Please Join with many others and Hear more about The Heart and Mind of God of Isaiah 61, Verse 8 called I, The Lord Will Direct Their Work In Truth. Join with others both in The Garden of Eden and in The Synagogue Of Satan, The United Nations of The Kingdom of Darkness. Hear more about how the Lord Directs our Work in Truth. Hear more of Pastor Deborah’s personal spiritual experiences about this topic of how God Directed Her in the Work she was to do through Truth.
Please Visit Pastor Deborah and The Ministry’s Web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at
You can email Pastor Deborah at – [email protected]
Pastor Deborah is also on Linkedin At Pastor Deborah Schleich and under The Ministry’s Name of Agape Love, Love Is Here
Pastor Deborah is also on Twitter at @pastor deborah schleich
Also, visit The Ministry’s Youtube Channel at The Hidden Kingdoms.
which is available from the web site
Also, you can listen to Pastor Deborah on many different Podcast Platforms which all the Different Shows are available on the front page of the web site.
There are 7 different Shows to listen to which Include
1. Agape Love, Pastor Deborah
2. Mental Health & The Forever Person
3. Story Time
4. Setting The Captives Free
5. The King and Kingdom Series
6. The King’s International Spiritual Care University
7. Tele-Ministry
All Scriptures are taken from the Authorized King James Version
1. Isaiah 61 Verse 8
2. Proverbs 25 : 2
3. John 6 : 25 – 66
4. Matthew 12 : 38
5. 1 Corinthians 1 : 19, 21 – 22
8. John 10 : 28
9. Matthew 18 : 18
10. Genesis 1 : 26
Movies Mentioned in Teaching
1. The Matrix – 1999
2. The Gods of Egypt with Gerald Butler
Stories of Pastor Deborah’s Personal Spiritual Experiences which can be read on the Web Site in the Section Called Prayer and Fasting, Volume 1 & 2
1. Dr. Doolittle and Narnia
2. Led By The Voice of God
3. Let The Fire Fall From Heaven
4. Ok, It Works
5. You Didn’t Get Fed Today
6. Golden Pine Cone, A Video about The Garden of Eden
Other Playlists to Watch
1. Story Time
2. Tele-Ministry
3. Setting The Captives Free
Book Mentioned
1. The Strongman His Name, What Is His Game?
By The Assembly of God Minister, The Robesons. Drs. Jerry and Carol – A Biblical Approach to Deliverance, Healing and Spiritual Warfare
Revival was taking place at Brownsville Assembly of God In Pensacola, Florida from June 1995 – 2000. Evangelist Steve Hill. Many Videos on Youtube.