeria,
Join with the students of The MasterClass Initiative of Nigeria and founder Babatunde Adekanmbi and learn about how to help yourself, others and thus a nation. Learn basic Leadership Truths and Knowledge that will begin to renew one’s concepts of what one is to become, A Leader. Learn how one develops oneself and then help others and even bring righteousness and glory to a nation.
The Multitudes, Volume 2, Part 10, Audio Book
Join again with Pastor Deborah as she reads to you out of her Book, The Multitudes, Part or Episode 10. Learn more about yourself, others and the Heavenly Father and Satan. Learn about humanity’s fall into the darkness of the flesh and it’s soul. Learn more about the helpmate of Adam and how it was only Flesh and Bone to Adam and was bewitched and deceived by the Voice of Satan coming out from a dirt body of a living creature called a serpent. Enjoy and spiritually learn and grow.
Basic Class, Ancient Hearts – Part 1, The King’s International Spiritual Care University
Join with Pastor Deborah as she teaches another Basic Care Class, Ancient Hearts, Part 1. Learn about Pastor Deborah’s road of learning to help people the Lord’s Way by learning about the two different Heart’s of the two spiritual beings seeking the rulership of the human heart itself and it’s soul and physical body. Hear about the beginnings of this educational journey into the depths of the Heart of The Heavenly Father.
A Little Bit of Steph, Podcast Episode #18, I Am Feeling Lost
Follow along as Steph answers a teenager who is feeling lost. Hear her give advice on how to reach out for help when your parents look at your depression as a hormonal teenage phase. Depression is real and is not a phase. It is STRENGTH not weakness to ask for help!
A Little Bit of Steph, Episode #17, Blindness and Misconceptions,
Do you want to touch my face to feel what I look like? NO I sure do NOT! This is just one of many misconceptions affiliated with total blindness. In this episode Steph speaks about the misconceptions attached to blindness from her perspective.
Hello Dear Moses in Uganda, A Video Email, Pastor Deborah Podcast
Listen to a Video Email that Pastor Deborah has sent to a wonderful man, Moses in Uganda, A Nation in Africa. Moses lives in a small village near the Mountain of Rwenzori and the rivers are flooding and landslides are occurring. Pastor Deborah received his request for prayer during this time. So, Pastor Deborah was led to send him this video with spiritual help of a powerful King. May you also learn and become the Genesis 1:26 King yourself and speak to the land, and repent of the shed blood of innocent ones all the back to Adam. Watch, learn and grow and then Speak and do.
The King’s International Spiritual Care University, Basic Class, Ancient Dominion, Pastor Deborah
Welcome again to Spiritual Care Class. Pastor Deborah is teaching in the Basic Classes of Helping People The Lord’s Way and how she had to transform her concepts from the way of mental health counseling – the way of the world to helping people the Lord’s Way, the spiritual way. Join with Pastor and the many others as she teaches on Ancient Dominion and how she had to learn about The Kingdom of Heaven, How to stay in the Presence of The Lord, How to pray with people, about demonic spirits and the ministry of casting out devils. Hear more of her many stories of helping people out of the deep darkness of the occult and Satanism and how the Agape Love of God could reach out and bring deliverance, freedom and healing.
A Little Bit of Steph Podcast, My New Roots, Episode #16
Join Steph as she speaks about learning to live all over again after waking up totally and irreversibly blind. She shares about learning to cook, clean, learning to use her white cane as her eyes and more!
A Little Bit of Steph Podcast, Courageous Proportions, Episode #15
Join with Steph in her next Episode, #15 and learn about her and others great courage in times of great fear. Hear more about her life and how she is a true survivor and still being healed and still walking and finding joy and love in the world. Hear about help and hope if you too are facing great domestic violence from others.
A Royal Invitation, On The Road With Wilbur and Pastor Deborah, All Around The World,
Come and Travel with Pastor Deborah and Wilbur, The White Chicken of The Garden of Eden and hear about a loving message of Love, Coming Home, and what Reconciliation with The Loving Heavenly Father is about and what changes occur to one spiritually. Hear Words of Spirit and Life, Love and Freedom. Accept the Royal Invitation yourself and Step onto His Royal Road and Keep Walking to the Doors of The Kingdom of Heaven.
A Little Bit of Steph, Perfect Blemish, Episode #14
Join Steph as she speaks about what it was like to battle depression during her teenage years and hear her encouraging words for the teenagers who are currently feeling the way she did for so long. “I was always enough but just didn’t believe!” “You are and will always be enough!”
A Little Bit of Steph, Accountability Partner, Accountability Matters, Part 2, Episode #13, Podcast
Join Steph as she continues her talk on accountability and the importance of the partnership. Learn what she and Nate are up to with their accountability partnership and how long they went hiking in the woods… yes they survived!
Story Time In The Garden Come and See, Pastor Deborah
Join with Pastor Deborah and the living creatures in The Garden of Eden and hear the message that Pastor Deborah has and still carries with her into the Kingdom of Darkness. Learn about the Heavenly Father’s Heart of Agape Love for all human spirits, lost children to the Kingdom of Heaven. Precious human spirits trapped in slavery and ignorance by a heart of a evil and wicked Slave Owner, Satan. Hear more about how easy it is to come and see the great gift of The Garden of Eden and how a free gift has been brought to be given to all human spirits, Agape Love and Freedom. Come and See.
Tele-Ministry, Repair The Waste Cities, Isaiah 61, Verse 4 Pastor Deborah Teaching
Join again with Pastor Deborah and others as she teaches on Isaiah 61. Hear more of Verse 4 about what Tree of Righteousness will be doing on the earth for others, helping them to repair the Waste Cities, the desolations of many generations. Hear about that the spirit of a human is as a city to the Spirit of The Lord and how it needs repairing to the high places of The Kingdom of Heaven and that it is a King. Hear a prayer for yourself and to begin repairing one’s own waste cities of one’s spiritual heart/mind of one’s spirit.
A Little Bit of Steph, Accountability Partner, Accountability Matters, Episode # 12, May 11, 2020
Join Steph in this short yet valuable video to learn about what an accountability partner is, what it means to her and how she has implemented an accountability partnership within every day life.
Story Time, The Garden of Eden,
Join with Pastor Deborah and the living creatures of The Garden of Eden to learn about the beginning of the Garden, how humanity got kicked up, and how humanity was banished from the face of the earth, and the face of God and how the entrance to the Garden was hidden with a Flaming Sword and a Cherubim, An Angel of Great Fire and Light. Hear about how Pastor Deborah found the path to the hidden door and was ministered an entrance to it and how she became a Spiritual Shepherd over the Garden as was the original mandate of Adam, Pastor Deborah’s Ancient Ancestor. Hear that Adam came home.
And They Shall Raise Up The Former Desolations, Isaiah 61, Verse 4, Tele – Ministry of Pastor Deborah
Join again with Pastor Deborah as she works through Isaiah 61 with others. She teaches in the Spiritual Garden to many from nations who Agape Love has drawn to hear Words of Spirit and Life. Learn more about the spiritual mess the human spirit got itself and the earth itself and all of creation into long ago through disobedience from an ancient ancestor, Adam. Learn more about the goals of The King and The Heavenly Father with all of humanity and even with the earth and it’s living creatures themselves. Hear a prayer to welcome back again into one’s spiritual deep heart, The Spirit of The Lord God and The Kingdom of Heaven and so you can begin to Raise up the former desolations of one’s own self, and the earth itself
Trees of Righteousness, Isaiah 61, Verse 3, Global Tele-Ministry of Pastor Deborah
Join with Pastor Deborah and many others spiritually as she spiritually continues to teach us out of Isaiah 61: Verse 3. Here Why the Spirit of the Lord was Sent and Anointed. Learn about becoming a Tree of Righteousness and Why The Spirit of The Lord desires to make the human spirit such a tree. Learn who gets healed and glorified. Hear a prayer to become a Tree of Righteousness yourself.
Story Time In The Garden, The Garden of Eden, With Pastor Deborah
Join with Pastor Deborah and the living creatures of The Garden of Eden to learn about the beginning of the Garden, how humanity got kicked up, and how humanity was banished from the face of the earth, and the face of God and how the entrance to the Garden was hidden with a Flaming Sword and a Cherubim, An Angel of Great Fire and Light. Hear about how Pastor Deborah found the path to the hidden door and was ministered an entrance to it and how she became a Spiritual Shepherd over the Garden as was the original mandate of Adam, Pastor Deborah’s Ancient Ancestor. Hear that Adam came home.
Setting The Captives Free, Series 1, Part #2 What is a Spiritual Captive, With Pastor Deborah
Join with Pastor Deborah and others from around the world as she teaches on Setting The Captives Free. Learn about What Is Spiritual Captivity and Bondage. Hear about that a human is a 3 part system and all 3 parts can become captives and held in bondage. Learn more about yourself and others. Hear a prayer for deliverance of the Soul and it’s soul ties and chains to the spirit to begin a new life of spiritual freedom for the 3 part system
Setting The Captives Free, Series 1, Introduction and Foundation Video with Pastor Deborah
Join with Pastor Deborah as she introduces a new section of her spiritual teachings, Setting The Captives Free. Hear Pastor Deborah’s personal story about learning how to help people The Lord’s Way instead of the way of Mental Health Counseling. Hear about her spiritual training and the many precious lives of spiritual children she would reach out to The Lord’s Way and how she was able to Touch dark hearts with The Light of Agape Love and how it would bring It’s Healing Power of Freedom and Light to them. Get to know the hearts of precious ones trapped in deep spiritual bondage and captivity and how Love Set Them Free.
They Shall Build The Old Wastes, Global Tele-Ministry of Pastor Deborah, Isaiah 61, Verse 4
Join again in the realm of The Spirit with Pastor Deborah and continue to study and learn about Isaiah 61 and what the deep spiritual Words of Spirit and Life meaning. Hear more about oneself, and how the Spirit of the Lord does such wonderful works in the spirit of a human and now after becoming a Tree of Righteousness, one needs to study Genesis 1: 26 to learn the old ancient Truths that have been long forgotten and hidden In secret places. Hear a prayer to help you build up the old wastes places and begin becoming The Image and After the Likeness of one’s original Father and Mother of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Mental Health and The Forever Person, The Three Realms, The Forever Person, Episode #3, From The Big Bang to The Fall
Join with Pastor Deborah as she teaches another Episode of Mental Health and The Forever Person, From The Big Bang to The Fall, Episode #3, The Intersection of Mental Health and The Forever Person. Hear about the beginnings of The Forever Person, it’s terrible fall into the darkness and veil of Flesh and Bone and how that became the intersection of mental Health and the Forever Person. Learn more about yourself and others. Listen as Pastor Deborah prays a prayer of deliverance and healing for your Forever Person and your soul.
The King and Kingdom Series, You Magnify Your Word Above Your Name,
Join again with Pastor Deborah as she teaches another Episode of The King and Kingdom Series, You Magnify Your Word Above Your Name. Learn about how God makes His Words Law, A Crown that he places above His own Head. Hear why He has done this and how He himself submits to His Own Words which are Law even unto Himself. Hear a Prayer to uproot and have deliverance on Words that have been planted in the spirit and grown up into lawless fruit.
A Little Bit of Steph Podcast, Operation Beautiful, Episode #11
Episode 11 Operation Beautiful
Join Steph as she speaks about how she is fighting to keep a grasp on her mental health as she turns her life around to follow the path God has placed in front of her. Through prayer, meditation and encouraging counsel she has directed her energy to renew herself, her relationship with the Lord and giving to her family. Romans 12:1,2
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life – and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
Lifting of the Veils of Flesh, The Jordan Refugee Camps, An Invitation, The Global Tele-Ministry of Pastor Deborah
Join with Pastor Deborah as she journeys spiritually to the land of Jordan and into the refugee camps spiritually at the invitation of the ladies of the camps. Hear Pastor Deborah bring Good Tidings of Freedom, a spiritual circumcision for the spirit, Hear the Heavenly Father himself as He speaks and meets with precious spiritual children and loves on them from behind the veils of flesh and brings them out of the miry clay and into the light of freedom and light.
To Give Them The Oil of Joy, Tele – Ministry, Isaiah 61, Verse 3,
Join once again with many others in the spirit and hear more about The Spirit of The Lord from Isaiah 61. Learn more about what It was bringing and who was to bring it. Learn deep words of spiritual truth about the Oil of Joy, The Oil of Anointing For those who were spiritually mourning in great torment, loss, grief, vexation and pain for the riches of Joy and it’s eternal rewards of The Kingdom of Heaven and It’s Crown of Kingship. Hear a prayer to have this Oil of Joy come into your spiritual heart and anoint you with it’s shinning oil and it’s fragrance of healing. Come and Learn.
Basic Class, Ancient Patterns, The King’s International Spiritual Care University, with Pastor Deborah
Join in another Basic Spiritual Care Class of The King’s International Spiritual Care University and learn from Spiritual Teacher Pastor Deborah about Ancient Patterns. Learn a powerful topic that one must learn about to help people spiritually the Lord’s Way and not the way of world. Learn about the ancient patterns of Kingdoms, Kings, Decrees, Royalty, and how these patterns are the concepts of the Hebrew Bible and what the realm of the spirit is organized into.
To Appoint Unto Them Who Mourn In Zion, Global Tele-Ministry Podcast of Pastor Deborah
Join again with Pastor Deborah in another Global Tele-Ministry Video and hear more the Words of Prophecy from The Kingdom of Heaven through The Ancient Prophet Isaiah and Why It was Anointed with the Spirit of The Lord to do powerful and wonderful things on the earth and in the spiritual hearts and minds of humanity. Learn more about the Appointing, The Giving, The Free Gift of The Spiritual Kingdom of Heaven’s Spirit of The Lord into the deep Spiritual Holy of Holies, the desired New City of Peace, – The New Jerusalem in the deep secret place of the spiritual heart and mind of the Spirit of each and every human. Here a prayer for yourself and watch the Appointed Spirit of The Lord come in and bring the Spiritual Kingdom of Heaven and It’s Government into the deep heart of your spirit.
The Throne, The Heart of The King of Heaven, Story Time in The Garden
Join with Pastor Deborah and Wilber and the living creatures of The Garden to hear more about the One, The Creator and His Throne, The Very Heart of The Heavenly Father of The Kingdom of Heaven. Then go on a field trip with Pastor Deborah to the Throne Room of The Kingdom of Heaven and meet the King.
Tele-Ministry of Pastor Deborah, Proclaiming the Acceptable Year of The Lord
Join again with Pastor Deborah in another Global Tele-Ministry of Isaiah 61, Hear about how The Spirit of The Lord is upon The Words of Agape Love, that was sent to Proclaim The Acceptable Year of The Lord, and The Day of His Spiritual Vengeance against wickedness, death, hell, the grave, the Kingdom of Ignorance/Darkness and it’s King, Satan – The Adversary of God’s Purposes and Love for all of creation. Hear a prayer for freedom for yourself.
Basic Care Class, Ancient Likeness, The King’s International Spiritual Care University,
Join with Pastor Deborah again as she teaches another class of Basic Spiritual Care and how this is a foundation of helping People the Lord’s Way. Learn about The Spiritual Likeness of Agape Love and It’s Source, The Mother Side of God. Learn that God is Agape Love Itself and how it reaches out to broken and unloved hearts and brings a spiritual mother, Pastor Deborah to them with this gift of Agape Love. Learn about the Likeness the spiritual being called man was originally created in and can be again.
Proclaiming Liberty/Freedom of the Opening of The Door of The Prison To Them That Are Bound
Join with Pastor Deborah as she provides another Tele-Ministry Video from Isaiah 61. Hear more about the Spirit of The Lord, It’s Oil of Anointing, It’s purpose for being sent to the world of humanity. Learn about how through this Spirit of The Lord’s Words of The Oil of Gladness, Liberty and Freedom is Proclaimed that The Door of One’s Prison of Darkness and Ignorance, of Slavery and Captivity, of the Fear of Death is Open and one can come out and step out into the Light, for the world is bigger than one knows. Hear a prayer for yourself to step out of the Darkness of a Prison for the Door Is Opened.
Join Steph as she speaks her heart about how a work situation has deeply impacted her mental health, her marriage and her love of others. Listen to the cries of a soul and heart under attack by a pack of wolves that seek to destroy her from being a Voice of Triumph and helping others. Hear the plans of spiritual enemies who seek the destruction of a heart of love through many many attacks on the soul and hoping to reach the precious heart of love and the heart’s witness of hope and recovery. Learn how the enemy of love and hope attacks over and over, how they ensnare and trap, how they deceive and then laugh when a soul falls for their empty words of love and help. Learn and become wise.
The Multitudes, Volume 2, Part or Episode 8
Come again and hear more from Pastor Deborah of The Multitudes, Volume 2, Part 8. Learn more about humanity’s beginnings, their fall and the love of The Heavenly Father to restore His spiritual creation called man back to Himself, and To Their Righteous Kingship they were declared to be on the earth.
Proclaiming Good Tidings Unto The Meek, Global Tele-Ministry of Pastor Deborah
Welcome again to another Tele-Ministry Personal Teaching of Pastor Deborah. Hear about how one is to Proclaim and Speak Words of Glad Tidings Unto The Meek, those who have lost their spiritual strength and are held in mourning and depression. Hear more personal ministry stories of what this spiritually looks like as Pastor Deborah, a Spiritual Shepherd and Mother speaks and proclaims Words of Healing and Love to injured, wounded, bruised, fearful, and weak spiritual hearts of humans and life and hope is brought into their hearts and strength begins to fill the hearts and minds of these who are meek, lacking in strength and courage.
The Multitudes, Volume 2, Part 7
Join once again with Pastor Deborah as she reads another episode, part of The Multitudes, Volume 2, Part 7. Learn more about yourself, Satan and The Heavenly Father.
If I Can’t Control, I Have No Power – Global Tele – Ministry Episode of Pastor Deborah
Join with Pastor Deborah in another Tele-Ministry Video about the Soul’s Concepts of If It does not control it’s spirit, it – the Soul has NO POWER! This concept is seen through the beliefs, culture, religion, of men in other nations over the women. Learn that this is relationship is representation of the soul towards the spirit and the slavery of the spirit. Learn that the it possible to become DIVORCED from one’s soul who is an abusive Husband/Partner. Hear a prayer to separate and divorce the soul and spirit and to begin a new spiritual life in freedom through education and Agape Love.
The Veil of Darkness, The Foreskin That Covers The Spirit
Welcome again to another Global Tele-Ministry Video of Spiritual Teaching with Pastor Deborah. Hear Pastor Deborah talk more about The Veil of Darkness, The Flesh that covers the spirit with a thick dark and waxed grossness that repels all light and living water. Hear more stories of Pastor Deborah and her many spiritual ministries of helping people the Lord’s Way.
Global Tele – Ministry, Podcast – The Darkness of Ignorance, The Absence of Light
Welcome again to another Global Tele-ministry video teaching of Pastor Deborah. Learn more about what Darkness is and how it effects the spirit. Hear about what Light is and how It brings life and freedom to the spirit. Hear more stories from Pastor Deborah and her ministry of helping people the Lord’s way.
Basic Class, Ancient Image, The King’s International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Join with Pastor Deborah again as she teaches another Basic Class on Helping People The Lord’s Way. Learn about The Spiritual Image the Forever Person, the new spiritual creation called Man was created in and from. Learn more about this Ancient Image and how one must develop this image within one’s own spiritual mind to reflect and represent the Image Of His Creator.
The Multitudes, An Audio Book, Volume 2, Part 6
Listen and Watch Part 6 of The Audio Book, The Multitudes, Volume 2. Hear a poem given by A loving Heavenly Father for all to hear of His Gifts of Agape Love, Freedom and New Life to all. Learn about Who one Was and Who one can become through the gifts of Agape Love.
Global Tele-Ministry, Podcast, Binding Up The Broken Hearted -Pastor Deborah
Join with Pastor Deborah as she provides another Global Tele-Ministry Teaching on What Binding Up The Broken Hearted means. What in the spirit of a human needs Binding Up? What is Binding Up? What Is a Broken Heart? Hear Personal Stories of what a Broken spiritual heart is and how it was bound up by Agape Love. Learn more about Binding Up and how it is needed when the heart, the mind, the emotions and the thoughts of the Heart, the deep heart of the spirit has been fractured, broken, dissociated, and needs binding up, healing and restoration and then what is the ultimate goal of for this believing heart from it’s brokenness.
A Little Bit of Steph Podcast, My Bite Is Sometimes Worse Than My Bark, Episode # 10
Enjoy listening to Steph talk about how she and her husband are struggling and dealing with their stress and isolation. Hear Steph’s heart pleas to be kind and considerate of others during this time. Watch a precious young blind lady sew her own mask by herself and then see her wearing the mask her husband, Nate made.
Abortion In The Spirit
Join with Pastor Deborah in another Podcast of Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Tele-Ministry and hear her teach and discuss Abortion in the Spirit. Learn what it looks like and how Pastor Deborah becomes a Spiritual Abortionist against the plans, purposes of Satan to Abort the plans and purposes of a lovely Heavenly Father, of Satan’s plans to take into spiritual captivity the one’s spiritual free will and to take one’s freedom into captivity. Hear more of Pastor Deborah’s many stories of her years of personal ministry to people all around the world.
Abuse And It’s Spiritual Effects
Join another Podcast with Pastor Deborah on The Global Tele-Ministry of Pastor Deborah. Hear Pastor Deborah talk about Abuse of any kind and it’s affects on the spirit of a human. Learn from many stories and years of ministry how a spirit is also affected by abuse of the body, the soul and even in the spirit. Learn more about oneself, and others, about a realm unseen that yet is real and active